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Hazen hé c'an'eiuóc riýan a l'aúj,
Hazen hé c'an'eiuóc riýan a l'aúj,
Āhhun' hé xeu xen' āhjera je.
Āhhun' hé xeu xen' āhjera je.
====Ey, Ukhnem====
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Setnyan'ux cñá,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Setnyan'ux ez'e yan'jí!
Secr'úz meven ne,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Cozr'úz, cual cozr'úz,
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, ī, cur'úh r'úh yan'ad!
Secsutx aian tumyan je.
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Āhcuoj Ainyan', jenyan' hab,
Nivla, xemen',
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Cuder jál, latx latx jál!
Ī, r'úhjí!
Ī, r'úhjí!
====Smells Like Teen Spirit chorus====
Tumad xen'e, cisíl muzux
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Secc'uaiadjí āhsechidxec
Syen jál xil eý, coraicoax
Hazen ez' iy, hazen nivue
Āhñ'in' mayaux, āhsyen hurey
====Soldier, Poet, King====
Uc' āhr'úz ez' tabde
Āhhancuzax cual r'eman
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur haumun'm'i xare
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' āhr'úz aiauñ'uóc
Āhxañ' z'aijí teuan
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' haucur jul' hé xenuz
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Uc' āhr'úz ez' yañ'ou
Āhiytociý c'ehts van
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
Upfánz'iý cual cē David
Cuoj yan yañ'an eý riýañ'an
====Pumped Up Kicks====
Iyr'úljí réu Cualdum
Uc' huuc'zi ñéd' ne, í xen hauxauc ez'e lec
Harin' hé miula n'itxem
Āhiyuc'ziax úh hé, hazen uasaduóc
Hueu tseduad c'eual āhjí je
Xeiuño cé hé eý, xeybin' xad ieai ne
Xen xad xen āhsecc'ua
Í ji haur'úz je r'úz, cual, ji haur'úz je r'úz
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Suílai r'ūjjí mama
Miu ñéiej heit eý ñe, miu ñéiej heit eý ñe
Āhhujey en ez'e t'ijaij
Un' bīn háñe eý je, iyxañ'iljí niv ne
Secley il hez'i al'a
Cual, un' hepmad réu he ats āhtsireu hez'i r'úl
Setnxauc setnc'ua n'itxem he ne
Āhxauc, "Ji cozxem cohts, uc' cozcuryanjí il, cual"
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, xeý ñéz harnejilai
Cō ej jutxux r'ubian n'eád nu ne
Uc' neji ñéz, neji ñéz hez'i r'úyan beu en
Cualdum's hand is quick
He'll look around the room, but won't tell you the plan
He has a tobacco leaf
Hanging from his mouth, he's a wildman
He found a pretty bow to use
In his dad's storage area, with a basket of fun things
What it is I don't know
But he's coming right to you, yeah, he's coming right to you
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
Daddy's working long
He's coming home late, he's coming home late
And he's bringing me a surprise
The meal's in the kitchen, it's packed in ice
I've been waiting for a long time
Yeah, my hand's trick is a bowstring pulled quick
I contemplate with my tobacco
And say, "Your hair's burning, maybe you went insane, yeah"
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave outrunning me
All the other kids with their fancy sandals
Should run away, must leave much faster than my arrows
====Í Tokuni====
Miu secr'u cum'ay eý
Xen' ne ez'e cur'e xem'en
C'en cüuc' mum'ay xeú jux
Uñéz ñe jutxux
Secxauc' í noc'uj xen'
Ez'e ixcu Ixcu eý
Tum'ay eý āhuats cur
Secuc' a uain'se
Secréuai uc' r'u xad xad eý
Secxauc' í ji noc'uj xen'
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen coruc'?
Secr'u cum'ay jál eý
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Ez'e cur'e xem'en lád?
Xen cüuc' ez'e r'ud'tumad
Āhtum huiu eý?
Xen cüuc' jí jál eý?
Xen secxenūr ñuimaj?
Xen haruc'zi uc'zi je jux?
Xen cozjí il hez'i
Secr'u il tum'ay eý,
Xen ñéz muzr'u xenuz
éād mil ne?
Xen cuc'ua ez'e ā?
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua muzr'u coíad jux?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay ez'e xen c'uaxjí eý?
Cuoj úu, cuoj úu xen corréu?
Cozc'ua xen muzr'u coíad?
Xen cozxeyzi il hez'i syen cual
Tum'ay eý āhxen mil ne?

=Assorted Snapcube dub translations (and similar stuff)=
=Assorted Snapcube dub translations (and similar stuff)=


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