Second Linguifex Relay/Ris retranslated

This is the final translation of the Second Linguifex Relay; a retranslation to the source language, Ris. Public translations into English will be published shortly hereafter.

As antentizoua

Au antou akanter anenthrystas a ouranas ai hari tendouri an isounta.

Khamasterrhoua ai kai an lyzia oun astaniou. Men anatyzoua oskhyranta manai amerai?

I kazani khamasterrhoua ati anderrhi kai thyrrhi, i gias kanterrhoua. I harias skhazouas ati gi, i taoukhai kasatisa ai mneoukta. Antir as tenthrisa, antir en athe tenthrisa.

I haria orekhonta kai nobhoulanta, i khamasterrhoua nei tandei endemi.