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Nouns belong to one of the three genders: masculine, feminine or neuter. Apart from that, mouns are inflected for three numbers: singular, dual and plural; as well as for eight cases: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, allative, ablative, and locative. The three genders also correspond to three main declenions, but there are several other minor delcensions, and many nouns of different genders are declined the same - the declension is decided based on the gender of a noun and the final sound(s).
====First declension====
The first declension is typically considered a masculine declension but many feminine nouns belong to this declension as well. The common endings are '''constonants''' and vowels '''-e''' and '''-a'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''First declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -Ø/e/a || -ei || -ei
! Genitive
| -ī || -en || -en
! Dative
| -ē || -ēm || -ām
! Accusative
| -ān || -ei || -an
! Instrumental
| -ēn || -i || -(b/p)i
! Allative
| -ai || -ate || -at
! Ablative
| -is || -īs || -ās
! Locative
| -et || -eu || -(s)u
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | First declension: pōd (''foot'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| pōd || pōdei || pōdei
! Genitive
| pōdī || pōden || pōden
! Dative
| pōdē || pōdēm || pōdām
! Accusative
| pōdān || pōdei || pōdan
! Instrumental
| pōdēn || pōdi || pōdi
! Allative
| pōdai || pōdate || pōdat
! Ablative
| pōdis || pōdīs || pōdās
! Locative
| pōdet || pōdeu || pōdu
====Second declension====
The second declension is traditionally seen a feminine declension but some masculine nouns belong to this declension as well. The common endings are '''-ti''', '''-e''' and '''-i'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Second declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -e/i || -ei || -ēi
! Genitive
| -ē || -en || -ēn
! Dative
| -ēiē || -ēm || -īm
! Accusative
| -in || -ei || -īn
! Instrumental
| -ī || -ā || -ibi
! Allative
| -ai || -ate || -at
! Ablative
| -ēs || -īs || -ās
! Locative
| -et || -eu || -(s)u
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Second declension: hāvi (''sheep'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| hāvi || hāvei || hāvēi
! Genitive
| hāvē || hāven || hāvēn
! Dative
| hāvēiē || hāvēm || hāvīm
! Accusative
| hāvin || hāvei || hāvīn
! Instrumental
| hāvī || hāvā || hāvibi
! Allative
| hāvai || hāvate || hāvat
! Ablative
| hāvēs || hāvīs || hāvās
! Locative
| hāvet || hāveu || hāvsu
====Third declension====
The third declension is typically considered a neuter declension. The third declension is used almost exclusively by neuter nouns, only a few masculine and feminine nouns belong to this declension. The common endings are vowels '''-ā''', '''-o''' and '''-u'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Third declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -ā/o/u || -oi || -ai
! Genitive
| -ō || -ōn || -ōn
! Dative
| -ēi || -ōm || -ōm
! Accusative
| -an || -oi || -on
! Instrumental
| -ēn || -ī || -(o)b/pi
! Allative
| -ai || -ote || -ot
! Ablative
| -ēt || -ēs || -ōs
! Locative
| -ei || -ū || -(o)su
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Third declension: aku (''eye'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| aku || akoi || akai
! Genitive
| akō || akōn || akōn
! Dative
| akēi || akōm || akōm
! Accusative
| akan || akoi || akon
! Instrumental
| akēn || akī || akpi
! Allative
| akai || akote || akot
! Ablative
| akēt || akēs || akōs
! Locative
| akei || akū || aksu
====Fourth declension====
The fourth declension consists of nouns that end in '''-ah''', regardless of the gender (however, the majority of nouns are feminine). There is a variant of this declension for nouns ending in '''-āh'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Fourth declension (main)'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -ah || -ahe || -ahei
! Genitive
| -āh || -ahen || -ahen
! Dative
| -ahē || -ahēm || -ām
! Accusative
| -an || -ahe || -ahan
! Instrumental
| -ahēn || -ahā || -ahpi
! Allative
| -aha || -ahte || -ahat
! Ablative
| -ās || -ahī || -ahām
! Locative
| -ahi || -ahū || -ahsu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Fourth declension: harākah (''river'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| harākah || harākahe || harākahei
! Genitive
| harākāh || harākahen || harākahen
! Dative
| harākahē || harākahēm || harākām
! Accusative
| harākan || harākahe || harākahan
! Instrumental
| harākahēn || harākahā || harākahpi
! Allative
| harākaha || harākahte || harākahat
! Ablative
| harākās || harākahī || harākahām
! Locative
| harākahi || harākahū || harākahsu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Fourth declension (minor)'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -āh || -āhe || -āhei
! Genitive
| -āhī || -āhen || -āhen
! Dative
| -āhē || -āhēm || -āhām
! Accusative
| -āhān || -āhe || -āhan
! Instrumental
| -āhēn || -āhā || -āhpi
! Allative
| -āha || -āhte || -āhat
! Ablative
| -āhis || -āhīs || -āhās
! Locative
| -āhi || -āhū || -āhsu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Fourth declension (minor): danghāh (''language'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| danghāh || danghāhe || danghāhei
! Genitive
| danghāhī || danghāhen || danghāhen
! Dative
| danghāhē || danghāhēm || danghāhām
! Accusative
| danghāhān || danghāhe || danghāhan
! Instrumental
| danghāhēn || danghāhā || danghāhpi
! Allative
| danghāha || danghāhte || danghāhat
! Ablative
| danghāhis || danghāhīs || danghāhās
! Locative
| danghāhi || danghāhū || danghāhsu
====Fifth declension====
The fifth declension is rather limited and it consits of words that end in '''-ēr''' (or '''-ōr'''). The nouns can be either masculine or feminine - and they are mostly nouns denoting family members. It is often considered a subtype of the first declenstion.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Fifth declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -ēr/ōr || -ere || -erē
! Genitive
| -arī || -aren || -aren
! Dative
| -arē || -arēm || -arām
! Accusative
| -erān || -ere || -aran
! Instrumental
| -arēn || -ari || -arbi
! Allative
| -ara || -arate || -arat
! Ablative
| -aris || -arīs || -arā
! Locative
| -eri || -areu || -arsu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Fifth declension: mahtēr (''mother'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| mahtēr || mahtere || mahterē
! Genitive
| mahtarī || mahtaren || mahtaren
! Dative
| mahtarē || mahtarēm || mahtarām
! Accusative
| mahterān || mahtere || mahtaran
! Instrumental
| mahtarēn || mahtari || mahtarbi
! Allative
| mahtara || mahtarate || mahtarat
! Ablative
| mahtaris || mahtarīs || mahtarā
! Locative
| mahteri || mahtareu || mahtarsu
====Sixth declension====
The sixth declension is used for masculine and feminine nouns ending in '''-u'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Sixth declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -u || -ue || -uē
! Genitive
| -ū || -uen || -uen
! Dative
| -ē || -ēm || -ām
! Accusative
| -ūn || -ue || -un
! Instrumental
| -uēn || -ui || -ubi
! Allative
| -ua || -ute || -ut
! Ablative
| -us || -ūs || -ūs
! Locative
| -uet || -ueu || -(u)su
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Sixth declension: digu (''fish'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| digu || digue || diguē
! Genitive
| digū || diguen || diguen
! Dative
| digē || digēm || digām
! Accusative
| digūn || digue || digun
! Instrumental
| diguēn || digui || digubi
! Allative
| digua || digute || digut
! Ablative
| digus || digūs || digūs
! Locative
| diguet || digueu || digusu
====Seventh declension====
The seventh declension is used by noun that end in '''-ar'''. However, not every such noun belongs to this declension - only a handful of nouns belong to the seventh declension.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | '''Sixth declension'''
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| -ar || -are || -uē
! Genitive
| -arī || -aren || -aren
! Dative
| -arē || -ēm || -ām
! Accusative
| -ān || -are || -aran
! Instrumental
| -ēn || -ari || -abi
! Allative
| -ara || -ate || -arat
! Ablative
| -is || -īs || -ās
! Locative
| -aret || -arū || -aru
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Sixth declension: eshar (''blood'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| eshar || eshare || eshei
! Genitive
| esharī || esharen || esharen
! Dative
| esharē || eshēm || eshām
! Accusative
| eshān || eshare || esharan
! Instrumental
| eshēn || eshari || eshabi
! Allative
| eshara || eshate || esharat
! Ablative
| eshis || eshīs || eshās
! Locative
| esharet || esharū || esharu
====Eighth declension====
The eighth declension is often called the irregular declension. Only a few nouns belong to this declension. They mostly follow the same pattern but usually each noun is specific. The typical ending is '''-Vr/vV''' or '''-VVr'''.
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Eighth declension: daru (''tree'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| daru || daruī || daruh
! Genitive
| drēu || dreuen || dreuen
! Dative
| dreuē || drēm || drūm
! Accusative
| daru || daruī || daruh
! Instrumental
| drū || drei || drubi
! Allative
| dreua || drute || drut
! Ablative
| dreis || drīs || drūs
! Locative
| dreui || dreu || drusu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Eighth declension: duer (''door'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| duer || dueruī || dueruh
! Genitive
| durēu || dureuen || dureuen
! Dative
| dureuē || durēm || durūm
! Accusative
| duer || dueruī || dueruh
! Instrumental
| durū || durei || durubi
! Allative
| dureua || durute || durut
! Ablative
| dureis || durīs || durūs
! Locative
| dureui || dureu || durusu
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg collapsible collapsed" style="width: 400px; text-align: center;"
! colspan="4" | Eighth declension: divu (''day'')
! style="width: 100px;" | Case !! style="width: 100px;" | Singular !! style="width: 100px;" | Dual !! style="width: 100px;" | Plural
! Nominative
| divu || divuī || divuh
! Genitive
| dvēu || dveuen || dveuen
! Dative
| dveuē || dvēm || dvūm
! Accusative
| divu || divuī || divuh
! Instrumental
| dvū || dvei || dvubi
! Allative
| dveua || dvute || dvut
! Ablative
| dveis || dvīs || dvūs
! Locative
| dveui || dveu || dvusu



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