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If my dried fruits hadn't been stolen, I wouldn't have needed to journey to the exotic marketplace.
If my dried fruits hadn't been stolen, I wouldn't have needed to journey to the exotic marketplace.
Cuoj Banaiuj, xen coxeu xen miu xad eý?
Hey Banaiuj, where did you find that plant?
Un’ aid’i cual he al auzil eý hel, jál cud he xem’en hex.
my good tools are on the table and my bad tools are under my table.
Securzi cuoj Karen, í sehcuxiý sehajiý céce
I'm sorry Karen, but I prefer the company of men
Ē... seccual'en miur' āh(politics)jí āhāh í xen Florida xad cudi xad?
Uh... I hate getting all political and shit but what the fuck is Florida?
Seccual. Setncual'en xem'en.
I'm fine. I hate the floor.
Āhmuzme' jadíl xaúx ājí xec' a muzm'euóc aul'ú India juño eý jenyan' ne āhcauc'iý je yan.
The owner of an Indian restaurant in a town near a river named for a god is also in possession of rare and exotic birds.
Miw secréuai hez'i aila, uc' sehXauc' Saul
Feeling cute, might Call Saul.
Sehxeý sehú cé David Yauñ'.
We need to cook King David's father.
Cuoj Ozai Riýan Xemux, ucur cur coc'ou hej ez'e eylac jál muc'uj, r'ez cuc' cozcoxiatxer!
Fire Lord Ozai, you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world, and now you shall pay the ultimate price!
COZÝEMIÝ cuoj c'uayud
I love you.
Cual coxxen mau
Please do not the cat.
Moñ'uý Il Huryauñ' Brandon Cummings, Ñuco Hurentacin Cé Je Cé "Let's Go Brandon" Xauan Xenuz, Hez'i Heit Ez'e Xañ' Neo-Nazi 21
Pornstar Brandon Cummings, From The Famous "Let's Go Brandon" Series Of Male On Male Porn, Has Been Arrested After Beating Up 35 Neo-Nazis
Ez'e āz āz āhaíún' Yan soy-cē laúz cuc'o
Further proof that God is a woke beta soyboy
R'u xad jál ā xad āheylac; heitz'i heitz'i xoñíl āhcozréuaz leic'ā!
Only one things goes to those who wait; it's never too late to embrace your fate!
Harteu ej xi ta ez'e coi n'eújí he.
My ex-husband stabbed me 27 times.
En ucux cóux nid’ muzux hed’ cur ád xad hed’ teuíl
The force of a deep hit is more than that of a knife.
Añ’nál’azig’ ux ta nil hán có ta
Three animals are born to feed three children
Nuxen xen uc’lal he xad eg’?
Where are my eyes?
Igcux al cél’ julex xenug’ jál xad miū xenug’ ej
One dick in the jaw’s worth two in the bush
Huxeuai co ád xeu lax je
The person threw the rock at the animal
Nuc' syen hez'i jál xad āhsetnjey dizlux suílai he?
Who among us will be the first to summon the first fruits of our labor?
Xen cu"cual" xad, cuýemax úaynad he eý ruhuhiauñi cual hez'i ez' curyan coz āhsecxemuxiýjí yanxad.
I don't "like" things, I rotate them in my brain like a rotisserie chicken for months until my skull catches fire.
Un' hian jál eý
This is tree
Xen secc'ua, pfi xen syen
I don't think, therefore I ain't.
Un' jál ád xad nál nál āhsecréuai il
That’s the softest thing I’ve ever felt
Cozxauc ez'e corcuj úu Jonathan, ñ'in' pfur nezi mau
-Hello! everyone say Hello to Friend Jonathan! he a cat not boi lover
Cozr'úz, ne ne āhc'oc, {platonic ideal} tsilaven muzad.
(transcript here later)
Huriad cuoj, nuc' cuxauc a jál cual hez'i? Ih uc' secñéi tum'ay jál āhsocüez col lád hed' xem'en hex eý ih un' xad jál muñxei ád āhucréuai.
(transcript here later)
Cuoj nál en, coxey al cél’ he
My girl, take my penis
Harxañ' xañ' Will Smith xil xil eý!
Will Smith just smacked the shit out of me!
Secil are eý
We live in a society
Ur'úz jenad c'ez setnutx jenjen.
We went to a lake to fish.
Cuú moñ
I eat sand
Caru aico: cozhur coil/cozeu muzad.
Fun challenge: go fuck yourself.
Ih xen cohú ú cō, cozýeu ej
If you haven't eaten children, you're missing out.
Cohjiñ'al yañ'ou!
Fight the power!
Xen secyanuxjí cüāz jál
I'm not at liberty to reveal that
Xen usc'uaujíax hurad Heýan Miñ hé
Ming Dynasty pussy got me actin unwise
Cual jál, seccuz cuz coil!
As one, we raise ourselves higher!
Xen corcaru corhur hez'i (r'úiad) jál, cuoj cē?
You dare speak to me in that tone of voice, boy?
Uc' socyan'
I will rule you
Un' muzarji āhú āhneïci cutseu curyantum ne
Luxury is eating doughnuts naked in the moonlight
Xen yauñ' cual hazen cé jux āhxeý xauc "syen yauñ'"
Any man who must say, "I am the king," is no true king.
Cozc'ua, seccudiiadjíaxiý hez'i muzux conlang he je a xad āhun' jál cual
You know, stuff like this makes me less ashamed of my own conlangs
Carují jul' Duitx
The German language is challenging
Tumyan txiyan, xen je xen corhuriadz'i?
Ten thousand day, Why you don’t love me?
Beu nu ne, uc' seccual miu āhhanutx teúx
With his arrow, I would like him to be deer-hunting
Nayn xañ'íl ez'e xenuz, xen hur, ez'e xenuz ā
The word is off, no fuck, just off
Aíún' Ñēyan xenuym'en tumad, cuoj Jon
Heaven is void of light, Jon.
Cuoj cudix un' muzad jál a Extra Quran™️
damn that shit Extra Quran™️
Seccéjí céjí, secc'uaují c'uaují, seccux, seccux
I am stronger, I am smarter, I am better, I am better
Syen cō Nguh āhsecmiuei yauñ'
We are Nguh’s children and we praise our lord.
Un' xeyil cuder, xen āhnayn hez'i cuder hel riylal?
That's a lot of soup, how many legs do you have?
Cual, sehuc' Agma Schwa.
Yes. I see Agma Schwa.
Secuc' secxoñíl ez'e leyn' Aghma Shwa
I never understood the appeal of Aghma Shwa
Xen hazen Xec'n'iýuóc, hazen cē cud cud
He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy!
Cozen ez'e jutxux āhsecxeý Christmas je
All I want for Christmas is you
C’en c’en sehsutxi xeyē huriad cuder hed’ nej huriad eý
I really can't give good advice to your polyamorous aliens about their love dynamic
Sehxañ' xeu nid', miuc miur aicoz'i āl.
I hit him with a rock and now he won't stop smiling.
C'oc McSyen syen
Just about McFucking had it
Cuoj úu! Coxmiuji xecla xeu eý hian v'ual ne āhcozñéi ñéi!
Hey pal! Put the bowl on the rock by the coconut tree and come hang!
Ñ'ihcur nál'azuóc mau éj xi am
100 cats killed my parents
Miu cozr’úz Mucoñuc eý
You are going to Brazil
Xil eý naumuz muibena coil he, c'ez āhcozcacacaju col
When a apple falls on your head, you cut the entire tree down
Iarjetumyan cual!
Happy birthday!
Coxxauc' jej xauan xauan āhun' ez'e miūsad ez'e miūsad ej je
Name a more iconic duo than a beer and another beer
Syen Íex Cé!
I am Iron Man!
Un' al'a xad je uc' āhhazen me ñomuír ez'e yepfu riylal je c'e āhhazen hé
At some point there should be a legal limit on the number of legs one can have
Soccual'en sehcual'en
I hate you and him
Cuoj ratspfer, secc'ua cuder āhcozc'ua āhaíún' xuineme ez'e xoñíl xeý "Un' ez'e yan'," í r'uc' r'uc' un' yan'
Sir, I believe as much as you do that true authority is never having to say, "That is an order," but that really should have been an order.
Uñéi ai ñēūs āhañ'xauc "C'e secuc' xen', uc' cucol'eu jál."
A dog walked into a tavern and said “I can’t see a thing, I’ll open this one."
Uc' secr'úz āhun' jál ád cuder'
I will go there and that will be enough
Secuei āhcueu
I heard that you found it
C'e cozr'ūño xen āhan'yen pmah cuder āhseccoi eñjar eý je
You can imagine that we don't get many chances to meet in the park.
Xen sehan' he celara nál
I don't have a girlfriend.
Cuú muzad āhcuaijíax je, cozejýur cudziu c'ez āhyanuxz'iaxiý
To eat shit for trust, and after being freed revenging your enemy
Setnr'úz mau cñáb'es jer'-iux ne
My cat walked to the mango tree near the playground.
Setnuc'zi curyan heit eý video jin'ux
I watched a video about crocodiles last month
Hanuc' cé cuj ux tabet xeuiad
The tall man saw the big red animal
Secnivíljí nivíljí hab cé
My mom and dad are very old
Xen c'e harc'ua c'ua haryextxa Batman '''iuxuóc'''?
Did Batman really think a '''gamer''' could stop me?
Harin' xilueu ux xeu, āhxey xeu ne, basui xen' í yaiad
Dwarves are stone creatures, and as with stone, nothing changes them but dire circumstances
Xen coban'ax cō hej xil' yanux je
Do not use your children as ritual ingredients

==Multiple sentences==
==Multiple sentences==


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