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Etymology 1

From Proto-Indo-European *tḱítis.


  • (Guimin) IPA(key): [ħiˤt̪ˤʼ]


гьиътӏ (transliteration neededf

  1. burrow, dwelling, home (of animals)
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
гьиътӏ declension (4th)
ABS гьиътӏ гьиътӏиъм
ERG гьиътӏиъс гьиътӏӣс
GEN1 гьиътӏиътиъ гьиътӏӣтиъ
GEN2 гьиътӏӣс гьиътӏё̄м
DAT гьиътӏӣъ гьиътӏиъмәс
INSTR гьиътӏиъбиъ
COM гьиътӏиъми
EQ гьиътӏиъсы

Etymology 2

From Proto-Indo-European *tḱitós.


  • (Guimin) IPA(key): [ħiˤt̪ˤʼ] (post-stem stress)


гьиътӏ (transliteration needed)

  1. inhabited, occupied, settled, cultivated
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
гьиътӏ declension (1st)
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Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. гьиътӏәсы гьиътӏэ̄сы гьиътӏисы
*Optionally тӏ(ә)-, ццӏ(а)-, с(ә)- respectively