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==Politics and government==
==Politics and government==
Like Germany, Fyxoom is a federal parliamentary republic.
Use sortition?
Until recently Fyxoom had used a FPTP voting system. After a major movement to reform this voting system, it switched to [[w:ranked choice voting|ranked choice voting]].
There is a split between a conservative faction (Republican Democrats, Liberty, and Guardians of Fyxoom), and a newly ascendant futurist-socialist-environmentalist coalition (Laborers', Green and All Sentience). The two largest parties are the Laborers' Party and the Republican Democrats; the smaller parties in each wing are trying to shift the Overton window of the main party their way (Greens vs. All Sentience for Laborers'; Liberty vs. Guardians for RepubDems). Old guard politicians, such as the Republican Democrats (for example former PM Hølgi Mercáz-Smool), are widely disliked.
*<div style="color:red">'''Laborers' Party'''</div>(''að Ajzwñd Nwþyvwr''; '''AnÞ'''): standard socdem stuff, plus legalize prostitution and flirting with ecosocialism
*<div style="color:green">'''Green Party'''</div>(''að Ajzwñd Bes''; '''AB'''): ecosocialism, degrowth
*<div style="color:magenta">'''All Sentience Party'''</div> (''að Ajzwñd Baw Vyllwaru''; '''BV'''): left libertarianism, transhumanism, often called the Pinks.
**Main platform:
***UBI funded by wealth tax
***rehabilitative justice (reduce or eliminate prison sentences for nonviolent crimes; abolish death penalty)
***animal rights (divest from animal agriculture, subsidize cultured and plant-based meat)
***child rights
***universal cryonics
***privacy and free speech rights
***fund carbon removal research
***open borders?
*<div style="color:purple">'''Guardians of Fyxoom'''</div> (''na Nwfitsna Fyxoom''; '''NwFF'''): nativism; "states' rights"; ultra-Mărotłites; ultra-Ngronaists
*<div style="color:gold">'''Liberty Party'''</div>(''að Ajzwñd Hylrygeen''; '''HR'''): libertarianism
*<div style="color:blue">'''Republican Democrats'''</div> (''na Nwsipaxfaj Nwtylisral''; '''nSnT'''): traditional centrism
*'''For the Animals''' (''Lly vrel Çallt''): often considered an animal liberation single issue party. Calls to reduce suffering of wild animals as well as that of farmed animals.
===Recent political crises===
The Republican Democrats held a referendum that would give states and individual communities much more autonomy and power. The Fyxoomian electorate voted in favor of ''Rohyxoom'' (rohys 'cut up' + Fyxoom), as the "Lumpers" called it. Rohyxoom would effectively allow individual states and communities to make their own rules regarding almost anything, and greatly weaken enforcement of federal laws and the public school system.
Many were outraged by the referendum result because of fears that it would make abuse easier in certain communities.
Psychiatrist Arcol Riþcmo won the party leadership contest in the All Sentience Party  in an upset, in a divisive general election in [year]. Riþcmo wanted to respect the referendum result and proposed a division that would keep a role of the federal government and the public school system in place, in order to
* Maintain free interchange of goods and services between states.
* Guarantee immigration rights and exit rights for people in communities.
* Make public schools mandatory and have them educate children about basic knowledge and political rights (including freedom to leave abusive parents).
But critics said that any kind of ''Rohyxoom'' would be detrimental for human rights and for the economy.

