
From Linguifex
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Æ music is comprised of various styles, but is entirely based on the following nine seven-note modes found in harmonics 8-16 (the complete list of subsets that are CS and have a 3/2 on the tonic):

  1. vọj Bæ̀v: 8:9:10:11:12:13:14:16
  2. vọj Hủd: 8:9:10:11:12:13:15:16
  3. vọj Rů̃: 8:9:10:11:12:14:15:16
  4. vọj Var Njị: 10:11:12:13:15:16:18:20
  5. vọj Kyng: 10:11:12:14:15:16:18:20
  6. vọj Djäm: 10:11:13:14:15:16:18:20
  7. vọj Jav Læk: 12:13:14:16:18:20:22:24
  8. vọj Hïr Må̉r: 12:13:15:16:18:20:22:24
  9. vọj Mèd: 12:14:15:16:18:20:22:24


  • æ̉m: the vertical flute
  • vöd: the natural horn
  • bæ̣̊ng: the bass drum
  • ỏr: the monochord
  • sjů̀: the fiddle
  • hjø̈r sã: the crychord
  • lung jak: the guitar
  • væ̃: shruti box