
From Linguifex
Revision as of 05:40, 29 January 2025 by Dillon (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Guimin== ===Etymology=== From {{der|guim|p=b|ar|سكتة}} ===Pronunciation=== * {{IPA all|guim|[sækt]}} ===Noun=== {{guim-n|f}} # {{lb|pathology}} apoplexy, arrest #: {{ux|guim||}} {{guim-table-n6|сәкт}} ===Derived terms=== {{col-auto|guim|сәкт мәгьитиъ |сәкт кӏэ̄ртиъ}}")
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From Arabic سكتة



сәкт (säktf

  1. Lua error in Module:parameters at line 549: Parameter 1 should be a valid language or etymology language code; the value "pathology" is not valid. See WT:LOL and WT:LOL/E.. apoplexy, arrest
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
сәкт declension (6th)
sg pl
abs сәкт сәктэ̄с
erg сәктэ̄ сәктэ̄с
gen1 сәктэ̄тиъ сәктэ̄мтиъ
gen2 сәктэ̄с сәктэ̄м
dat сәктӣъ сәктэ̄мәс
instr сәктэхъ сәктэ̄биъ
com сәктэ̄ми
eq сәктэ̄сы

Derived terms