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Noun-Focus Section Added
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(Noun-Focus Section Added)
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When Antarctican lost its pitch accent, the
When Antarctican lost its pitch accent, the
change became unpredictable.
change became unpredictable.
<h4>Noun-Focus Base</h4>
This is used when the listener already
knows about the action being described. It puts focus on the (non-topicalised)
noun(s) in the sentence.
<h5>Regular Formation</h5>
The default way of forming it is by putting
breathy voice on the final vowel of the base, and changing the vowel quality in
the same way as normal e.g.
qíeypyii /&#660;ei&#660;p&#690;i&#720;/ -
to spit out, root
qíeypyùey /&#660;ei&#660;p&#690;&#616;i&#614;/
- to spit out, noun-focus
This breathy voice “spreads” to the left
until it hits a voiceless obstruent or a prestopped nasal e.g.
guowpieyiie /goupeje&#720;/ - to suffer a
setback, root
guowpèyèe /goup&#600;&#614;j&#600;&#720;&#614;/
- to suffer a setback, noun-focus
qinyieliie /&#660;i&#626;ele&#720;/ - to
pierce, root
qùenyèlèe /&#660;&#616;&#614;&#626;&#600;&#614;le&#720;/
- to pierce, noun-focus
kivieluun /ki&#613;elu&#720;&#628;/ - to
die, root
kùevèlùun /k&#616;&#614;&#613;&#600;&#614;ly&#720;&#628;/
- to die, noun-focus
Remember that Antarctican only permits
voiced obstruents, prestopped nasals, and fricatives other than /s/, before vowels
with modal voice. So if this vowel phonation change would produce such a
forbidden sequence, then the consonant changes e.g.
hlo /&#620;&#596;/ - to perform, root
lò /l&#596;&#614;/ - to perform, noun-focus
These changes do not affect phonation
spreading though, as we can see from:
maduozie /madoze/ - to give birth,
intransitive, root
mòetùsè /m&#604;&#614;tu&#614;s&#600;&#614;/
- to give birth, intransitive, noun-focus
nyiibie /&#626;i&#720;be/ - to snow, root
nyùeypè /&#626;&#616;ip&#600;&#614;/ - to
snow, noun-focus
san-gizie /sa&#628;gize/ - to bleed, root
sòen-kùesè /s&#604;&#628;&#614;k&#616;&#614;s&#604;&#614;/
- to bleed, noun-focus
When a consonant such as a voiceless
obstruent or prestopped nasal blocks the phonation spreading, if the vowel
preceding it is /&#616;/ or /&#600;/ with modal voice (or a diphthong beginning
with one), then fronts to /i/ or /e/ respectively e.g.
yuentuoro /j&#616;&#628;to&#641;&#596;/ -
to introduce oneself, root
yintùrò /ji&#628;tu&#614;&#641;&#596;&#614;/
- to introduce oneself, noun-focus
qimuepu /&#660;im&#616;pu/ - to sit down, root
qimipù / <span
lang=EN-AU>&#660;imipu&#614;/ - to sit down, noun-focus
nuetuozie /nitoze/ - to be fed on, root
nitùsè /nitu&#614;s&#600;&#614;/ - to be
fed on, noun-focus
pensaa /p&#600;&#628;sa&#720;/ - to be lost
in deep thought, root
piensòoe /pe&#628;s&#604;&#720;&#614;/ - to
be lost in deep thought, noun-focus
If the vowel is /&#603;/, or a diphthong
starting with /&#603;/, before the blocking consonant, then it lowers to /a/
suekiraeypi /s&#616;ki&#641;&#603;ipi/ - to
become scraped, root
suekiraypùe /s&#616;ki&#641;aip&#616;&#614;/
- to become scraped, noun-focus
<h5>Final Syllable Replacement</h5>
In addition to this, some verbs lose their
final syllable, which is replaced with –zi e.g.
duolieegi /dole&#720;gi/ - to drag,
intransitive, root
tùlòoezi /tu&#614;l&#600;&#720;&#614;zi/ –
to drag, intransitive, noun-focus (-gùe has been replaced with -zi).
bilidli /bilid&#622;i/ - to make it across,
pùelùezi /p&#616;&#614;l&#616;&#614;zi/ -
to make it across, noun-focus
This process happens under well defined
conditions. Both of the last two syllables of the verb root must have modal
voice. Also the final vowel must be a short /i/ and not followed by a nasal
vowel. The consonant immediately before this must be a voiced obstruent. And,
in the proto-language, the verb root must have had pitch-accent on any syllable
other than the final one.
<h5>Formation by Suffixation Only</h5>
However, verbs that did not have pitch
accent in the proto-language form the noun-focus stem differently, adding the
suffix –zi but otherwise not deleting or changing any syllables e.g.
kazie /kaze/ - to be windy, root
kaziezi /kazezi/ - to be windy, noun-focus
nangariew /na&#331;a&#641;eu/ - to flow, root
nangariewzi /na&#331;a&#641;euzi/ - to
flow, noun-focus
fuekirami /f&#616;ki&#641;ami/ - to swell
up, base
fuekiramizi /f&#616;ki&#641;amizi/ - to
swell up, noun-focus
shinari /çina&#641;i/ - to twist,
intransitive, base
shinarizi /çina&#641;izi/ - to twist,
intransitive, noun-focus


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