
< Bźatga
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Family • Veńa

father aģi (GDsg. aģe, pl. aģa)
mother maģi (GDsg. maģe, pl. maģa)
parent rouna
brother braģi (GDsg. braģe, pl. braģa)
sister zveir
son maba
daughter breced
child sila
husband vêra
wife mena
grandfather taća
grandmother nańe
grandchild aja
uncle auģi (GDsg. auģe, pl. auģa)
aunt dreba
nephew neid
niece neće

People • Dońi

sovereign źi (GDsg. źije, pl. źija)
sovereign's consort źine
prince, princess maĺa
earl vaudra
lord teźna
priest drouz
prophet, oracle vade
poet braza
warrior cadvêra, vêģu (4), auŕu (4)
man vêra
woman mena
client vasa
servant mova (household), abaća (field)
slave caća
smith gou' (4)
shepherd ousara
cowherd bougle
weaver veidra
carpentar sara

The Body • Cźizda

head pena
hair vouta
eye lôda
ear ĺôsa
nose trońe
cheek grôza
mouth śtauna
tooth data
tongue taud
chin znega
face emba
neck mone
shoulder śćeza
arm caca
elbow oĺna
hand lava
finger bêse
thumb mada
breast brô (stem: brôn-)
lung ścava
heart crêza
stomach bova
back cula
liver ava
kidney aru (stem: aron-)
womb, uterus crôta
intestine endra
bladder bouńa
penis bala
vagina tôda
buttocks tôńa
waist meźa, crêsa
leg gare
knee ĺuna
testicle caĺa
scrotum côde
ankle zvera
foot troud
toe bêse
nail auna

Countries • Lands

Country Adjective
Australia Austraĺa Austraĺga
Austria Austreja Austreiga
Belgium Bełģa Bełģaga
Brazil Braźila Braźiłga
Canada Canada Canadga
China Ćeina Ćeinga
Denmark Dańa Danga
France Vranŝa Vranŝga
Germany Ćemeńa Ćemenga
Greece Grêśa Grêsga
Iceland Eislan Eislanga
India Inģa Indaca
Iraq ' '
Ireland ' '
Israel ' '
Italy ' '
Japan ' '
Korea ' '
Mexico ' '
Netherlands ' '
Norway ' '
Poland ' '
Portugal ' '
Russia ' '
Spain ' '
Sweden ' '
United States '

Languages • Jeći

Arabic Arabga
Chinese Ćeinga
English Êglanga
French Vranŝga
German Ćemenga
Hindi Inde
Italian Êtałga
Japanese Ģapanga
Korean Côriga
Portuguese Poćugałga
Russian Ruśga
Spanish Spênga


Christianity Crisćajonaća
Christian Crisćajų
Islam Islam, Mameģajonaća
Muslim Muslim, Mameģajų
Hinduism Indonaća
Hindu Indų
Buddhism Buģajonaća
Buddhist Buģajų
Taoism Tavaća
Shinto Śintų
Sikhism Sicaća
Judaism Ġovaća
Jew Ġova
god ģeva
goddess ģeva
prayer geģada
priest druz
meditation abrazreda
heaven neu (sky)
hell aduna (otherworld)

Some Bźatian Deities

Bźaća high goddess of the people, goddess of victory
Cocźa god of hunting and woodland
Beugazra god of war
Lova god of craft
Beĺva goddess of light
Beuna god of healing
Śazlagêńa godddess of long life
Nôźat god of the sea
Lade goddess of drink
Mavot the great god
Madrona the mother god
Egna goddess of horses
Magna god of youth
Caula god of war
Conna hound god
Verna father god


Generic Male Female Young
cat cata couńa
cattle ava taura laja
chicken jara caĺga jara coja
dog cu gasa couńa
duck bôna coja
goat gaura bôca gaura mena
goose gêza coja
horse 'eba braca caśca eula
pig sôca troca vese bava

Adjectives and Adverbs


colour ĺû
coca (blood red)
dreja (bright red)
rôza (orange red)
meuna (golden yellow)
gela (brown yellow)
ura (bright green)
ĺasa (sea green, blue)
vrova (dark blue, purple)
dôna (brown, dusky)


Verb forms are given with their verbal noun. The stem for all regular verbs is found by removing the final -a.

be bôda (irregular)
have bôda + dat. (irregular)
do vreja, ńija
say seba, veda
go aća (stem au-, irregular)
get caja
make vreja, ńija; (create) pera
know (person etc.) avońa; (fact etc.) vêzra
think (use mind) abraza; (have opinion) meza
take căbera, gaja
see vela
come tava
want (desire) mjada; (lack) nauģa
look śuna
use arvera
find caja
give da (stem da-)
tell agojeza
work ńija
call gava
ask raśca
need acńa
become dauna
leave gada
put luga
keep cauda
let daja
begin cena
help văreda
talk lauŕa, ădraza
turn suva
start (begin) cena; (jump up, set off) căśćada
hear ĺeva
play văreja; (instrument) văgana
run reda
move zveva
like coja + dat.
live beviśca
believe creda
hold deva
bring dôga, śabroka
happen ćija
write źiba
provide rana
sit seza
stand śtava
lose couģa
pay tala
meet creda, abgreda
include gada
continue căvana
lead arveza, dôga
understand gaja
watch vrălôga
follow lêna
stop dveźa
create pera
speak ădraza
allow daja
spend caća
grow tôva
open agora
walk ćaga
win ĺaza
offer abreta
remember căveńa
love cara
consider ćeĺa
buy prêna
wait ǎrvoa
serve văńija
die brava
send auna
expect căvarva
stay ǎrvoa
fall ćija
cut śćija
reach azreda, raka
kill zlaza
remain ărvoa

1000 Words



a det. (no equivalent)
able adj. gałga • be ~ v. gala
about prep. abe (+ NA)
above prep. vor (+ NA, GD)
according to prep. arvizu
acquaintance n. seću
across prep. tra
act n. vreida • v. vreja advantage n. lesa
affection n. śtreka
afraid adj. ounźa
after prep. (time) vădejo; (space) ola
afternoon n. devara
afterwards adv. vădeju
again adv. ade
against prep. vret
age n. jada
ago adv. cito
air n. śina
all adj. oĺa
allow v. daja
almost adv aca
alone adj. vonga
along adv. vrăiide
already adv. citozdu
also conj. sende
although altogether always am among an and angry another answer answered anxious any anybody anything appear appearance appeared are arm arms around arrived art as ashamed ask asked at attention aunt aware away ay


back bad be bear beautiful beauty became because become bed been before began begin beginning behind being believe believed below bent beside besides best better between beyond bit black blood blue body book books born both bound box boy boys break breakfast breath bright bring broke broken brother brought brown burst business but by


call called calling came can can't cannot captain care carriage carried carry case cast caught cause certain certainly chair chance change changed chapter character charge child children church circumstances clear close closed clothes cold colour come comes comfort coming common companion company condition conduct confidence consequence consider considered continued conversation corner could couldn't countenance country course court cousin creature cried cry cut


danger dare dark daughter day days dead deal dear death deep degree delight desire determined did didn't die died difference different difficulty dinner direction directly distance do doctor does dog doing don't done door doubt down dreadful dress drew drink during duty


each early ears earth easily easy eat effect eight either else em end engaged enough entered entirely especially even evening ever every everybody everything evil exactly except exclaimed expect expected expression eye eyes


face fact fair fall fallen family fancy far farther fast father father's favour fear feel feeling feelings feet fell fellow felt few field figure filled find finding fine finished fire first fit five fixed floor follow followed following fond fool foot for force forced forget form former forth fortune forward found four free fresh friend friends frightened from front full further future


garden gate gave general generally gentle gentleman gentlemen get getting girl girls give given giving glad glass go god going gone good got grave great greater greatest green grew ground


had hair half hall hand hands handsome happened happiness happy hard hardly has hat have having he he's head health hear heard hearing heart heaven heavy held help her here herself high hill him himself his history hold holding home honest honour hope hoped hopes horse horses hot hour hours house how however human hundred hung hurt husband

I, J, K

I idea if ill immediately impossible in indeed instead interest into is it it's its itself journey joy just justice keep keeping kept kind kindness king kitchen knew know knowing knowledge known knows


ladies lady laid land large last late latter laugh laughed laughing law lay least leave leaving led left legs length less let letter letters lie life light like liked likely line lips little live lived lives living long longer look looked looking looks lord lose loss lost love loved low lying


made make makes making man man's manner manners many marriage married marry master matter matters may me mean meaning means meant meet meeting men mention mentioned mere met middle might miles mind mine minute minutes miserable miss mistress moment money months more morning most mother mother's mouth move moved Mr. Mrs. much must my myself


name n. ava (5)
natural adj. bêdla
nature n. (of person) mêva (5); (natural world) bêdo
near adj. agsa
nearly adv. aka
necessary adj. ẑira
neck n. mone
need n nauda • v. ẑira es
neither conj. nadec
never adv. eńasu (+ negative)
new adj. noja
news n. manga
next adj. aĺa
night n. noć
no adv. na, nă-
noble adj. monga
nobody pron. neba (+ negative)
noise n. (tumult) trôsa; (sound)
none pron. neba (+ negative)
nor conj. nadec
not adv. nă-
note n. nothing pron. neba (+ negative)
notice n. (warning) răvôza
now adv. nu
number n. riva


o'clock object obliged observed occasion of off offer offered often oh old on once one only open opened opinion opportunity opposite or order other others otherwise ought our out outside over own

P, Q

paid pain pair pale paper pardon part particular particularly party pass passed passing passion past pay people perfect perfectly perhaps person persons piece pity place placed places plain play pleasant please pleased pleasure pocket point poor position possible pounds power pray presence present presently pretty pride private probably proceeded promise promised proper proud public purpose put putting quarter question quick quickly quiet quietly quite


rain raised ran rather reached read reading ready real really reason received red regard remained remember repeated replied reply resolved respect rest return returned rich right rising road room rose round run running


sad safe said sake same sat satisfaction satisfied save saw say saying says scarcely scene school sea seat second secret see seeing seem seemed seems seen send sense sent serious servant servants service set settled seven several shall shame share sharp she she's shook short should shoulder show showed shut side sight silence silent simple since single sir sister sit sitting situation six sleep slowly small smile smiling so society some somebody something sometimes somewhat son soon sooner sorry sort soul sound speak speaking speech spent spirit spirits spite spoke spoken spot stand standing started state stay step steps still stone stood stop stopped story strange stranger street strength strong struck subject such sudden suddenly sun supper suppose supposed sure surely surprise surprised sweet


table take taken taking talk talked talking taste tea tears tell telling temper ten than thank that that's the thee their them themselves then there there's therefore these they thing things think thinking third this those though thought thoughts thousand three through thrown thus till time times tired to to-morrow together told tone tongue too took top touch touched towards town trees tried trouble true trust truth try trying turn turned turning twenty twice two

U, V, W

uncle under understand understood unless until up upon us use used usual very view visit voice wait waited waiting walk walked walking wall want wanted warm was watch watched water way ways we weather week weeks well went were what whatever when whenever where whether which while white who whole whom whose why wife wild will wind window wine wish wished with within without woman women won't wonder wood word words work world worse worst worth worthy would wouldn't write writing written wrong wrote

X, Y, Z

ye pron. (see you)
year n. bjeda
yes int. izma
you pron. (sg.) tu (NA), ŝi (D), ta (G); (pl.) zvi (NA), zva (D), zvara (G.)
young adj. jouca
your (see you)
yourself pron. (sg.) tuzve; (pl.) zvizve
youth n. (state) joucdud; (person) mava