Verse:Irta/Judeo-Mandarin/Translations: Difference between revisions

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Îŗăd dă mîŗăn, dă avnăn, dă tăbrîthăn îs dă fuarnăn ă t' ă sruthăgh ămach uadsă ă h-îlă tăyv!
Îŗăd dă mîŗăn, dă avnăn, dă tăbrîthăn îs dă fuarnăn ă t' ă sruthăgh ămach uadsă ă h-îlă tăyv!

To nă h-îlă niăn ă tin uadsă, to nă niăn ăs-erză îs ăs-ișlă ă șesăv ărădsă.
To nă h-îlă niăn ă tin uadsă, to ăn dăvăn ăs-erză îs ăs-ișlă ă șesăv ărădsă.

Tură! Tură! De efșăr lum ă ro cdey torț teyür ărăd?
Tură! Tură! De efșăr lum ă ro cdey torț teyür ărăd?

To thü măr măyșăch ołîn îs măr erăbă bhŗo, șģien ănd sheł îs fihi.
To thü măr măyșăch ołîn îs măr [...] bhŗo, șģien ănd sheł îs fihi.
Oraita! Oraita! (Torah! Torah!) the light of all the worlds!
How many seas and rivers and wells and springs spread out from you in all directions!
From you is everything, by you the upper and lower [worlds] are sustained. His upper light goes out from you.
Oraita! Oraita! what shall I say of you, lovely doe and graceful she-ibex,
above and below are your mercies, whoever merits to acquire from you in the proper fashion.
Oraita! Oraita!
The delights of those who master you! Who can reveal and tell your secret and hidden things!
Original (Aramaic)
Original (Aramaic)
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אורייתא, אורייתא, מה אימא לגבך?
אורייתא, אורייתא, מה אימא לגבך?

אילת אהבים אנת, ויעלת חן גבי עילא ותתא.
אילת אהבים אנת, ויעלת חן

רחימין דילך --- מאן יזכי לינקא מנך כדקא יאות
גבי עילא ותתא. רחימין דילך --- מאן יזכי לינקא מנך כדקא יאות

אורייתא, אורייתא,
אורייתא, אורייתא,


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