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*''wedlos'' = name
*''φeskos'' = voice
*''buxsas'' = middle
*''buxsanom'' = intermediate
*''gawagai'' = rabbit
*''glāwos'' = tent
*''lubranos'' = wool, fabric
*''lessunnos'' = pole
*''δesmunos'' = is permitted
*''woxtis'' = lake
*''φambos'' = human
*''rin'' = relativizer
*''nertos'' = spark, fire
*''kannan'' = to put, to place
*''φēs-wro-sφamān'' = to approve
*''glādos'' = god
*''hast!'' = hush!
*''ȝastrān'' = 'laugh'
*''Bandōr'' = chief
*''maorā'' = truly
*''kēm, kēmoi, kēmos'' = one
*''tiθōr'' = two
*''nasge'' = three
*''δaube'' = four
*''soliθe'' < calił = five
*''ōr'' (f) = mind
*''φingā'' (f) = time
*''ħēstyom'' (m) = word
*''ȝōrom'' (m) = sound
*''dūȝā'' (f) = damage
*''tussān'' (v) = 'I pray, beg'
*''kaxsan'' (v) = 'I eat'
*''toren'' (v) = 'I flourish, bloom'
*''gālen'' (v) = 'I sing'
*''tussā'' (f) = 'prayer'
*''soibas'' (n) = 'snow'
*''annom'' (m) = 'father'
*''ēmae'' (f) = 'mother'
*''weknom'' (m) = 'brother'
*''Stasnassos'' (n) = 'Stannsa' (autumn festival)
*''aonān'' = 'do'
*''meretān'' = 'to descend'
*''ħabninis'' = 'to crush'
*''sφātanis'' = 'to allow'
*''aillinis'' = 'to love'
*''stuxs'' (n) = 'fire'
*''biulum'' (adj) = straight
*''briħants'' (f) = shelled mollusk
*''ħanjālom'' (adj) = merciful
*''aφorsoebinis'' (v) = I attack
*''gīθan'' = 'fall'
*''insin'' = 'settle'
*''s3īban'' = 'stretch'
*''rankan'' = 'turn'
*''aφoindān'' = 'keep'
*''φēsnoθin'' = 'be asleep'
*''ȝoenan'' = 'to adhere, to stick'
*''φesaram'' (m) = shell
*''δe3nam'' (m) = cephalopod
*''sewmā'' (f) = space
*''ħoitos'' (n) = spear
*''skindan'' (v) = to gather
*''3awēre'' (adv) = suddenly
*''wērom'' (m) = king
*''dawis'' (n) = valley
*''s3armis'' (n) = wheat
*''δentiom'' (m) = nymph, elf
*''beruxs'' (n) = lip
*''nertos'' (n) = spark
*''santōrum'' (m) = (''vulgar'') excrement; (''vulgar'') bastard

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== Paganism ==
* ''Φirwos'' (f) = Goddess of twilight (Skellan personal name Erv)
=== A ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ā||prep||||||with (comitative)
|ācéne||f||||||sky, heaven
|achrátte||f||||||kingdom, monarchy
|adrináin||v||||||beautify, adorn
|adráth||adj||||||beautiful, attractive, fine
|aéð||m||||||mercy, grace
|aeðáth||adj||||||gracious, merciful, clement
|alusī́n||v||||||be bright, shine
|ámmáin||v||||||hold, grasp
|ar||conj||||||if (situational conditional)
|arái||part||||||woe! alas!
|arbī́n||v||||||rebuke, reproach, criticize
|ā̀rd||adj||PTal *ʔāzda||||big, great
|ārdáin||v||||||magnify, enlarge, greaten
|áromináin||v||||||enliven, give life to
|arriedináin||v||''ar'' telic prefix + ''riedináin'' 'bring'||||cause, bring about
|ásħalnáin||v||||||excavate, exhume
|asqruofáin||v||||||coax, cajole
|ásthācéin||v||aZ- + thā́céin 'stand up'||||admire
|at||conj, part||||||or (inclusive); something like X
|atián||pron||at 'or, inclusive' + ján 'what'||||anything
|atié||pron||at 'or, inclusive' + jé 'who'||||anyone
|atiḗr||adv||||||any way
|ā́themȳré||f||||||shrine, sanctuary
|áubiī́n||v||||||strike,  attack
|aulái||v||||||pity; look down upon

=== B ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|baerináin||v||causative of baerī́n 'wait'||||provide/arrange/prepare sth for sb; make sb wait
|baerī́n||v||||||await, wait for
|bánceváin||v||||||be silent
|bānī́n||v||||||attract fame, renown, attention
|bást||adj||||||all, every
|bēméin||v||PTal *beh- 'be related'||||be related
|bēré||f||PTal *beh- + -rar=ʔ||||tribe, people, nation
|bēslináin||v||||||force sb to do sth
|bēzáin||v||PTal *bēz-aīn||||love
|bílze||f||||||sky, heaven
|bīm||adv||||||still, yet
|bucōráin||v||(< earlier *búkōr 'two ways')||||doubt
|bucōrȳ́the||f||||||doubt, uncertainty
=== C ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|cadráin||v||||causative: 'use as bait'||tempt
|cáis||part||||||please, preferably
|camiráth||adj||||||feminine (of the woman gender), womanly
|camíre||f||||||woman, wife
|capsī́n||v||From PZ *kaps-, whence Rax ''caxīn'' 'ibid.'||||eat
|céar||adj||cognate with ''cḗm'' 'one'||||same
|cḗm||num||||behaves as an adjective||one
|cḗmitutáin||v||||||unite, unify
|cennáin||v||||||be merciful, be compassionate
|cenné||f||||||mercy, compassion
|cenneðā́r||adj||||||merciful, compassionate
|cílcieláin||v||||||tile, tessellate
|cīpalnáth||adj||cī- 'less' + 'palnáth' 'third'||||mutually exhaustive; black-and-white
|clȳ̀d||f||||||contract, treaty, agreement
|cochī́n||v||||||be glad/rejoice
|craugé||f||||||box, space
|crū̀||m||PTal *kruw < PRT *k{{angbr|r}}uw 'swimmer' < *kuw 'swim'||||fish
|crúozā||adv||||||in the morning
|cū̀s||part||||||indeed, verily
=== CH ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|chā́m||pron||PTal *kʰām <br> (the kʰ is from a 1ex verb ending, i.e. ''*-mī kʰām'' < ''*-mik̓ hāmi'')||||we, us (1st person plural exclusive pronoun)
|chámichā́m||adj||rdpl. from chā́m 'we (exc)'||||clannish, exclusive
|chéa. chéqē||m||||||honey
|chilūsé||v||||||argot, idiom, dialect
|chin||prep, conj||||||like
=== D ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|daer||part||PTal *da ''deictic/presentative particle'' + *ʔir 'not'||||is not; predicate negative clitic
|dáte||adv||PTal *da ''deictic/presentative particle'' + *te||||here (near 1+2)
|davséin||v||||||aspire, be ambitious
|défrātáin||v||||||rage/gale/gust intensely
|dḕa||f||||||female (of animals), feminine noun
|dēáth||adj||||||feminine (of female sex, grammar)
|dērdéin||v||||||win, be victorious, defeat
|di, d'||prep||||||in, at (locative)
|duoħī́n||v||||||fade, be erased
=== Ð ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ðeirunéin||v||||||deny, disavow
|ðinór||m||||||animal, beast
|ðisēn||conj||||||for the fact that...
=== E ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ei||part||||||question particle
|eir||conj||PTal *ei (question particle) + *ir- 'not'||||because, for (explanatory particle)
|ēltī́n||v||||||produce, manufacture, create
=== F ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|fáerī́n||v||||||jam, interlock (intransitive)
|flēáth||adj||||||sturdy, firm, resolute, determined
|flúotéin||v||||||have so do sth (with a specific purpose in mind)
|fṑn||m||||||sea, ocean
|fríng, frínq-||m||||||despair, pessimism
|frínqéin||v||||||despair, be pessimistic
|frínqenóth||adj||||||futile, vain, hopeless, infeasible
|fúot||adj||||||at any time; never
=== G ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|gaigī́n||v||||||shake, tremble
|gáss, gássyr||m||||||hail
|gávthe||f||||||throat, language
|geŧél||adj||||||inferior, lowly, base
|gū̀r||adv||||||too, excessively
|gūréin||v||||||be in excess, be left over
|gurgū́r||adj||rdpl. from gūréin 'be in excess'||||superfluous, redundant
=== H ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|hā́||part||||||O; how...
|haesī́n||v||||||feel, emote
|hái||part||||||O; woe, alas
|hám||part||||||irrealis negative/prohibitive
|hárináin||v||||||take (to a destination)
|hél||f||||||spirit, voice
|híltináin||v||causative of híltī́n 'prove, draw, infer'||||imply
|híltī́n||v||||||draw, pull; prove, infer
|hirlúth||adj||||||unrighteous, impious
|hōdáin||v||||||to act out, to work
|húol||m||||||cover, wrapping, packaging
=== Ħ ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ħách||adv||||||there (near 2, place just mentioned)
|ħā́ð||pron||||||we both, thou and I (1st person inclusive dual pronoun)
|ħā́l||adj||||||sad, lamentable
|ħálg||m||||||value, worth
|ħálgáin||v||||||to value, to consider sth as
|ħéisting||m||ħéist 'word' + -ing (collective noun suffix)||||vocabulary
|ħéłłaviné||f||||||effort, exertion
|ħént||adj||||||noble, lofty, sublime
|ħiemī́n||v||||||precipitate, rain down (intrans.)
|ħínn||m||||||evening, dusk
|ħínnā||m||||||in the evening
|ħisī́n||v||||||cross, surpass
|ħisaromiáin||v||ħis- 'cross' + árom 'live'||||survive
|ħuoná||conj||||||as long as
=== I ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ícht||m||||||jar, jug, urn
|ílb||pron||||||another, other
|innyntháin||v||||||suggest, nominate
|insé||f||||||city, town
|inthī́n||v||||||lie (be in a supine position)
|ī́r||m||PTal *ʔihira||||island
|īs||conj||||||contrafactual conditional
|itutáin||v||||||consolidate, put together, condense
|īvī́n||v||||||emerge, go out
|ī́vitáin||v||||||take out, bring out, emit
=== J ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|jā́máin||v||||||grow (trans)
|jást||adv||||||why (used with irrealis verbs, or verbs of wanting or necessity)
|jaudáin||v||||||try, attempt
|jḗn||adv||from abl. of PTal *jé 'who, what'||||why (used with realis verbs)
|jénā́, jénáqē||m||||||water
|jḗrmé||adv||jḗr 'how' + mé 'this'||||why (used with realis verbs)
|jōráin||v||||||heed, obey, follow
|jullé||f||||||favor, goodwill
=== L ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|la||part||||used with nouns and adjectives||also, even, to boot/no less/at that
|laubūláin||v||||||collaborate with
|láugy||adj||||||deserving, worthy, entitled
|lēnfī́n||v||||||welcome, bless, celebrate
|lintáth||adj||||||dual (grammatical number), pairwise
|lúcce||f||||||pericarp, husk, peel
=== M ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|mách||adv||||||here (near 1)
|mínār||adv||||||at night
|mléit||m||||||end, conclusion, "bottom line"
|mólī́n||v||PZ *mól- 'follow, pursue track'||||thank
|móth, móthyr||m||||||face, surface, aspect
=== N ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ná||pron||PTal *ʔina||||I, me, my (1sg pronoun)
|nā́r||pron||||||we both, s/he and I (1st person exclusive dual pronoun)
|náche||f||||||sorrow, grief, anguish
|nai||prep||||||with, by (instrumental)
|ne||conj||*ʔíne 'said person/thing (anaphoric pronoun)'||||that (introduces a finite complement clause)
|nesáin||v||||||kill, slay
|néth, nethýr||adj||||||sweet
|nethináin||v||||||sweeten; euphemize, sugar-coat; familiarize, acclimate
|nìeðār||adv||||||for a day
|nìeðe||adv||||||day (24 hrs)
|nī́l||adj||||||easy, loose, gullible, naive
|nit||conj||||||if (general conditional)
|nóll||m||||||lord, master
|nōr, nṑr-||conj||||||although, albeit
|nu||conj||||||xor, nand
|nummé||f||||||wrath, curse
|nummináin||v||||||to curse, to pour wrath on
|nýlan||m||||||child (young person)
=== O ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|óng, ónqḗ||m||||||hide
|ṓr||m||||||disk, circle
=== P ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|parrī́n||v||||||disconnect, sever
|píll||m||||||revenge, vengeance
|pilláin||v||||||avenge (vo + sb avenged) (di + target of revenge)
|pláħī́n||v||||||grant, permit, waft down
|poadī́n||v||||||laugh, mock
=== Q ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|qaldáin||v||||||honor, respect; euphemism for sexual intercourse
|qervī́n||v||||||pack, condense
|qṑd||m||||||copper, bronze, brass
|qōmḗn||conj||||||because, for
|qónáin||v||||||fuck, have sexual intercourse with
|qúlz||m||||||male (often of animals), masculine noun
|qulzáth||adj||||||masculine (of the male sex, grammar)
=== R ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|rāħé||num||PTal *rāqʰ-||||half
|rā̀mār||adv||||||in the daytime
|ranðeirunéin||f||||||make excuses, explain away, rationalize
|rā́th||pron||||||you both (2nd person dual pronoun)
|raúzin||m||||||favor, offer
|réħáin||v||PTal *réʁa-īn||||do, make
|riedī́n||v||PTal *riʔdīn||||come
|riedináin||v||caus. of ''riedī́n''||||bring
|rin||conj||PTal *wēri 'such that' (adverbial of *wa relative pronoun) + *ʔíne 'said X' (anaphoric)||||that, which (introduces a specific relative clause)
|rō||part||||||pejorative particle, 'that contemptible...'
|rúd||m||||||man, husband
|rudáth||adj||||||masculine (of the man gender), manly
|rumbéin||v||||||turn, change direction
|rȳthī́n||v||||||categorize, classify, group
|rȳthré||f||||||class/category, gender/sex
=== S ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|sáfyl||m||||||friend, fellow, comrade
|seim||conj||||||but, however
|sfieráin||v||||||replace, substitute, change
|si||part||||attached to a conjunction when there is one||subject-changing enclitic
|sī́g||adj||||||virtuous, morally good
|slā́s||pron||||||you, ye (2nd person plural pronoun)
|sṓrachráth||m||||||royalty, royal household
|spád||m||||||truth, fact
|spádīl||adv||frozen instrumental/locative of spád||||really, truly
|stáfyr||m||||||emblem, seal, sign
|stái||part||||||please do..., prithee
|státhḗd||adj||||||equal, par, equivalent
|stī́m||conj||||||in order that...
|stoarī́n||v||||||worship, praise
|stúnī́n||v||||||go/come back
|súst||adv||||||dainty, fine, delicate
|sȳ́ð ||adv||||||very
=== T ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|tacét||m||||||young boy
|tacvéin||v||< PTal *tak- 'say' + *-w-eīn potential suffix, thus, 'to be able to say'||||know
|táqḗn||pron||||||we (1+2 plural pronoun)
|táqrī́n||v||||||be born
|taumináin||v||||||be of use, benefit
|tauminé||f||||||utility, benefit
|tér||m||||||time, once
|teréin||v||||||prosper, flourish, be successful
|tíem||part||||||infinitive negative
|tír||part||related to ''tér'', 'time (repeated)' (i.e. not once), influenced by negative ''*hir''||||realis negative
|tírŧēlénn||adv||< ''tír ŧēlénn-'' lit. "no less"||||as well, also
|títhār||num||PTal *tíłōr||functions as an adjective||two
|tolbéin||v||||||to behave
|tússáin||v||||||pray, invoke
|tússé||f||||||prayer, invocation
=== TH ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|thā||part||||only with verbs.||indeed, also, at that/to boot/no less, while one's at it, (antonym of vid 'only')
|thándáin||v||||||inscribe, etch
|thándīvtáin||v||||||insert, enter, write in
=== Ŧ ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ŧách||adv||||||there (distal)
|ŧányŧavī́n||v||||||cry over spilt milk
|ŧávī́n||v||||||cry, weep
|ŧéqáin||v||onomatopoeia imitating tongue click||Vernacular, not really 'proper' Themsarian||refuse, say no, deny
|ŧībáin||v||||(> 'to try doing sth' in niece languages)||ask (a question)
|ŧṓla, ŧṓlħḗ||m||||||scarecrow/dummy; proxy, vicarious person or thing
|ŧṓlħáin||v||||||use as proxy; take (nai +) sth out on (DO) sb; erect a straw man
|ŧṑs||adj||||||quick, fast, agile
=== U ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|uogī́n||v||||||err, miss
|ū̀r||adj||||||much, many
=== V ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|vá||pron||PTal *wa (relative pronoun)||Copular 3rd person pronouns become clitics.||he, him, his (3rd person pronoun)
|vā́g||adj||||||evil, bad
|vai||part||||||already!/now!/hurry! (urging particle)
|vālé||f||PTal *wālar=ʔ||||gate
|vánt||pron||||||they, them, their (3rd person plural feminine)
|vatiī́n||v||||||prepare, arrange, edit
|vèir||pron||||||thou, thee, thy (2nd person singular feminine pronoun)
|véli||m||PTal *wélja||||name, noun
|vélináin||adj||||||name; nominalize
|vī́||pron||||||she, her (3rd person singular feminine)
|vinðustái||v||||||word/formulate; encode, use allegory/metaphor; interpret, explain meaning
|vinðusté||f||||||allegory/metaphor; cipher; gloss, interpretation
|vingī́n||v||PTal *wingīn||||die
|vingináin||v||causative of vingī́n 'die'||emphasizes the end result of death||cause to die, put to death
|vo||prep||||||for, to (dative)
|vṓr||pron||||||they both, them both (3rd person dual masculine)
|vorḗl||prep||''vo'' 'for' + ''rḗl'' 'sake'||||for the sake of
|vúo||pron||||||they (3rd person plural masculine)
|vȳ́r||pron||||||they both, them both (3rd person dual feminine)
=== Y ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|ȳ̀the||f||||||color, way/manner
=== Z ===
!Themsarian!!PoS!!Etymology!!Notes!!Meaning (English)
|zalinái||v||||||console, comfort
|zaliné||f||||||consolation, solace, comfort
|zéir||pron||||||thou, thee, thy (2nd person singular masculine pronoun)
|ziebā́||adv||||||below, down
|zī́nuthéa||f||||||daring, audacity, arrogance
|zymzū́m||m||||||hesitation, indecision
|zymzūméin||v||||||hesitate, dither, be indecisive


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