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The words are listed in their nominal form, ending in -o; this can be substituted by the other basic suffixes.
The words are listed in their nominal form, ending in -o; this can be substituted by the other basic suffixes.

ao = surprise; admiration
* ao = surprise; admiration
aderfo = sibling
* aderfo = sibling
afio = released; not withheld; free
* afio = released; not withheld; free
aftono = plenty; much; many
* aftono = plenty; much; many
agapo = love
* agapo = love
agoro = market; shop
* agoro = market; shop
agrio = wild; not man-made
* agrio = wild; not man-made
aido = shame; shyness; hesitation; modesty; respectfulness
* aido = shame; shyness; hesitation; modesty; respectfulness
airo = metal; metalic thing; thing made of metal
* airo = metal; metalic thing; thing made of metal
aisto = sense; feeling; aisti =to give/cause a feeling; aisteti =to feel, get/have a feeling
* aisto = sense; feeling; aisti =to give/cause a feeling; aisteti =to feel, get/have a feeling
aixmo = sharp point; e.g. point of arrow; thorn
* aixmo = sharp point; e.g. point of arrow; thorn
akro = end; extremity; utmost; top
* akro = end; extremity; utmost; top
akuo = ear; hearing
* akuo = ear; hearing
amero = day; daylight; sun
* amero = day; daylight; sun
ammo = sand; loose ground; anything consisting of very small grains like e.g. salt or sugar
* ammo = sand; loose ground; anything consisting of very small grains like e.g. salt or sugar
ano = top; top part; upper; high; above
* ano = top; top part; upper; high; above
anango = necessity; must
* anango = necessity; must
andro = man; male.
* andro = man; male.
anoigo = open
* anoigo = open
antio = opposite
* antio = opposite
antropo = human being.
* antropo = human being.
apo = going away from; of; starting; starting point; start; center; departing; point of reference.
* apo = going away from; of; starting; starting point; start; center; departing; point of reference.
arguro = (arguro airo) silver; cash; money; wealth; (argurino) silver color
* arguro = (arguro airo) silver; cash; money; wealth; (argurino) silver color
aritmo = number; quantity
* aritmo = number; quantity
armio = salt; salty
* armio = salt; salty
arnito = bird (or something likened to a bird)
* arnito = bird (or something likened to a bird)
atrako = charcoal, coal, carbon; antrakino=black
* atrako = charcoal, coal, carbon; antrakino=black
auto = self, same
* auto = self, same
awgo = egg, especially a white one; (awgo joro) dawn; (metaphorically) beginning; awgino=white
* awgo = egg, especially a white one; (awgo joro) dawn; (metaphorically) beginning; awgino=white
bio = life; bii =lives
* bio = life; bii =lives
boro = ability; possibility
* boro = ability; possibility
bowo = ox and similar animals, e.g. buffalo, bison, yak
* bowo = ox and similar animals, e.g. buffalo, bison, yak
broxo = neck, throat
* broxo = neck, throat
dekso = right (side)
* dekso = right (side)
dermo = skin, hide, peel
* dermo = skin, hide, peel
dexo = both hands; (sa dexo) ten
* dexo = both hands; (sa dexo) ten
dio = through; via; in between; reason
* dio = through; via; in between; reason
diktujo = net, network
* diktujo = net, network
donto = tooth, tusk, and similar things; parallel pointed or long things in a series
* donto = tooth, tusk, and similar things; parallel pointed or long things in a series
doso = giving; offerring
* doso = giving; offerring
doxo = container, vessel, casing, bag, box of any kind
* doxo = container, vessel, casing, bag, box of any kind
duo = two; couple
* duo = two; couple
dunamo = strength; power; intensity
* dunamo = strength; power; intensity
eo = past
* eo = past
edno = one; unit; unity
* edno = one; unit; unity
edro = seat
* edro = seat
eito = alternative
* eito = alternative
ejno = being; existence; reality
* ejno = being; existence; reality
ekso = outside; out (by backward formation: eko = coming out of; from; producing; origin)
* ekso = outside; out (by backward formation: eko = coming out of; from; producing; origin)
empro = front; before; ahead
* empro = front; before; ahead
engo = I; me
* engo = I; me
entomo = insect or similar creature
* entomo = insect or similar creature
erewno = search; research; try to obtain
* erewno = search; research; try to obtain
eroto = sexual passion; sexual feeling; sexual act; (futo eroto) flower
* eroto = sexual passion; sexual feeling; sexual act; (futo eroto) flower
erpo = crawling or creeping; erpio =creeping creature; reptile, worm or amphibian
* erpo = crawling or creeping; erpio =creeping creature; reptile, worm or amphibian
erxo = arrival; start; erxeti =comes, erxi =brings.
* erxo = arrival; start; erxeti =comes, erxi =brings.
ewo = good
* ewo = good
ewtujo = straight(ness)
* ewtujo = straight(ness)
exo = possesion; belonging; already; exi =has; exeti =belongs.
* exo = possesion; belonging; already; exi =has; exeti =belongs.
fago = meal; lunch, dinner, etc.; eating; food; fagi =eats; fageti =is eaten
* fago = meal; lunch, dinner, etc.; eating; food; fagi =eats; fageti =is eaten
fengo = moonlight; moon; month; light similar to moonlight
* fengo = moonlight; moon; month; light similar to moonlight
fobo = fear; fobi =to cause fear; fobeti =is afraid
* fobo = fear; fobi =to cause fear; fobeti =is afraid
foto = light; brightness
* foto = light; brightness
frago = fence; shutter; any shutting device; hindrance; prohibition
* frago = fence; shutter; any shutting device; hindrance; prohibition
fraso = phrase; words; talk; speech; saying; frasao =language
* fraso = phrase; words; talk; speech; saying; frasao =language
ftano = reaching; (reaching) a certain point; until; degree; right degree; sufficient  
* ftano = reaching; (reaching) a certain point; until; degree; right degree; sufficient  
ftoro = damage; wear and tear; destruction; decay
* ftoro = damage; wear and tear; destruction; decay
futo = plant, tree
* futo = plant, tree
geo = earth; ground; country; place
* geo = earth; ground; country; place
gerno = slanting; something aslant; diagonal
* gerno = slanting; something aslant; diagonal
giuro = round; round thing; circle; ball
* giuro = round; round thing; circle; ball
gnoso = knowledge; understanding
* gnoso = knowledge; understanding
gono = offspring; child; creation
* gono = offspring; child; creation
grafo = writing; letter; recording; picture; 2-dimensional shape; image; illustration
* grafo = writing; letter; recording; picture; 2-dimensional shape; image; illustration
gweno = woman; female; wife
* gweno = woman; female; wife
idiko = one's own; belonging to oneself
* idiko = one's own; belonging to oneself
ino = target; scope; targeted action; aim; considered action; subjunctive mood
* ino = target; scope; targeted action; aim; considered action; subjunctive mood
ippo = horse; similar animals, donkey, mule, zebra
* ippo = horse; similar animals, donkey, mule, zebra
iso = direction; placement
* iso = direction; placement
ixtuo = fish; water creature
* ixtuo = fish; water creature
jadero = other; different; stranger
* jadero = other; different; stranger
joro = hour; certain time; occasion
* joro = hour; certain time; occasion
kairo = time
* kairo = time
kako = bad; evil
* kako = bad; evil
kampo = soft; yielding; bending; curved; curve
* kampo = soft; yielding; bending; curved; curve
kanono = law; rule; regulation
* kanono = law; rule; regulation
karao = head; metaphorically: chief
* karao = head; metaphorically: chief
karpo = fruit; product, especially eatable; result
* karpo = fruit; product, especially eatable; result
kaso = addition; extension; more; kasa =and
* kaso = addition; extension; more; kasa =and
kato = down; downwards; under
* kato = down; downwards; under
keito = lying; horizontal
* keito = lying; horizontal
kino = movement
* kino = movement
kitro = citrus fruits, e.g. lemon, grapefruit etc; kitrino =yellow.
* kitro = citrus fruits, e.g. lemon, grapefruit etc; kitrino =yellow.
kjuno = dog and similar animals, e.g. wolf, fox, tasmanian tiger
* kjuno = dog and similar animals, e.g. wolf, fox, tasmanian tiger
kondo = short thing; short time; short distance
* kondo = short thing; short time; short distance
kopo = cutting; chopping; a cut; incision; cutting off; break
* kopo = cutting; chopping; a cut; incision; cutting off; break
kriso = judgement; reasoning; opinion; thinking
* kriso = judgement; reasoning; opinion; thinking
krufo = hidden; secret
* krufo = hidden; secret
krujo = cold
* krujo = cold
ksewo = scratch; carve; rub; (agapa ksewo) caress
* ksewo = scratch; carve; rub; (agapa ksewo) caress
ktupo = hitting; beating; attacking; pounding
* ktupo = hitting; beating; attacking; pounding
kuano = blue stone, e.g. lapis lazuli; kuanino=blue. With altering adjectives, other kinds of precious stone; if described as common stone, it means a non precious one.
* kuano = blue stone, e.g. lapis lazuli; kuanino=blue. With altering adjectives, other kinds of precious stone; if described as common stone, it means a non precious one.
mo = deed; doing; achievement; situation; infinitive of a verb
* mo = deed; doing; achievement; situation; infinitive of a verb
makeno = machine; machinery; mechanism; trick; tool; way of doing something; invention; solution to a problem  
* makeno = machine; machinery; mechanism; trick; tool; way of doing something; invention; solution to a problem  
makro = long thing; long time; long distance
* makro = long thing; long time; long distance
mato = eye
* mato = eye
maxo = conflict; battle; war; quarel
* maxo = conflict; battle; war; quarel
mego = big; great; grand; large
* mego = big; great; grand; large
meidio = smile; laughter
* meidio = smile; laughter
membrano = membrane, sheet, leaf, flat and floppy surface thing
* membrano = membrane, sheet, leaf, flat and floppy surface thing
meno = stay; permanent; remaining; remainder; meni =to stabilize; meneti =to stay
* meno = stay; permanent; remaining; remainder; meni =to stabilize; meneti =to stay
mero = part; part of space; place
* mero = part; part of space; place
meso = middle; inside; within
* meso = middle; inside; within
mikro = small; small quantity
* mikro = small; small quantity
mito = being with; together; being at; the locative case; something shared; in common; relationship; companion
* mito = being with; together; being at; the locative case; something shared; in common; relationship; companion
mono = single; only
* mono = single; only
morfo = form
* morfo = form
moxto = hard work; toil; effort
* moxto = hard work; toil; effort
muko = mushroom; fungus; anything similar to fungus or mushroom
* muko = mushroom; fungus; anything similar to fungus or mushroom
muso = mouse, rat and similar animals
* muso = mouse, rat and similar animals
muto = nose; protruding; point; pointed thing; a height
* muto = nose; protruding; point; pointed thing; a height
no = object of verb; thing created, done or changed, or subjected to something
* no = object of verb; thing created, done or changed, or subjected to something
nekro = dead
* nekro = dead
newo = new; young; recent; fresh
* newo = new; young; recent; fresh
oo = calling; addressing a person
* oo = calling; addressing a person
oiko = home; house; building; housing
* oiko = home; house; building; housing
okso = sharp; sour
* okso = sharp; sour
omo = similar; same in some aspect
* omo = similar; same in some aspect
omado = group; team; set; company; a number of things with something in common
* omado = group; team; set; company; a number of things with something in common
onomo = name; name of thing or action; word; noun, verb, part of speech
* onomo = name; name of thing or action; word; noun, verb, part of speech
onuxo = finger nail, toe nail, claw, or anything similar
* onuxo = finger nail, toe nail, claw, or anything similar
opiso = back side; behind; after
* opiso = back side; behind; after
orgo = wrath; anger; indignation
* orgo = wrath; anger; indignation
orto = upright; standing; vertical
* orto = upright; standing; vertical
osprio = beans, legumes; metaphorically, similar seeds
* osprio = beans, legumes; metaphorically, similar seeds
ostrako = shell of any kind; piece of broken pottery, or anythin similar
* ostrako = shell of any kind; piece of broken pottery, or anythin similar
ozmo = smell
* ozmo = smell
pao = going; moving to; moving
* pao = going; moving to; moving
pairo = take; obtaining; receiving; getting
* pairo = take; obtaining; receiving; getting
paizo = play; toy; fun; art; artistic performance; sport; joke
* paizo = play; toy; fun; art; artistic performance; sport; joke
panno = cloth; garment; sheet of cloth
* panno = cloth; garment; sheet of cloth
panto = all; every; totality
* panto = all; every; totality
pantero = animals of genus Panthera
* pantero = animals of genus Panthera
paro = side; beside; next to; comparing
* paro = side; beside; next to; comparing
paxo = fatness; thickness; breadth; broadness
* paxo = fatness; thickness; breadth; broadness
perano = pass; other side; far side; off
* perano = pass; other side; far side; off
perio = surrounding; environment; around
* perio = surrounding; environment; around
piezo = press; push
* piezo = press; push
pikro = bitter
* pikro = bitter
pinako = flat and hard thing; board; wall; level
* pinako = flat and hard thing; board; wall; level
pjano = touch; hold; catch.
* pjano = touch; hold; catch.
pnowo = breath; air; wind
* pnowo = breath; air; wind
podo = leg; foot; base; prop
* podo = leg; foot; base; prop
pojo = which?
* pojo = which?
prago = thing, matter; especially thing done or created; anything; something
* prago = thing, matter; especially thing done or created; anything; something
praso = leek, onion, garlic and similar plants; prasino =green
* praso = leek, onion, garlic and similar plants; prasino =green
probato = sheep, goat and similar animals
* probato = sheep, goat and similar animals
pseudo = liar; cheating; false; pseudi =to prove false
* pseudo = liar; cheating; false; pseudi =to prove false
psuxo = soul; being alive, even if invisible
* psuxo = soul; being alive, even if invisible
ptero = wing; feather; quill
* ptero = wing; feather; quill
pukno = dense, condensate; frequent
* pukno = dense, condensate; frequent
puro = fire; heat; source of heat or light
* puro = fire; heat; source of heat or light
rabo = rod, stick, pillar (or anything long, mostly straight and usually hard thing)
* rabo = rod, stick, pillar (or anything long, mostly straight and usually hard thing)
rupo = dirt; filth; impurity
* rupo = dirt; filth; impurity
so = a number of things; plural suffix; sa =preceding words used numerically
* so = a number of things; plural suffix; sa =preceding words used numerically
sakaro = sweet
* sakaro = sweet
sarko = flesh; organ of a living body; meat
* sarko = flesh; organ of a living body; meat
saxo = blood; saxino =red
* saxo = blood; saxino =red
semo = point; position; meaning; symbolism
* semo = point; position; meaning; symbolism
sero = series; row; order; one after the other; sera =used for ordinal numbers
* sero = series; row; order; one after the other; sera =used for ordinal numbers
skafo = digging; excavation; cultivating the earth; a tub or any dug-out thing
* skafo = digging; excavation; cultivating the earth; a tub or any dug-out thing
skepo = covering; cover; roof; protection
* skepo = covering; cover; roof; protection
skono = powder; dust; flour
* skono = powder; dust; flour
skoto = darkness; dark; skotino =dark color, grey, black(ish)
* skoto = darkness; dark; skotino =dark color, grey, black(ish)
smigo = meeting; mixing; touching; connecting; junction; corner
* smigo = meeting; mixing; touching; connecting; junction; corner
sneo = thread; fibre; rope; any similar thing
* sneo = thread; fibre; rope; any similar thing
somo = body; trunk
* somo = body; trunk
sosto = right; proper; just; correct; true
* sosto = right; proper; just; correct; true
sporo = cereal or seed of any kind
* sporo = cereal or seed of any kind
stawro = cross; crossed things; forming a cross
* stawro = cross; crossed things; forming a cross
stereo = hard; tough; solid thing
* stereo = hard; tough; solid thing
steto = chest; breast
* steto = chest; breast
stomo = mouth; orifice; anything likened, e.g. outlet of a river
* stomo = mouth; orifice; anything likened, e.g. outlet of a river
suno = addition; extra; complement; completing
* suno = addition; extra; complement; completing
suringo = tube of any kind, reed, bamboo, etc.
* suringo = tube of any kind, reed, bamboo, etc.
to = the; definite article; that thing or person
* to = the; definite article; that thing or person
takso = class; taxonomy; category; kind; sort
* takso = class; taxonomy; category; kind; sort
tambo = unclear; muddy or frosty appearance; not explicit
* tambo = unclear; muddy or frosty appearance; not explicit
tanuo = elastic; resilient; strechable; expandable
* tanuo = elastic; resilient; strechable; expandable
taxo = speedy; early; speed
* taxo = speedy; early; speed
teno = future; planning or promising for the future; expected; future tense
* teno = future; planning or promising for the future; expected; future tense
terio = wild animal; hunting for prey; fearsome creature; monster
* terio = wild animal; hunting for prey; fearsome creature; monster
tewo = you
* tewo = you
travo = pull; attract
* travo = pull; attract
treno = weeping; crying; grief
* treno = weeping; crying; grief
trero = mad; crazy or stupid; very superficially understanding
* trero = mad; crazy or stupid; very superficially understanding
trupo = hole of any kind; piercing
* trupo = hole of any kind; piercing
turo = door or anything that can shut or open
* turo = door or anything that can shut or open
ugiro = fluid; any fluid, especially water
* ugiro = fluid; any fluid, especially water
uko = no
* uko = no
upereso = service; rendering service; help
* upereso = service; rendering service; help
upno = sleep
* upno = sleep
urano = sky; heaven
* urano = sky; heaven
varo = weight
* varo = weight
vrado = slow; late
* vrado = slow; late
wergo = activity; doing; making; work
* wergo = activity; doing; making; work
wexo = sound or voice
* wexo = sound or voice
worao = view; spectacle; watching; visibility; vision; sight; perception, awareness; guarding
* worao = view; spectacle; watching; visibility; vision; sight; perception, awareness; guarding
woxo = vehicle; any means of transport; boat; bicycle; tricycle; helicopter; airplane; etc
* woxo = vehicle; any means of transport; boat; bicycle; tricycle; helicopter; airplane; etc
xeno = hypothesis; supposing; condition; case
* xeno = hypothesis; supposing; condition; case
xero = hand, arm; fingers, number 5
* xero = hand, arm; fingers, number 5
xirono = pig or similar animal
* xirono = pig or similar animal
xjemo = material; substance; element; chemical composition; chemical substance; chemistry
* xjemo = material; substance; element; chemical composition; chemical substance; chemistry
xodo = road; street; way; method; practice
* xodo = road; street; way; method; practice
xoro = space; place; capacity
* xoro = space; place; capacity
xreso = use
* xreso = use
xromo = color
* xromo = color
zervo = left (side)
* zervo = left (side)
zesto = warm
* zesto = warm
zeto = seek; want; need; ask for; desire
* zeto = seek; want; need; ask for; desire
zojo = animal
* zojo = animal
zumo = fermentation of any kind; fermented thing
* zumo = fermentation of any kind; fermented thing
-o =thing or person
* -o =thing or person
-a =way
* -a =way
-i =doing
* -i =doing
-eti =getting
* -eti =getting
lack of –i =to do
* lack of –i =to do
shortcut PREFIXES:
* shortcut PREFIXES:
kse =undoing
* kse =undoing
u =not
* u =not
ume =without
* ume =without
ksana =again
* ksana =again
shortcut INFIXES:
* shortcut INFIXES:
(j)o =I  
* (j)o =I  
(w)a =you
* (w)a =you
(j)e =they
* (j)e =they
shortcut SUFFIXES:
* shortcut SUFFIXES:
in =color
* in =color
ak =small
* ak =small
ar =big
* ar =big
id =similar
* id =similar
ik =sort
* ik =sort
itik =belonging
* itik =belonging
ux =containg
* ux =containg
es =want
* es =want
ter =more
* ter =more
an =ability
* an =ability
tr =instrument
* tr =instrument
nes =female
* nes =female
wis =male
* wis =male


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