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Etymology 1

From Proto-Indo-European yūs.


  • (Guimin) IPA(key): [juˤːs̪ˤ]


ю̄ъс (transliteration needed)

  1. second-person pronoun
    plural ergative
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
Second-person pronouns
ABS тӏви уъм
ERG тӏӯъ ю̄ъс
GEN1 тӏвитиъ
GEN2 тӏо уъсәм
DAT тӏэ̄ вә̄с
INSTR тӏвитӏ
COM тӏӯъми ю̄ъсми
EQ тӏӯъсы ю̄ъссы

Etymology 2

From Proto-Indo-European *yúHs.


  • (Guimin) IPA(key): [juˤːs̪ˤ]


ю̄ъс (transliteration neededn

  1. thin soup, broth
    (please add the primary text of this usage example)
    (please add an English translation of this usage example)
ю̄ъс declension (1st)
Lua error: not enough memory. Lua error: not enough memory.
Lua error: not enough memory. ю̄ъс ю̄ъсәм
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсәс ю̄ъсэс
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъситиъ ю̄ъсәмтиъ
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсәш ю̄ъсә̄м
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсэ ю̄ъсәмәс
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсә̄ ю̄ъсэ̄с
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсәми
Lua error: Internal error: The interpreter exited with status 1. ю̄ъсәсы