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=====Written media=====
=====Written media=====
Luthic is mostly found as written media, However newspapers usually use Italian and reserve Luthic for sarcastic commentaries and caricatures. [[w:Headline|Headlines]] in Luthic are common. The [[w:Letter to the editor|letter to the editor]] section often includes entire paragraphs in Luthic. Many newspapers also regularly publish personal columns in Luthic. Most comedies are written in Luthic. [[w:Comic book|Comic books]] are often written in Luthic instead of Italian. In novels and short stories, most of the Luth authors, write the dialogues in their Luthic dialects.
Luthic is mostly found as written media, However newspapers usually use Italian and reserve Luthic for sarcastic commentaries and caricatures. [[w:Headline|Headlines]] in Luthic are common. The [[w:Letter to the editor|letter to the editor]] section often includes entire paragraphs in Luthic. Many newspapers also regularly publish personal columns in Luthic. Most comedies are written in Luthic. [[w:Comic book|Comic books]] are often written in Luthic instead of Italian. In novels and short stories, most of the Luth authors, write the dialogues in their Luthic dialects.
Within Luthic poetry, the [[w:Iamb (poetry)|iambic verse]] is a very popular choice together with [[w:Trochee|trochaic verses]], a very famous Luthic poem, known as '''manu ad amare''' “ready to love”, by Lucia Giamane, is composed of two iambic [[w:Quatrain|quatrains]], with a rhyme scheme of ABAB:
<poem style="font-style: italic">
:: Il caldu nattu non ist scaunu...
:: i meini occhi sonno blendi.
:: E sei, il ciaelo stâþ lontanu,
:: ac saeco bene, i astri fedi.
:: Il varmu dagu tan vicinu
:: m’aprosto faur þuc, þeini piedi.
:: La meina Teiva, casta e manu,
:: saria ic manu faur amardi?
The metric scheme:
<poem style="font-style: italic">
:: il CAL-du NAT-tu NON ist SCAU-nu
:: 1  2-3    4-5    6  7  8-nu
:: i MEI-ni OC-chi SON-no BLEN-di
:: 1 2-3    4-5    6-7    8-di
:: e SEI il  CIAE-lo STÂÞ lon-TA-nu
:: 1 2  3  4-5    6    7-8-nu
:: ac SAE-co BE-ne*i AS-tri FE-di
:: 1  2-3    4-5  5 6-7    8-di
<poem style="font-style: italic">
il VAR-mu DA-gu TAN vi-CI-nu
1  2-3    4-5  6  7-8-nu
m’a-PROS-to FAUR þuc ÞEI-ni PIE-di
1-2-3      4    5  6-7    8-di
la MEI-na TEI-va CAS-ta*e MA-nu
1  2-3    4-5    6-7    7 8-nu
sa-RIA ic MA-nu FAUR a-MAR-di
1-2    3  4-5  6    7-8-di

===Luthic regarded as an Italian dialect===
===Luthic regarded as an Italian dialect===


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