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English uses also different word or auxiliary to make out of an inherently intransitive verb a transitive verb (like “die-kill”, “sleep- get/make… sleep”) or opposite.  Contrary to ABCL, it creates from transitive verb intransitive reflexive verbs by using reflexive pronouns (protect-protect oneself).
English uses also different word or auxiliary to make out of an inherently intransitive verb a transitive verb (like “die-kill”, “sleep- get/make… sleep”) or opposite.  Contrary to ABCL, it creates from transitive verb intransitive reflexive verbs by using reflexive pronouns (protect-protect oneself).
Other suffixes for further verbal forms are listed in the table under the title: Modal Verbs, Inflexions and Modus in ABCL further below.
Other suffixes for further verbal forms are listed in the table under the title: Modal Verbs, Inflexions and Modus in ABCL further below.
Basic adjectives consist of two/three letters as CV/x and VCV/x, yielding about 500, but doubling  by using of “x” at the ends giving an adverse meaning such as “ebi” for beautiful and “ebix” for ugly. Adjectives have also been separated in classes. Two letter adjectives “CV*” with the titles: “interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite (quantifier), indefinite numerical, main colours, placing and possessive" where C indicates the group and “a” to “ü” varying vowels denoting the adjectives.
Three letters are separated in to two main groups as “DESCRIPTIVE-QUALIFYING (DQ)” and “DESCRIPTIVE–PEOPLE (DP)” (personality and behaviour mainly). Each of them has been subdivided internally according to the scheme V#V (eC*e; eC*i; … eC*ü for the first main group and aC*a; aC*e; aC*i; … aC*ü, eC*a for the remaining). Each subtitle indicates a special type of the adjectives such as “aC*e-being”, “aC*i-behaviour” or “eC*ü-nature/science.  Physical features, appearance, human attribute, opinion-view etc., each consonant representing one heading with vowels varying.
Examples for Root Adjectives:
!Indefinite (Quantifier): şV*||||English|| || ||DQ: eC*e|||| ||Physical Descr. of Things|| ||DP: aC*i|||| ||Person-Behaviour
|şa|| ||more|||| ||ebe-x|||| ||sweet-bitter|| ||abi-x|||| ||polite/kind/gentle-impolite/rude
|şe|| ||most|||| ||ece||||- |||| ||aci-x|||| ||fair-biased
|şi-şix|| ||several/many/much -few/little|||| ||eçe|||| ||sour|| ||açi-x|||| ||just-devious
|şo-şox|| ||some_  - any_|||| ||ede-x|||| ||hot-cold|| ||adi-x|||| ||sedate-excited
|şö|| ||each|||| ||efe-x|||| ||warm- cool|| ||afi|||| ||superficial
|şu-şux|| ||every_  -no_|||| ||ege-x|||| ||wide-narrow|| ||agi|||| ||keen/eager
Possessive Determiners: az, oz, uz, ez,  öz, üz- my, your, its, our, your, their
Possesive determiners are adjective in their role in syntax but because genitive suffix "_z" is placed after the word it modifies the rule that adjective ends upon vowel (CV) changed here to VC exceptionally.
Adjectives will be derived by adding suffixes to the verbs and nouns. As the root adjectives, also derived ones end with a vowel, typical for adjectives. Thus they will have six to eight letters.
==== Deverbal Adjectives ====
They will be derived by the suffixes “_ado/_adox” (in place of the English suffixes "_ful, _less, _ant/-ent, _ive, _ile, _ic, _ate, _y/ly,_ic, _ous, etc.), "_ako" (for capability "_able/_ible"), “_amo” (for past participle _ed) and “_ana” (for present participle _ing).
Examples for Deverbal Adjectives:
!_ado-adox||||_ful-less||||(_azo)ado||||_ant/-ent||||_ako||||_able, _ible||||_amo||||p.p _ed/irregular
==== Denominal Adjectives ====
Denominal adjectives will be derived by the suffixes “_do/_dox” (in place of the English affixes "_ful, _less, _ive, _ulent, _ile, _holic,      _ic, _ate, _y/ly,_ic, _ous, un_, im_...etc.) and "_ko" (for capability "_able/_ible")
!_do||||_ful, _ous||||_dox||||-less, in-, ir-||||_ko||||_able,_ible
With these 8 suffixes (ado, adox, ako, amo, ano, do, dox, ko) it is possible to get unnumbered new adjectives from verbs and nouns additionally to 520 root adjectives.

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