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'''Proto-Ladippic''' ('''PLad'''; ''qo:nga la:Dippe'') is the common ancestor of the Dwischaric languages including [[Mandarin Orange]]. It is inspired by an older draft of Praimhín's Proto-Pulchric.
{{Infobox language
|image =
|imagesize =
|creator = [[User:IlL|IlL]]
|name = {{PAGENAME}}
|nativename = ''qo:nga la:Dippe''
|pronunciation=  /ˈqoːŋa ˈlaːdʶipːe/
|setting = Hussmauch
|region =
|fam1= Ladippic
|fam2= Rencadic
|fam3= P-Rencadic

'''Proto-Ladippic''' ('''PLad'''; ''qo:nga la:Dippe'') is the common ancestor of the Ladippic languages including [[Mandarin Orange]]. It is inspired by an older draft of Praimhín's Proto-Pulchric.

==Plans for Ladippic==
==Plans for Ladippic==


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