Eadlan/Older draft: Difference between revisions

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!style="width: 100px;"|Weak (I)  
!style="width: 100px;"|Weak (I)  
|| ''f'' + single unasp. stop || ''f'' + single asp. stop || ''th'' + single unasp. stop || ''th'' + single asp. stop || ''w'' + single unasp. stop || ''w'' + single asp. stop
|| ''fd, fḑ, fģ, fλ, fg'' || ''ft, fț, fc̦, fξ, fc, fq, fs, fș, fσ'' || ''thb, thg'' || ''thp, thc, thq'' || ''wb, wd, wḑ, wģ, wλ'' || ''wp, wt, wț, wc̦, wξ, ws, wș, wσ''
!style="width: 100px;"|Strong (II) = Overlong (III)
!style="width: 100px;"|Strong (II) = Overlong (III)
|| ''b'' + single unasp. stop || ''p'' + single asp. stop || ''d'' + single unasp. stop || ''t'' + single asp. stop || ''g'' + single unasp. stop || ''k'' + single asp. stop
|| ''bd, bḑ, bģ, bλ, bg'' || ''pt, pț, pc̦, pξ, pc, pq, ps, pș, pσ'' || ''db, dg'' || ''tp, tc, tq'' || ''gb, gd, gḑ, gģ, gλ'' || ''cp, ct, cț, cc̦, cξ, cs, cș, cσ''
The hypothetical ''qC~lC'' gradation has merged into ''llC~lC'' gradation.
The hypothetical ''qC~lC'' gradation has merged into ''llC~lC'' gradation.


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