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In the [[Verse:AETHER|AETHER]] timeline, the '''Shalaic languages ''' are a family of in-universe conlangs. The family is intended to blend IE and Semitic phonaesthetics seamlessly.
:[[Idavic languages/Lexicon]]
:[[Idavic languages/Swadesh]]
{{Infobox language family
| setting    = [[Verse:Tricin|Tricin]]
| region      = Etalocin, eastern Txapoalli, Bjeheond
| name        = Idavic
| familycolor = dodellic
| family      = One of [[Tricin]]'s primary language families
| protoname  = Proto-Idavic (PId)
'''Idavic''' (from reconstructed Proto-Idavic ''*ʔidawi'' 'person') is a Trician language family which includes Dodellic.
The urheimat is central-western Etalocin. Proto-Idavic is inspired by Proto-Hebrew and Proto-Balto-Slavic.
Proto-Idavic grammar was very similar to that of Classical [[Netagin]]. Modern Idavic languages native to Etalocin have various typologies depending on the sprachbund.

==Family tree==
==Family tree==
** A language with Uralic grammar
**Netagic (the only tricons branch)
***[[Netagin]] (Optimized for piyyutim)
** Hmoob-like language
** [[Whitmer]]
** [[Pategian]]

*Consonants: b d dł j g gʷ p t tł č k kʷ q s ł š h ʔ m n l r w y ʕ
=== Consonants ===
*Vowels: a i u ā ī ū ō
Proto-Idavic had about 28 consonants and had a distinction between front and back coronals and front and back velars.
*Pitch accent: modal ('''á'''), creaky ('''ã''')
===Shalaian diachronics===
*b > v; ɓ > b; g > y, kh, or CL; j > ʒ; ng > ng3 > n3
*Grimm's law: p t č kʷ q > f θ ʃ x H
*q G q' > H ayin q
*further shifts: kʷ' > kʷ > xʷ
*Vowel shifts: ā > /ɛɪ/ (except before pharyngeals); ō > /əʊ/, u > /ɒ/, iw > /ju:/
*final -ā -ī shorten to -a -i
*Loss of initial glottal stop, then loss of non-prevocalic /r/
*Historical long vowels (also /ɑː/ from historical /ar/) shorten before /ʕ/

{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="width: 500px; "
====Allowed root clusters====
! colspan="2" |
Allowed clusters with no glottal stop:
! |Labial
*mC: mn ml mr my m3 mb md mj mg mb' mt' ' mk' mkw' mq' mp mt ms mč mk mkw mq mh
! |Front coronal
*nC: nm nr n3 ny nw nd nj ng nt' ' nk' nkw' nq' nt ns nč nk nkw nq nh
! |Back coronal
*lC: lm ln l3 ly lw lb ld lj lg lb' lt' ' lk' lkw' lq' lp lt ls lč lk lkw lq lh
! |Front velar
*rC: rm rn r3 ry rw rb rd rj rg rb' rt' ' rk' rkw' rq' rp rt rs rč rk rkw rq rh
! |Labiovelar
*3C: 3m 3n 3l 3r 3y (never initial) 3w 3b 3d 3j 3g 3b' 3t' 3k' 3p 3t 3s 3č 3k 3kw 3q
! |Back velar
*Cm: nm lm rm 3m dm jm gm t'm č'm k'm kw'm q'm tm sm čm km kwm qm hm
! |Glottal
*Cn: mn ln 3n bn dn jn gn b'n t'n č'n k'n kw'n q'n pn tn sn čn kn kwn qn hn
*Cl: ml nl 3l rl bl dl jl b'l t'l č'l k'l kw'l q'l fl tl sl čl kl kwl ql hl
! colspan="2" |Nasal
*Cr: mr nr għr vr br dr jr t'r č'r k'r kw'r q'r pr tr sr čr kr kwr qr hr
| |'''m''' /m/
*Cy: my ny ly ry 3y (never initial) by b'y dy t'y č'y k'y q'y py ty sy ky qy hy
|colspan=2|'''n''' /n̪~n̠/
*Cw: nw 3w dw jw t'w č'w q'w tw sw čw qw
|colspan=3|'''ŋ''' /ɲ~ŋ/
*C3: m3 n3 l3 r3 b3 d3 j3 b'3 t'3 č'3 k'3 kw'3 q'3 p3 t3 s3 č3 k3 kw3 q3
| |
*XX: bd bj bg bt' ' bk' bs bkw' bq' pt pč pk pq db dg tb' t'k' t'q' tp tk tq jb jd jg čb' č't' č'k' čp čt čs čq gb gd gj kb' k't' k's k'č' kp kt kč ks kwb' kw't' kw's kw'č' kwp kwt kws kwč qb' q't' q'č' qp qt qs qč sb sd sg sb' st' ' sk' sq' sp st sč sk sq
! rowspan="2" |Plosive
! <small>voiceless</small>
|'''p''' /p/
|'''t''' /t̪/
|'''ť''' /t&#800;/
|'''''' /k&#799;/
|'''k{{lab}}''' /k{{lab}}/
|'''k''' /k&#800;/
|'''ʔ''' /ʔ/
! <small>voiced</small>
|'''b''' /b/
|'''d''' /d̪/
|'''ď''' /d&#800;/
|'''ǵ''' /g&#799;/
|'''g{{lab}}''' /g{{lab}}/
|'''g''' /g&#800;/
! colspan="2" |Fricative
|'''s''' /s&#799;/
|'''š''' /s̠/
|'''x́''' /x&#799;/
|'''x{{lab}}''' /x{{lab}}/
|'''x''' /x&#800;/
! colspan="2" |Affricate
|'''c''' /t&#810;s&#799;/
|'''č''' /t&#800;s̠/
! colspan="2" |Resonant
| '''w''' /w/
| '''l''' /l&#810;/
| '''r''' /r/, '''ľ''' /ɺ/
| '''y''' /j/
'''s c''' were lamino-dental, and '''š č''' were retracted apico-alveolar.

=== Vowels ===
Tone changes were part of the morphology of Proto-Shalaic, as in Modern Shalaian.
Proto-Idavic had a vowel system similar to that of Proto-Balto-Slavic.
{| border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
|+Proto-Netagin vowels
! rowspan="2" |
! colspan="2" |Front
! colspan="2" |Back
! style="width: 45px; " |<small>short</small>
! style="width: 45px; " |<small>long</small>
! style="width: 45px; " |<small>short</small>
! style="width: 45px; " |<small>long</small>
! style="" |Close
| '''i''' /ɪ/
| '''ī''' /i:/
| '''u''' /ʊ/
| '''ū''' /u:/
! style="" |Open
| '''e''' /æ/
| '''ē''' /æ:/
| '''a''' /ɑ/
| '''ā''' /ɑ:/
Diphthongs: ay aw ey ew /ɑj ɑw ɛj ɛw/

The three genders, the strong and weak declensions and the two sets of possessive markers are all Proto-Shalaic features. Verbs were not inflected for tense or person, and were syntactically verbal nouns; it is thought that verbs developed personal marking later from possessed (even doubly-possessed) verbal noun forms.
===Suprasegmentals ===
===Root structure===
Shalaic roots were consonantal roots as in Semitic languages: most roots were biconsonantals C-C ~ -CC or triconsonantals alternating between C-CC ~ CC-C.

*√t-q 'to say' (a source of Shal. ''thaaH'')
*√ʕ-d 'to shine, to show' (source of Shal. ''għeed'' 'bright'; ''għádmer'' 'happiness' comes from a root extension √ʕ-dm)
Triconsonantal but only Netagin preserves this
*√ʕ-n 'high, raised'
There were 8 ablaut grades:
*zero-grade (CC)
*a-grade (CaC ~ CCa or CaCC ~ CCaC)
*i-grade (CiC ~ CCi or CiCC ~ CCiC)
*u-grade (CuC ~ CCu or CuCC ~ CCuC)
*ō-grade (CōC or CōCC)
*lengthened grades: ā, ī, ū-grades (intensive? transitive? plural? nominalization? pair up with short grades?)
*creaky voice: causative?
Many prefixes and suffixes require certain ablaut grades.
√ʕ-d 'to shine'
*Intransitive verbs: ''-ʕad- ~ -ʕid- ~ -ʕd-'' = to shine
*Adjectives: ''ʕīd'' = bright
*Noun: ''ʕād'' = Sun, star?
*Action or state noun: ''ʕud-ar'' = (state of) shining, brightness
*Deverbal nouns:
**collective: ''ʕōd'' = light
**singulative: ''ʕãd'' = ray
*Derived stems:
**''wa·ʕā́d'' = to polish
**''ʕãd-ī́r'' = to illuminate, to show (source of Shal. ''għa'téer'' 'to prove')
**''ʕád-m-ar'' = (root extension) happiness, joy
**''ʕíd-n-ar'' = (root extension) beauty, radiance
Noun plurals: -ōk, -ā, -ī, ablaut and/or redup
====Weak and strong nouns====
====Finite verbs====
Do the Old Irishy prefix thing but w/ personal prefixes?

*''ʕáb'' 'see! look (at it)!'
Intransitive and transitive forms turn into agent-oriented vs patient oriented in Netagin; most other Idavic languages retain only one of the intransitive and transitive forms.
*la·ʕáb-Ø → ''la·ʕáb '' 'I see it'
*la·ri-ʕáb > ''la·ráʕb '' 'I am seen'
*ja·la-ʕab → ''ja·láʕb '' 'I see you folks'

====The verb forms====
Proto-Idavic had only one true preposition, ''*mi''. Other meanings expressed with prepositions in English were indicated with verbs.
*The finite forms including the imperative
=== Pronouns ===
*The first infinitive: origin of Shalaian finite verbs; some conflation with imperative
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;" width=500px
*The second infinitive (more of a lexical deverbal noun): origin of the Shalaian infinitive
!| ||  1sg || 2sg ||  3sg  ||  1pl || 2pl || 3pl
! Independent
| ''*wēlu'' || ''*wēbu'' || ''-'' || ''*wēći'' || ''*wēnīʔi'' || ''-''
! Emphatic
| ''*hanlī'' || ''*hanbā'' || (demonstratives) || ''*hanćā''  || ''*hannīʔi'' || (demonstratives)
! Alienable
| ''*le-'' || ''*be-'' || ''*ʔin-'' || ''*će-'' || ''*neś-'' || ''*ʔeś-''
! Inalienable
| ''*-alu'' || ''*-abu'' || ''*-ī'' || ''*-ćā'' || ''*-nīʔi'' || ''*-iś''

=== Nouns ===
Root extensions: prefixes or suffixes?
{|class=wikitable style=text-align:center
! colspan=2| decl. A
! colspan=2| decl. B
! colspan=2| decl. D
|align="right"|'''Absolute state'''
|''lēti'' ||''lētāla''
|''{{aleph}}istel'''eḱi''''' ||''{{aleph}}istel'''ahaḱi'''''
|align="right"|'''Construct state'''
|''lēta-'' ||''lētā-''
|''{{aleph}}istel'''eḱa-''''' ||''{{aleph}}istel'''ahaḱa-'''''

frequentative, intensive, applicative, etc.?
=== Verbs ===
Stem markers mainly marked aktionsart:
* ʔ- dynamic
** infix allomorphs: (Vcreaky)1 telic, 1V(creaky)l2V3 iterative
* ŋ- causative
* s-infix: to do in advance
* various reduplications for "a little", gradual, frequentative or "too much"

both prefixes and suffixes
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*''-ay'' (i): deverbal noun
*With prefixed verbs, the stress shift derives verbal nouns: *ri·kʷā́n ~ ·ríkʷan  'to rest'. This is the source of some infinitives being marked with stress shifts in [[Shalaian]] (''riwháin'' vs. ''ríwhain'').
! Stem !! Intransitive !! Transitive !! Applicative !! Transgressive !! Verbal noun
*''-gʷid'' (i): augmentative
! a-stem
| ''*1i2a3'' || ''*-(e)12a3'' || ''*-1in2a3'' || ''*1a2ā3'' || ''*1a2ī3i'', ''*1e2ī3i''
! e-stem
| ''*1a2e3'' || ''*-12e3'' || ''*-1in2e3'' || ''*ʔa1e2ā3'' || ''*12e3eḱi''
! ʔ-prefix stem
| ''*ʔa12e3'' || ''*-ʔa12u3'' || ''*-ʔi1en2i3'' || ''*ʔa12ā3'' || ''*ʔa12ē3i''
! {{ng}}-prefix stem
| ''*{{ng}}a12e3'' || ''*-ŋ1a2u3'' || ''*-{{ng}}1in2i3'' || ''*{{ng}}a12ā3'' || ''*12ū3eḱi''
! š-infix stem
| ''*1aš2e3'' || ''*-1aš2u3'' || ''*-1išin2o3'' || ''*1aš2ā3'' || ''*1aš2ē3i''
! ʔ-infix stem
| ''*1aʔ2e3'' || ''*-1aʔ2u3'' || ''*-1iʔin2i3'' || ''*1aʔ2ā3'' || ''*te1aʔ2e3i''
! 2-redup
| ''*21a2e3'' || ''*-2a12u3'' || ''*-21in2u3'' || ''*21a2ā3'' || ''*21a23eḱi''
! 3-redup
| ''*1i2a3e3'' || ''*-1a23u3'' || ''*-1in2i3u3'' || ''*1a2a3ā3'' || ''*12a3ē3i''
! 13-redup
| ''*1i31a2e3'' || ''*-1i3a12u3'' || ''*-1i31in2u3'' || ''*1i31a2ā3'' || ''*1i31a2ē3''

* Noun patterns: ''1a23, 1i23, 1u23, 1a22ū3, 1a2a3, 1a2i2, 1a2u3, ŋa12ū3, 1ā2a3, 1ī2a3, 1ī2ī3, 1ī2ū3''
*√ʕ-d 'to shine'
* ''1aʔ2ū3'' = adjective relating to personal qualities
**''-ʕad- ~ -ʕid- ~ -ʕd-'' = to shine
*''ʔe12ā3'' = agent noun
**''ʕīd'' = bright
*''1iʔ2i3'' = resultatives
**''ʕād'' = Sun, star
*''1aʔ2e3'' = tendency/quality of X
**''ʕud'' = (state of) shining, brightness
*''1iʔ2a3'' = degree/measure
**''ʕōd'' = light
*''-ām'' = augmentative (source of -om in Naeng and Eevo)
**Derived stems:
*''-ān'' = abstract noun, collective
***''wa·ʕā́d'' = to polish
*''1a2ī3'' = quality adjective
***''ʕãd-īr'' = to illuminate, to show (source of Shal. ''għa'téer'' 'to prove')
*''1u2a3'' = resultative adjective
***''ʕád-m-ar'' = (root extension) happiness, joy
*''1e2ā3'' = event
***''ʕíd-n-ar'' = (root extension) beauty, radiance
*''śi12ū3'' = event
*√ʕ-n 'to be high'
**Shal. ''għánam'' 'to raise, to exalt'
*''śi12a3/śi12i3'' = instrument
*√ʕ-r 'to be in, at'
*''wa12ē3/wa12ī3'' = profession
*''ti12a3/ti12e3'' = process
*''wa12ū3'' = patient noun
*''wa12ā3'' = resultative noun

*√g-b 'to hit'
Proto-Idavic was rigidly head-initial with a morphosyntax similar to Lushootseed or Austronesian. Most present-day Idavic languages (except Netagin) are less head-initial.
**Shalaian ''kṓvid'' 'calamity' ← *gṓb-gʷid

[[Category:Language families]]
*√t-q 'to say'


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