(Created page with "{{Infobox Universal Language | color = #B80D5D | name = Guosa | altname = ߜ߭ߎߏߛߊ | Writing System = N'Ko alphabet | region = West Africa | genders = 0 | cases...") |
(lexicography) |
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mó mà ~I know mó tí mà ~I have known ó tí mà ~you have known | mó mà ~I know mó tí mà ~I have known ó tí mà ~you have known | ||
== Lexicography == | |||
: ''see also [[Guosa/Swadesh]]'' | |||
In the Guosa language, visible and concrete objects are of Hausa, and or other northern Nigerian languages origin. | |||
* àbíncí - {{C|ߊ߬ߓߌ߫ߒߗߌ߫}} - food /a.bi.n.ci/ | |||
* gbóntì - {{C|ߜߏ߫ߒߕߌ߬}} - to hear, to listen | |||
* íkpikpi - {{C|ߌ߫ߜ߳ߌߜ߳ߌ}} - bacteria | |||
* kwàndó - {{C|ߞ؛ߥߊ߬ߒߘߏ߫}} - basket ... y?w? | |||
* kázá - {{C|ߞߊ߫ߛ߭ߊ߫}} - hen ... z?!? | |||
* lítáfí - {{C|ߟߌ߫ߕߊ߫ߝߌ߫}} - book | |||
* fénsà - {{C|ߝߋ߫ߒߛߊ߬}} - pencil /fe.n.sa/ | |||
* bíko - {{C|ߓߌ߫ߞߏ}} - please | |||
* rúwá - {{C|ߙߎ߫ߥߊ߫}} - water (no glottal stop before w) | |||
* kófà - {{C|ߞߏ߫ߝߊ߬}} - door | |||
* báasì - {{C|ߓߊ߯ߛߌ߬}} - yes | |||
* mó - {{C|ߡߏ߫}} - I | |||
* mí - {{C|ߡߌ߫}} - me (oblique), postposition my | |||
* ó - {{C|ߏ߫}} - third person singular personal pronoun | |||
* shìhé - {{C|ߛ߭ߌ߬ߤߋ߫}} - to open ...sh? | |||
* ng - {{C|ߢ߭}} - present progressive marker | |||
* bìa - {{C|ߓߌ߫ߊ}} - to come | |||
* tí - {{C|ߕߌ߫}} - perfective marker, relative clause particle | |||
* la - {{C|ߟߊ}} - simple past tense marker | |||
* jìndé - {{C|ߖߌ߬ߒߘߋ߫}} - to arise | |||
* è - {{C|ߋ߬}} - pluralizing prefix | |||
[[Category:Guosa]] |