Cwengâr/Vocabulary: Difference between revisions

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! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Fén
! class="headerSort" title="Sort ascending"|Fén
!act (action)
| act (action) || târ
!act (perform)
| act (perform) || tetŷd
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| allow || pesôlh
| argue || ârygw
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| ask || gwôn
|- style=""
| attack || rhôtŷgw
|- style=""
| be || te
| believe || tecwerh
|- style=""
| bend || gwôcwalh
|- style=""
|- style=""
| birth || cwân
|- style=""
| bite || ôrhôd
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|''te [ffa]''
|- style=""
| blow || cwec'harh
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| break || gwàn
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| breath || cwelegw
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| build || ten
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| burn || ffetam
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
|- style=""
| buy || lhugw
|- style=""
| care || maffarh
| cast || dàd
|- style=""
| charge || lerhôdàrh
|- style=""
| come || fogw
| complete || cwâne
|- style=""
| conjoin || nesogw
|- style=""
| count || led
| cover || tânalh
|- style=""
| curse || pelhogw
| cut || fongwôn
| desire || mad
| despair || anŷpelh
| die || c'harhôn
| dig || âmed
| do || târh
| dream || tŷnâm
| drift || negw
| drink || lagw
| eat || tagw
| fall || lhufogw
| feel || ffârhôn
| fight || tec'hŷlh
| finish || cwâne
| fly || ffâle
| foresee || tecwâm
| forgive || fogwên
| free || ffen
| get || legw
| give || pelârh
| go || lhô
| grow || tecwab
| hate || tecwyn
| have || te [ffa]
| hear || ârâm
| help || pag'hôrh
| hesistate || cweref
| hide || énâm
| hit || rhôtŷgw
| hold || râlh
| hope || mad
| hunt || ramalh
| invoke || ffemogw
| jump || cwemâlh
| keep || gwôrh
| kill || dugw
| know || lyc'hâm
| laugh || pelhôd
| learn || lecwâm
| liberate || ffen
| lie || ned
| light || fferen
| like || cwed
| live || telh
| look || lŷm
| lose || fonalh
| love || ryn
| make || ten
| may || tengyn
| mould || âdôlhôn
| name || ffemogw
| need || cwâb
| promise || cwyboc
| protect || gwôrhêgw
| pull || dum
| push || tad
| put || nalh
| read || cwânof
| recieve || legw
| ride || lârhôm
| roll || lârem
| rot || ârhogw
| rule || cwyn
| say || cwâr
| scratch || gwutŷlh
| see || cwâm
| sew || lyren
| shout || rhôlhôt
| shrink || tâb
| silence || temerhôlh
| sing || cwec'hŷrh
| sit || lhud
| sleep || tŷn
| slice || foc'had
| smell || erŷs
| sound || umérh
| spit || cwerh
| split || fog'hôn
| squeeze || naffârh
| stab || utŷgw
| stand || nulan
| start || cwâlegw
| strike || rhôtŷgw
| strive || dolŷm
| suck || dêcwagw
| swell || tecwed
| swim || cwale
| take || gwêgw
| taste || gôdôn
| teach || palâm
| think || tecwerh
| throw || tád
| touch || âfôn
| trade || lhoten
| trap || tenale
| try || târŷlh
| turn || nashelh
| twist || dogw
| undo || tefon
| unite || cwâne
| use || gwôd
| vomit || ucwarh
| vow || cwyboc
| wait || dod
| wake || gwon
| walk || dôl
| want || mad
| weep || cwefferh
| weigh || aralh
| whisper || lhucwârh
| win || terh
| wipe || leshelh
| work || gwufôrh
| write || rŷnob
{| border="none" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed jquery-tablesorter" id="collapsibleTable1"
{| border="none" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" class="wikitable sortable collapsible collapsed jquery-tablesorter" id="collapsibleTable1"


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