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== Grammar ==
== Grammar ==
Yassi has four cases.
Yassi is a S-O-V language, though the word order is not as strict as in English . Adjectives come before nouns. Nouns and adjectives are inflected for number (sing./plur.) and case (nominative, accusative, prepositional and genitive). There is no gender distinction. 

=== Cases ===
Unlike other Uralic languages which have kept an agglutinative case system, the Yassi declension displays an inflectional type close to Indo-European idioms. All the endings are genuinely inherited, though. The transition from agglutination to inflection is the consequence of far-reaching sound changes Yassi has been subjected to. In this respect notice also the quite regular loss of the first vowel in the oblique cases (prepositional and genitives cases singular and plural as well as accusative plural). For the word ǝx̌t 'son', the putative Proto-Uralic origin is given in brackets:

* nominative: '''mǝ''' ('I') '''am''' ('mother') '''ǝx̌t''' ('son')
==== Singular ====
* accusative: '''mǝn''' ('me') '''am''' ('mother') '''ǝx̌t''' ('son')
* nominative: '''mǝ''' ('I') '''am''' ('mother') '''ǝx̌t''' ('son') (< PU *irkä)
* prepositional: '''min''' ('to me') '''mal''' ('to the mother') '''x̌tal''' ('to the son')
* accusative: '''mǝn''' ('me') '''am''' ('mother') '''ǝx̌t''' ('son') (< PU *irkä-m)  
* genitive: '''mǝnǝy''' ('mine') '''amǝy''' ('mother's') '''ǝx̌tǝy''' ('son's')
* prepositional: '''min''' ('to me') '''mal''' ('to the mother') '''x̌tal''' ('to the son') (< PU *irkä-tä)
* genitive: '''mǝnǝy''' ('mine') '''amǝy''' ('mother's') '''ǝx̌tǝy''' ('son's') (< PU *irkä-k)
==== Plural ====
* nominative: '''ǝx̌tǝl''' ('sons') (< PU *irkä-t)
* accusative: '''x̌tal''' ('sons') (< PU *irkä-t-äm)
* prepositional: '''x̌tat''' ('to the sons') (< PU *irkä-t-tä)
* genitive: '''x̌talǝy''' ('of the sons') (< PU *irkä-t-äk)

== Vocabulary ==
== Vocabulary ==


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