

Alternative forms

Roman: 'yo


(Dan'a'yo) IPA: /jo/


  1. (conjunction) - and (for nouns)
  2. (noun) - fish, sea creature
  • 輿 (Advanced, noun) is an advanced word; avoid it if possible - cart, palanquin, litter


  • is not a word on its own; it requires 予様 - beforehand
  • is not a word on its own; it requires 剰余 - remaining, leftover
  • is not a word on its own; it requires 防御 - to defend
  • is not a word on its own; it requires 釣漁 - to fish
  • is not a word on its own; it requires 言語 - language
  • (Naming) is not a word on its own, and may only appear in names.