BenJamin P. Johnson (“Jamin”) was born in upstate New York some decades ago, and studied many various languages before switching his major to linguistics. He currently resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with his husband Terrence. He has been a member of the Language Creation Society’s Board of Directors since 2015. He makes a brief appearance in the 2017 film Conlanging: The Art of Crafting Tongues.

  • Dlatci – an a priori language (one of the “rigid” ones above) that Jamin has been working on since 1995. It has undergone some massive changes over the years, though, and is currently in a state that isn’t entirely “presentable.” He hopes to fix this soon.
  • Maltcégj – an a priori language created out of boredom. Maltcégj started as a sort of blog, before there were blogs, and when he remembers, Jamin still tries to keep things up-to-date: