Dan'a'yo/218 sentences: Difference between revisions

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m (cat)
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{| class="bluetable" style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:100%;"
{| class="bluetable" style="text-align:left; vertical-align:top; width:100%;"
| 1||The sun shines.||太陽ヘ照。Taiyanu he jio.
! 1  
| The sun shines. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照。|좃.}}
| 2||The sun is shining.||太陽ヘツ照。Taiyanu he tu-jio.
! 2
| The sun is shining. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照中。|좃중.}}
| 3||The sun shone.||太陽ヘリ照。Taiyanu he li-jio.
! 3
| The sun shone. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照已。|좃이.}}
| 4||The sun will shine.||
! 4
| The sun will shine. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照将。|좃좡.}}
| 5||The sun has been shining.||太陽ヘツリ照。Taiyanu he tu-li-jio.
! 5
| The sun has been shining. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照中已。|좃중이.}}
| 6||The sun is shining again.||太陽ヘ再ツ照。Taiyanu he jai tu-jio.
! 6
| The sun is shining again. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照中|좃중}} {{Ruby|再度。|재도.}}
| 7||The sun will shine tomorrow.||来日太陽ヘ照。Lainitu taiyanu he jio.
! 7
| The sun will shine tomorrow. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照|좃}} {{Ruby|来日|래닏}}{{Ruby|於。|오.}}
| 8||The sun shines brightly.||太陽ヘ明ヤ照。Taiyanu he menuya jio.
! 8
| The sun shines brightly. || {{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照|좃}} {{Ruby|明様。|명양.}}
| 9||The bright sun shines.||明太陽ヘ照。Menu taiyanu he jio.
! 9
| The bright sun shines. || {{Ruby|明|명}}{{Ruby|太陽|태양}} {{Ruby|照。|좃.}}
| 10||The sun is rising now.||今太陽ヘツ昇。Kimu taiyanu he tu-sinu.
! 10
| The sun is rising now. ||
| 11||All the people shouted.||皆人ヘリ叫。Kai nin he li-keu.
! 11
| All the people shouted. || 皆人
| 12||Some of the people shouted.||
| 12||Some of the people shouted.||
Line 78: Line 89:
| 39||Henry's dog is lost.||
| 39||Henry's dog is lost.||
| 40||My cat is black.||我之猫ヘ黒。A-ji mau he hoku.
| 40||My cat is black.||我之猫 黒。
| 41||The little girl's doll is broken.||
| 41||The little girl's doll is broken.||
Line 188: Line 199:
| 94||Their voices sound very happy.||
| 94||Their voices sound very happy.||
| 95||Is today Monday?||今日ヘ月曜日フ?Kimunitu he wetuyonitu hu?
| 95||Is today Monday?||今日 月曜日
| 96||Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?||
| 96||Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?||
Line 204: Line 215:
| 102||How wide is the River?||
| 102||How wide is the River?||
| 103||Listen.||聴ア。Tenu a.
| 103||Listen.||
| 104||Sit here by me.||
| 104||Sit here by me.||
Line 278: Line 289:
| 139||They heard the warning too late.||
| 139||They heard the warning too late.||
| 140||We are a brave people, and love our country.||我ト勇者ニ愛我ト之国。Ato yonu-jia ni ai ato-ji koku.
| 140||We are a brave people, and love our country.||
| 141||All the children came except Mary.||
| 141||All the children came except Mary.||


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