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Line 1: Line 1:
local export = {}
local insert = table.insert
local m_form_of = require("Module:form of")
local m_form_of = require("Module:form of")
local m_form_of_pos = require("Module:form of/pos")
local m_params = require("Module:parameters")
local put_module = "Module:parse utilities"
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rgsplit = mw.text.gsplit
local export = {}

-- Add tracking category for PAGE when called from TEMPLATE. The tracking
--[==[ intro:
-- category linked to is [[Template:tracking/form-of/TEMPLATE/PAGE]].
This module contains code that directly implements {{tl|form of}}, {{tl|inflection of}}, and the various other
local function track(template, page)
[[:Category:Form-of templates|form-of templates]]. It is meant to be called directly from templates. See also
require("Module:debug").track("form-of/" .. template .. "/" .. page)
[[Module:form of]], which contains the underlying implementing code and is meant to be called from other modules.
-- Equivalent to list.extend(new_items) in Python. Appends items in `new_items` (a list) to `list`.
local function extend_list(list, new_items)
for _, item in ipairs(new_items) do
insert(list, item)

local function get_common_template_params()
return {
-- Named params not controlling link display
["cat"] = {list = true},
["notext"] = {type = "boolean"},
["sort"] = {},
["enclitic"] = {},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withcap=1 in invocation args. Before doing that, need to
-- remove all uses of nocap= in other circumstances.
["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withdot=1 in invocation args. Before doing that, need to
-- remove all uses of nodot= in other circumstances.
["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},
["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing, etc.

Line 30: Line 58:
and the values should be boolean true.
and the values should be boolean true.
local function process_parent_args(template, parent_args, params, defaults, ignorespecs, tracked_params)
local function process_parent_args(template, parent_args, params, defaults, ignorespecs, tracked_params, function_name)
if #defaults > 0 or #ignorespecs > 0 then
if #defaults > 0 or #ignorespecs > 0 then
local new_parent_args = {}
local new_parent_args = {}
Line 40: Line 68:
new_parent_args[defparam] = defval
new_parent_args[defparam] = defval
local params_to_ignore = {}
local params_to_ignore = {}
local numbered_list_params_to_ignore = {}
local numbered_list_params_to_ignore = {}
Line 46: Line 74:

for _, ignorespec in ipairs(ignorespecs) do
for _, ignorespec in ipairs(ignorespecs) do
for _, ignore in ipairs(rsplit(ignorespec, ",")) do
for ignore in rgsplit(ignorespec, ",") do
local param = rmatch(ignore, "^(.*):list$")
local param = rmatch(ignore, "^(.*):list$")
if param then
if param then
if rfind(param, "^[0-9]+$") then
if rfind(param, "^[0-9]+$") then
table.insert(numbered_list_params_to_ignore, tonumber(param))
insert(numbered_list_params_to_ignore, tonumber(param))
"^" .. require("Module:utilities").pattern_escape(param) .. "[0-9]*$")
"^" .. require("Module:string utilities").pattern_escape(param) .. "[0-9]*$")
Line 90: Line 118:

local args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
local args = m_params.process(parent_args, params, nil, "form of/templates", function_name)
-- Tracking for certain user-specified params. This is generally used for
-- parameters that we accept but ignore, so that we can eventually remove
-- all uses of these params and stop accepting them.
if tracked_params then
for tracked_param, _ in pairs(tracked_params) do
if parent_args[tracked_param] then
track(template, "arg/" .. tracked_param)

return args
return args
Line 115: Line 132:
local inflection_tags = {}
local inflection_tags = {}
for _, tagspec in ipairs(tagspecs) do
for _, tagspec in ipairs(tagspecs) do
for _, tag in ipairs(rsplit(tagspec, split_regex)) do
for tag in rgsplit(tagspec, split_regex) do
table.insert(inflection_tags, tag)
insert(inflection_tags, tag)
Line 122: Line 139:

local term_param_mods = {
t = {
-- [[Module:links]] expects the gloss in the "gloss" key.
item_dest = "gloss",
gloss = {},
tr = {},
ts = {},
g = {
-- [[Module:links]] expects genders in the "genders" key.
item_dest = "genders",
sublist = true,
id = {},
alt = {},
q = {},
qq = {},
lit = {},
pos = {},
sc = { type = "script" },
local function parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(paramname, val, lang)
local function generate_obj(term)
return {lang = lang, term = term}
local retval
-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>, <br/> or
-- similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{af|...}} or similar. Basically, all tags of
-- the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if
-- we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't try to parse it. The restriction to the
-- outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g. qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
if val:find("<") and not val:find("^[^<]*<[a-z]*[^a-z:]") then
retval = require(put_module).parse_inline_modifiers(val, {
paramname = paramname,
param_mods = term_param_mods,
generate_obj = generate_obj,
splitchar = ",",
if val:find(",<") then
-- this happens when there's an embedded {{,}} template, as in [[MMR]], [[TMA]], [[DEI]], where an initialism
-- expands to multiple terms; easiest not to try and parse the lemma spec as multiple lemmas
retval = {val}
elseif val:find(",%s") or (val:find(",") and val:find("[\\%[<]")) then
-- Comma after whitespace not split; nor are backslash-escaped commas or commas inside of square or
-- angle brackets. If we see any of these, use the more sophisticated algorithm in
-- [[Module:parse utilities]]. Otherwise it's safe to just split on commas directly. This optimization avoids
-- loading [[Module:parse utilities]] unnecessarily.
retval = require(put_module).split_on_comma(val)
retval = rsplit(val, ",")
for i, split in ipairs(retval) do
retval[i] = generate_obj(split)
return retval
local link_params = { "term", "alt", "t", "gloss", "sc", "tr", "ts", "pos", "id", "lit" }
local link_param_set = {}
for _, param in ipairs(link_params) do
link_param_set[param] = true

-- Modify PARAMS in-place by adding parameters that control the link to the
-- Modify PARAMS in-place by adding parameters that control the link to the
Line 127: Line 214:
-- entry itself; TERM_PARAM + 1 will be the display text, and TERM_PARAM + 2
-- entry itself; TERM_PARAM + 1 will be the display text, and TERM_PARAM + 2
-- will be the gloss, unless NO_NUMBERED_GLOSS is given.
-- will be the gloss, unless NO_NUMBERED_GLOSS is given.
local function add_link_params(params, term_param, no_numbered_gloss)
local function add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param, no_numbered_gloss)
-- Numbered params controlling link display
for k, v in pairs(parent_args) do
params[term_param] = {}
if type(k) == "string" then
local base, num = k:match("^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$")
if base and link_param_set[base] then
error("Support for the separate-parameter style of multiple lemmas in form-of templates is going away; use a comma-separated lemma param with inline modifiers")
-- If no params for the second or higher term exist, use a simpler param setup to save memory.
params[term_param + 1] = {alias_of = "alt"}
params[term_param + 1] = {alias_of = "alt"}
if not no_numbered_gloss then
if not no_numbered_gloss then
params[term_param + 2] = {alias_of = "t"}
params[term_param + 2] = {alias_of = "t"}
-- Numbered params controlling link display
params[term_param] = {}
-- Named params controlling link display
-- Named params controlling link display
params["alt"] = {}
params["t"] = {}
params["gloss"] = {alias_of = "t"}
params["gloss"] = {alias_of = "t"}
params["sc"] = {}
params["tr"] = {}
params["ts"] = {}
params["pos"] = {}
params["g"] = {list = true}
params["g"] = {list = true}
params["id"] = {}
params["sc"] = {type = "script"}
params["lit"] = {}
-- Not "term".
for i = 2, #link_params do
local param = link_params[i]
params[param] = params[param] or {}
local function add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)
-- Need to do what [[Module:parameters]] does to string arguments from parent_args as we're running this
-- before calling [[Module:parameters]] on parent_args.
local function ine(arg)
if not arg then
return nil
arg = mw.text.trim(arg)
return arg ~= "" and arg or nil
-- Check the language-specific data for additional base lemma params. But if there's no language-specific data and
-- the language is an etym-only language, fall back to the corresponding full language and check again.
local langcode = ine(parent_args[compat and "lang" or 1]) or iargs["lang"] or "und"
if m_form_of.langs_with_lang_specific_tags[langcode] then
local langdata = mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_lang_data_module_prefix .. langcode)
if langdata.base_lemma_params then
for _, param in ipairs(langdata.base_lemma_params) do
params[param.param] = {}
return langdata.base_lemma_params
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(langcode, nil, "allow etym")
if lang and lang:getCode() ~= lang:getFullCode() then
local full_code = lang:getFullCode()
local langdata = mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_lang_data_module_prefix .. full_code)
if langdata.base_lemma_params then
for _, param in ipairs(langdata.base_lemma_params) do
params[param.param] = {}
return langdata.base_lemma_params

-- Given processed invocation arguments IARGS and processed parent arguments
-- ARGS, as well as TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main
Given processed invocation arguments IARGS and processed parent arguments ARGS, as well as TERM_PARAM (the parent
-- entry) and COMPAT (true if the language code is found in args["lang"]
argument specifying the first main entry/lemma) and COMPAT (true if the language code is found in args["lang"] instead
-- instead of args[1]), return LANG, TERMINFO, CATEGORIES, where
of args[1]), return an object as follows:
-- * LANG is the language code;
-- * TERMINFO is the terminfo structure specifying the main entry, as
lang = LANG,
--   passed to full_link in Module:links;
lemmas = {LEMMA_OBJ, LEMMA_OBJ, ...},
-- * CATEGORIES is the categories to add the page to (consisting of any
enclitics = {ENCLITIC_OBJ, ENCLITIC_OBJ, ...},
--  categories specified in the invocation or parent args and any tracking
base_lemmas = {BASE_LEMMA_OBJ, BASE_LEMMA_OBJ, ...},
--  categories, but not any additional lang-specific categories that may be
categories = {"CATEGORY", "CATEGORY", ...},
--   added by {{inflection of}} or similar templates).
-- This is a subfunction of construct_form_of_text().
local function get_terminfo_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat)
local lang = args[compat and "lang" or 1] or iargs["lang"] or "und"
* LANG is the language code;
lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang) or
* LEMMAS is a sequence of objects specifying the main entries/lemmas, as passed to full_link in [[Module:links]];
require("Module:languages").err(lang, compat and "lang" or 1)
  however, if the invocation argument linktext= is given, it will be a string consisting of that text, and if the
  invocation argument nolink= is given, it will be nil;
* ENCLITICS is nil or a sequence of objects specifying the enclitics, as passed to full_link in [[Module:links]];
* BASE_LEMMA_OBJ is a sequence of objects specifying the base lemma(s), which are used when the lemma is itself a
  form of another lemma (the base lemma), e.g. a comparative, superlative or participle; each object is of the form
  { paramobj = PARAM_OBJ, lemmas = {LEMMA_OBJ, LEMMA_OBJ, ...} } where PARAM_OBJ describes the properties of the
  base lemma parameter (i.e. the relationship between the intermediate and base lemmas) and LEMMA_OBJ is of the same
   format of ENCLITIC_OBJ, i.e. an object suitable to be passed to full_link in [[Module:links]]; PARAM_OBJ is of the
  format { param = "PARAM", tags = {"TAG", "TAG", ...} } where PARAM is the name of the parameter to {{inflection of}}
  etc. that holds the base lemma(s) of the specified relationship and the tags describe the relationship, such as
  {"comd"} or {"past", "part"};
* CATEGORIES is the categories to add the page to (consisting of any categories specified in the invocation or
  parent args and any tracking categories, but not any additional lang-specific categories that may be added by
   {{inflection of}} or similar templates).
This is a subfunction of construct_form_of_text().
local function get_lemmas_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params)
local lang = args[compat and "lang" or 1]

-- Determine categories for the page, including tracking categories
-- Determine categories for the page, including tracking categories
Line 173: Line 325:
if not args["nocat"] then
if not args["nocat"] then
for _, cat in ipairs(iargs["cat"]) do
for _, cat in ipairs(iargs["cat"]) do
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. cat)
insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. cat)
for _, cat in ipairs(args["cat"]) do
for _, cat in ipairs(args["cat"]) do
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. cat)
insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. cat)
-- Format the link, preceding text and categories
-- Format the link, preceding text and categories

local terminfo
local function add_term_tracking_categories(term)
-- maybe add tracking category if primary entry doesn't exist (this is an
-- expensive call so we don't do it by default)
if iargs["noprimaryentrycat"] and term and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == ""
and not then
insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. iargs["noprimaryentrycat"])
local lemmas

if iargs["nolink"] then
if iargs["nolink"] then
terminfo = nil
lemmas = nil
elseif iargs["linktext"] then
elseif iargs["linktext"] then
terminfo = iargs["linktext"]
lemmas = iargs["linktext"]
local term = args[term_param]
local term = args[term_param]
Line 198: Line 359:
-- add tracking category if term is same as page title
if term then
if term and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text == lang:makeEntryName(term) then
lemmas = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(term_param, term, lang)
table.insert(categories, "Forms linking to themselves")
for _, lemma in ipairs(lemmas) do
lemmas = {{ lang = lang }}
-- maybe add tracking category if primary entry doesn't exist (this is an
-- expensive call so we don't do it by default)
-- sc= but not invocation arg sc= should override inline modifier sc=.
if iargs["noprimaryentrycat"] and term and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == ""
local sc
and not then
if args["sc"] then
table.insert(categories, lang:getCanonicalName() .. " " .. iargs["noprimaryentrycat"])
lemmas[1].sc = args["sc"]
elseif not lemmas[1].sc and iargs["sc"] then
lemmas[1].sc = iargs["sc"]

local sc = args["sc"] or iargs["sc"]
if #args["g"] > 0 then
local genders = {}
sc = (sc and (require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or
for _, g in ipairs(args["g"]) do
error("The script code \"" .. sc .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil)
extend_list(genders, rsplit(g, ","))
lemmas[1].genders = genders
if args["t"] then
lemmas[1].gloss = args["t"]
for _, param in ipairs(link_params) do
if param ~= "sc" and param ~= "term" and param ~= "g" and param ~= "gloss" and param ~= "t" and
args[param] then
lemmas[1][param] = args[param]

terminfo = {
local enclitics
lang = lang,
if args.enclitic then
sc = sc,
enclitics = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers("enclitic", args.enclitic, lang)
term = term,
alt = args["alt"],
id = args["id"],
gloss = args["t"],
tr = args["tr"],
ts = args["ts"],
pos = args["pos"],
genders = args["g"],
lit = args["lit"],
local base_lemmas = {}
return lang, terminfo, categories
if base_lemma_params then
for _, base_lemma_param_obj in ipairs(base_lemma_params) do
local param = base_lemma_param_obj.param
if args[param] then
insert(base_lemmas, {
paramobj = base_lemma_param_obj,
lemmas = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(param, args[param], lang),
return {
lang = lang,
lemmas = lemmas,
enclitics = enclitics,
base_lemmas = base_lemmas,
categories = categories,

-- Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template
-- Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template invocation, given processed invocation
-- invocation, given processed invocation arguments IARGS, processed parent
-- arguments IARGS, processed parent arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main entry), COMPAT
-- arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main entry),
-- (true if the language code is found in args["lang"] instead of args[1]), and DO_FORM_OF, which is a function that
-- COMPAT (true if the language code is found in args["lang"] instead of
-- returns the actual definition-line text and any language-specific categories. The terminating period/dot will be
-- args[1]), and DO_FORM_OF, which is a function that returns the actual
-- added as appropriate, the language-specific categories will be added to any categories requested by the invocation
-- definition-line text and any language-specific categories. The terminating
-- or parent args, and then whole thing will be appropriately formatted.
-- period/dot will be added as appropriate, the language-specific categories
-- will be added to any categories requested by the invocation or parent args,
-- and then whole thing will be appropriately formatted.
-- DO_FORM_OF takes two arguments:
-- DO_FORM_OF takes one argument, the return value of get_lemmas_and_categories() (an object describing the lemmas,
-- clitics, base lemmas and categories fetched).
-- (1) The object describing the language;
-- (2) the terminfo object. Normally, this is a table of the form ultimately
--     passed to full_link in [[Module:links]] (which, among other things, also
--    includes the language object inside of it), but if the invocation argument
--    linktext= is given, it will be a string consisting of that text, and if
--    the invocation argument nolink= is given, it will be nil.
-- DO_FORM_OF should return two arguments:
-- DO_FORM_OF should return two arguments:
-- (1) The actual definition-line text, marked up appropriately with
-- (1) The actual definition-line text, marked up appropriately with <span>...</span> but without any terminating
--    <span>...</span> but without any terminating period/dot.
--    period/dot.
-- (2) Any extra categories to add the page to (other than those that can be
-- (2) Any extra categories to add the page to (other than those that can be derived from parameters specified to the
--    derived from parameters specified to the invocation or parent arguments,
--    invocation or parent arguments, which will automatically be added to the page).
--    which will automatically be added to the page).
local function construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, do_form_of)
local function construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, do_form_of)
local lemma_data = get_lemmas_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params)
local lang, terminfo, categories = get_terminfo_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat)

local form_of_text, lang_cats = do_form_of(lang, terminfo)
local form_of_text, lang_cats = do_form_of(lemma_data)
for _, cat in ipairs(lang_cats) do
extend_list(lemma_data.categories, lang_cats)
table.insert(categories, cat)
local text = form_of_text .. (
args["nodot"] and "" or args["dot"] or iargs["withdot"] and "." or ""
if #lemma_data.categories == 0 then
return text
return form_of_text .. (
return text .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(lemma_data.categories, lemma_data.lang, args["sort"],
args["nodot"] and "" or args["dot"] or iargs["withdot"] and "." or ""
-- If lemma_is_sort_key is given, supply the first lemma term as the sort base if possible. If sort= is given,
) .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(categories, lang, args["sort"])
-- it will override the base; otherwise, the base will be converted appropriately to a sort key using the
-- same algorithm applied to pagenames.
iargs.lemma_is_sort_key and type(lemma_data.lemmas) == "table" and lemma_data.lemmas[1].term,
-- Supply the first lemma's script for sort key computation.
m_form_of.force_cat, type(lemma_data.lemmas) == "table" and lemma_data.lemmas[1].sc)

-- Invocation parameters shared between form_of_t(), tagged_form_of_t() and inflection_of_t().
Function that implements {{form of}} and the various more specific form-of
local function get_common_invocation_params()
templates (but not {{inflection of}} or templates that take tagged inflection
return {
Invocation params:
1= (required):
Text to display before the link.
Numbered param holding the term linked to. Other numbered params come after.
Defaults to 1 if invocation or template param lang= is present, otherwise 2.
Default language code for language-specific templates. If specified, no
language code needs to be specified, and if specified it needs to be set
using lang=, not 1=.
Default script code for language-specific templates. The script code can
still be overridden using template param sc=.
cat=, cat2=, ...:
Categories to place the page into. The language name will automatically be
prepended. Note that there is also a template param cat= to specify
categories at the template level. Use of nocat= disables categorization of
categories specified using invocation param cat=, but not using template
param cat=.
ignore=, ignore2=, ...:
One or more template params to silently accept and ignore. Useful e.g. when
the template takes additional parameters such as from= or POS=. Each value
is a comma-separated list of either bare parameter names or specifications
of the form "PARAM:list" to specify that the parameter is a list parameter.
def=, def2=, ...:
One or more default values to supply for template args. For example,
specifying '|def=tr=-' causes the default for template param '|tr=' to be
'-'. Actual template params override these defaults.
Capitalize the first character of the text preceding the link, unless
template param nocap= is given.
Add a final period after the link, unless template param nodot= is given
to suppress the period, or dot= is given to specify an alternative
punctuation character.
Suppress the display of the link. If specified, none of the template
params that control the link (TERM_PARAM, TERM_PARAM + 1, TERM_PARAM + 2,
t=, gloss=, sc=, tr=, ts=, pos=, g=, id=, lit=) will be available.
If the calling template uses any of these parameters, they must be
ignored using ignore=.
Override the display of the link with the specified text. This is useful
if a custom template is available to format the link (e.g. in Hebrew,
Chinese and Japanese). If specified, none of the template params that
control the link (TERM_PARAM, TERM_PARAM + 1, TERM_PARAM + 2, t=, gloss=,
sc=, tr=, ts=, pos=, g=, id=, lit=) will be available. If the calling
template uses any of these parameters, they must be ignored using ignore=.
Additional text to display directly after the formatted link, before any
terminating period/dot and inside of "<span class='use-with-mention'>".
Category to add the page to if the primary entry linked to doesn't exist.
The language name will automatically be prepended.
function export.form_of_t(frame)
local iparams = {
[1] = {required = true},
["term_param"] = {type = "number"},
["term_param"] = {type = "number"},
["lang"] = {},
["lang"] = {}, -- To be used as the default code in params.
["sc"] = {},
["sc"] = {type = "script"},
["cat"] = {list = true},
["cat"] = {list = true},
["ignore"] = {list = true},
["ignore"] = {list = true},
Line 349: Line 474:
["posttext"] = {},
["posttext"] = {},
["noprimaryentrycat"] = {},
["noprimaryentrycat"] = {},
["lemma_is_sort_key"] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
Function that implements {{tl|form of}} and the various more specific form-of templates (but not {{tl|inflection of}}
or templates that take tagged inflection parameters).
Invocation params:
; {{para|1|req=1}}
: Text to display before the link.
; {{para|term_param}}
: Numbered param holding the term linked to. Other numbered params come after. Defaults to 1 if invocation or template
  param {{para|lang}} is present, otherwise 2.
; {{para|lang}}
: Default language code for language-specific templates. If specified, no language code needs to be specified, and if
  specified it needs to be set using {{para|lang}}, not {{para|1}}.
; {{para|sc}}
: Default script code for language-specific templates. The script code can still be overridden using template param
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...:
: Categories to place the page into. The language name will automatically be prepended. Note that there is also a
  template param {{para|cat}} to specify categories at the template level. Use of {{para|nocat}} disables categorization
  of categories specified using invocation param {{para|cat}}, but not using template param {{para|cat}}.
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...:
: One or more template params to silently accept and ignore. Useful e.g. when the template takes additional parameters
  such as {{para|from}} or {{para|POS}}. Each value is a comma-separated list of either bare parameter names or
  specifications of the form `PARAM:list` to specify that the parameter is a list parameter.
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...:
: One or more default values to supply for template args. For example, specifying {{para|def|2=tr=-}} causes the default
  for template param {{para|tr}} to be `-`. Actual template params override these defaults.
; {{para|withcap}}
: Capitalize the first character of the text preceding the link, unless template param {{para|nocap}} is given.
; {{para|withdot}}
: Add a final period after the link, unless template param {{para|nodot}} is given to suppress the period, or
  {{para|dot}} is given to specify an alternative punctuation character.
; {{para|nolink}}
: Suppress the display of the link. If specified, none of the template params that control the link
  ({{para|<var>term_param</var>}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 1}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 2}}, {{para|t}},
  {{para|gloss}}, {{para|sc}}, {{para|tr}}, {{para|ts}}, {{para|pos}}, {{para|g}}, {{para|id}}, {{para|lit}}) will be
  available. If the calling template uses any of these parameters, they must be ignored using {{para|ignore}}.
: Override the display of the link with the specified text. This is useful if a custom template is available to format
  the link (e.g. in Hebrew, Chinese and Japanese). If specified, none of the template params that control the link
  ({{para|<var>term_param</var>}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 1}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 2}}, {{para|t}},
  {{para|gloss}}, {{para|sc}}, {{para|tr}}, {{para|ts}}, {{para|pos}}, {{para|g}}, {{para|id}}, {{para|lit}}) will be
  available. If the calling template uses any of these parameters, they must be ignored using {{para|ignore}}.
; {{para|posttext}}
: Additional text to display directly after the formatted link, before any terminating period/dot and inside of
  `<span class='use-with-mention'>`.
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
: Category to add the page to if the primary entry linked to doesn't exist. The language name will automatically be
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
: If the user didn't specify a sort key, use the lemma as the sort key (instead of the page itself).
function export.form_of_t(frame)
local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
iparams[1] = {required = true}
local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

local term_param = iargs["term_param"]
local term_param = iargs["term_param"]
local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2

local params = {
local params = get_common_template_params()
-- Numbered params
[compat and "lang" or 1] = {required = not iargs["lang"]},
-- Numbered params
params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
-- Named params not controlling link display
required = not iargs["lang"],
["cat"] = {list = true},
type = "language",
["notext"] = {type = "boolean"},
default = iargs["lang"] or "und"
["sort"] = {},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withcap=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nocap= in other circumstances.
["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withdot=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nodot= in other circumstances.
["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},

local base_lemma_params
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
add_link_params(params, term_param)
add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param)
base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

Line 399: Line 576:

local args = process_parent_args("form-of-t", parent_args, params, iargs["def"],
local args = process_parent_args("form-of-t", parent_args, params, iargs["def"],
iargs["ignore"], ignored_params)
iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "form_of_t")
local text = args["notext"] and "" or iargs[1]
local text = args["notext"] and "" or iargs[1]
if args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"] then
if args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"] then
text = m_form_of.ucfirst(text)
text = require("Module:string utilities").ucfirst(text)

return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat,
return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
function(lang, terminfo)
return m_form_of.format_form_of(text, terminfo, iargs["posttext"]), {}
return m_form_of.format_form_of {text = text, lemmas = lemma_data.lemmas, enclitics = lemma_data.enclitics,
base_lemmas = lemma_data.base_lemmas, lemma_face = "term", posttext = iargs["posttext"]}, {}
Line 414: Line 592:

-- Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template
-- invocation that is based on inflection tags. This is a wrapper around
Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template invocation that is based on inflection tags.
-- construct_form_of_text() and takes the following arguments:, processed
This is a wrapper around construct_form_of_text() and takes the following arguments: processed invocation arguments
-- invocation arguments IARGS, processed parent arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM
IARGS, processed parent arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main entry), COMPAT (true if the
-- (the parent argument specifying the main entry), COMPAT (true if the language
language code is found in args["lang"] instead of args[1]), and TAGS, the list of (non-canonicalized) inflection tags.
-- code is found in args["lang"] instead of args[1]), and TAGS, the list of
It returns that actual definition-line text including terminating period/full-stop, formatted categories, etc. and
-- (non-canonicalized) inflection tags. It returns that actual definition-line
should be directly returned as the template function's return value. JOINER is the optional strategy to join multipart
-- text including terminating period/full-stop, formatted categories, etc. and
tags for display; currently accepted values are "and", "slash", "en-dash"; defaults to "slash".
-- should be directly returned as the template function's return value.
-- JOINER is the strategy to join multipart tags for display; currently accepted
local function construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, tags, joiner)
-- values are "and", "slash", "en-dash".
return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
local function construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, tags, joiner)
return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat,
-- NOTE: tagged_inflections returns two values, so we do too.
function(lang, terminfo)
return m_form_of.tagged_inflections {
local lang_cats =
lang = lemma_data.lang,
args["nocat"] and {} or m_form_of.fetch_lang_categories(lang, tags, terminfo, args["p"])
tags = tags,
return m_form_of.tagged_inflections(
lemmas = lemma_data.lemmas,
tags, terminfo, args["notext"],
enclitics = lemma_data.enclitics,
args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"], iargs["posttext"],
base_lemmas = lemma_data.base_lemmas,
lemma_face = "term",
), lang_cats
POS = args["p"],
pagename = args["pagename"],
-- Set no_format_categories because we do it ourselves in construct_form_of_text().
no_format_categories = true,
nocat = args["nocat"],
notext = args["notext"],
capfirst = args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"],
posttext = iargs["posttext"],
joiner = joiner,
Line 440: Line 627:

Function that implements form-of templates that are defined by specific tagged
Function that implements form-of templates that are defined by specific tagged inflections (typically a template
inflections (typically a template referring to a non-lemma inflection,
referring to a non-lemma inflection, such as {{tl|plural of}}). This works exactly like {form_of_t()} except that the
such as {{genitive plural of}}). This works exactly like form_of_t() except
"form of" text displayed before the link is based off of a pre-specified set of inflection tags (which will be
that the "form of" text displayed before the link is based off of a
appropriately linked to the glossary) instead of arbitrary text. From the user's perspective, there is no difference
pre-specified set of inflection tags (which will be appropriately linked to
between templates implemented using {form_of_t()} and {tagged_form_of_t()}; they accept exactly the same parameters and
the glossary) instead of arbitrary text. From the user's perspective, there
work the same. See also {inflection_of_t()} below, which is intended for templates with user-specified inflection tags.
is no difference between templates implemented using form_of_t() and
tagged_form_of_t(); they accept exactly the same parameters and work the same.
See also inflection_of_t() below, which is intended for templates with
user-specified inflection tags.

Invocation params:
Invocation params:

1=, 2=, ... (required):
; {{para|1|req=1}}, {{para|2}}, ...
One or more inflection tags describing the inflection in question.
: One or more inflection tags describing the inflection in question.
; {{para|split_tags}}
If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows
: If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows multiple tags to be included in a single
multiple tags to be included in a single argument, simplifying template
  argument, simplifying template code.
; {{para|term_param}}
; {{para|lang}}
; {{para|sc}}
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...
cat=, cat2=, ...:
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...
ignore=, ignore2=, ...:
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...
def=, def2=, ...:
; {{para|withcap}}
; {{para|withdot}}
; {{para|nolink}}
; {{para|linktext}}
; {{para|posttext}}
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
All of these are the same as in form_of_t().
: All of these are the same as in {form_of_t()}.
function export.tagged_form_of_t(frame)
function export.tagged_form_of_t(frame)
local iparams = {
local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
[1] = {list = true, required = true},
iparams[1] = {list = true, required = true}
["split_tags"] = {},
iparams["split_tags"] = {}
["term_param"] = {type = "number"},
["lang"] = {},
local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
["sc"] = {},
["cat"] = {list = true},
["ignore"] = {list = true},
["def"] = {list = true},
["withcap"] = {type = "boolean"},
["withdot"] = {type = "boolean"},
["nolink"] = {type = "boolean"},
["linktext"] = {},
["posttext"] = {},
["noprimaryentrycat"] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

Line 500: Line 670:
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2

local params = {
local params = get_common_template_params()
-- Numbered params
-- Numbered params
[compat and "lang" or 1] = {required = not iargs["lang"]},
params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
required = not iargs["lang"],
type = "language",
default = iargs["lang"] or "und"

-- Named params not controlling link display
-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
["cat"] = {list = true},
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
params["p"] = {}
["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"},
params["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"}
["p"] = {},
["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"},
local base_lemma_params
["notext"] = {type = "boolean"},
["sort"] = {},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withcap=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nocap= in other circumstances.
["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withdot=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nodot= in other circumstances.
["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
add_link_params(params, term_param)
add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param)
base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

Line 540: Line 703:

local args = process_parent_args("tagged-form-of-t", parent_args,
local args = process_parent_args("tagged-form-of-t", parent_args,
params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params)
params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "tagged_form_of_t")
return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat,
return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
split_inflection_tags(iargs[1], iargs["split_tags"]), "and")
split_inflection_tags(iargs[1], iargs["split_tags"]))

Function that implements {{inflection of}} and certain semi-specific variants,
Function that implements {{tl|inflection of}} and certain semi-specific variants, such as {{tl|participle of}} and
such as {{participle of}} and {{past participle form of}}. This function is
{{tl|past participle form of}}. This function is intended for templates that allow the user to specify a set of
intended for templates that allow the user to specify a set of inflection tags.
inflection tags.
It works similarly to form_of_t() and tagged_form_of_t() except that the
calling convention for the calling template is
It works similarly to {form_of_t()} and {tagged_form_of_t()} except that the calling convention for the calling
template is
instead of  
instead of  
Note that there isn't a numbered parameter for the gloss, but it can still
be specified using t= or gloss=.
Note that there isn't a numbered parameter for the gloss, but it can still be specified using {{para|t}} or

Invocation params:
Invocation params:

preinfl=, preinfl2=, ...:
; {{para|preinfl}}, {{para|preinfl2}}, ...
Extra inflection tags to automatically prepend to the tags specified by
: Extra inflection tags to automatically prepend to the tags specified by the template.
the template.
; {{para|postinfl}}, {{para|postinfl2}}, ...
postinfl=, postinfl2=, ...:
: Extra inflection tags to automatically append to the tags specified by the template. Used for example by
Extra inflection tags to automatically append to the tags specified by the
  {{tl|past participle form of}} to add the tags `of the|past|p` onto the user-specified tags, which indicate which
template. Used for example by {{past participle form of}} to add the tags
  past participle form the page refers to.
'of the|past|p' onto the user-specified tags, which indicate which past
; {{para|split_tags}}
participle form the page refers to.
: If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows multiple tags to be included in a single
  argument, simplifying template code. Note that this applies *ONLY* to inflection tags specified in the invocation
If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows
  arguments using {{para|preinfl}} or {{para|postinfl}}, not to user-specified inflection tags.
multiple tags to be included in a single argument, simplifying template
; {{para|term_param}}
code. Note that this applies *ONLY* to inflection tags specified in the
; {{para|lang}}
invocation arguments using preinfl= or postinfl=, not to user-specified
; {{para|sc}}
inflection tags.
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...
; {{para|withcap}}
cat=, cat2=, ...:
; {{para|withdot}}
ignore=, ignore2=, ...:
; {{para|nolink}}
def=, def2=, ...:
; {{para|linktext}}
; {{para|posttext}}
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
: All of these are the same as in {form_of_t()}.
All of these are the same as in form_of_t().
function export.inflection_of_t(frame)
function export.inflection_of_t(frame)
local iparams = {
local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
["preinfl"] = {list = true},
iparams["preinfl"] = {list = true}
["postinfl"] = {list = true},
iparams["postinfl"] = {list = true}
["split_tags"] = {},
iparams["split_tags"] = {}
["term_param"] = {type = "number"},
["lang"] = {},
["sc"] = {},
["cat"] = {list = true},
["ignore"] = {list = true},
["def"] = {list = true},
["withcap"] = {type = "boolean"},
["withdot"] = {type = "boolean"},
["nolink"] = {type = "boolean"},
["linktext"] = {},
["posttext"] = {},
["noprimaryentrycat"] = {},

local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

local term_param = iargs["term_param"]
local term_param = iargs["term_param"]
local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2
term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2
local tagsind = term_param + 2

local params = {
local params = get_common_template_params()
-- Numbered params
-- Numbered params
[compat and "lang" or 1] = {required = not iargs["lang"]},
params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
[term_param + 2] = {list = true,
required = not iargs["lang"],
-- at least one inflection tag is required unless preinfl or
type = "language",
-- postinfl tags are given
default = iargs["lang"] or "und"
required = #iargs["preinfl"] == 0 and #iargs["postinfl"] == 0},
-- Named params not controlling link display
["cat"] = {list = true},
-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"},
["p"] = {},
["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"},
["notext"] = {type = "boolean"},
["sort"] = {},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withcap=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nocap= in other circumstances.
["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"},
-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withdot=1 in
-- invocation args. Before doing that, need to remove all uses of
-- nodot= in other circumstances.
["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},
-- Temporary, allows multipart joiner to be controlled on a template-by-template
-- basis
["joiner"] = {},
params[tagsind] = {list = true,
-- at least one inflection tag is required unless preinfl or postinfl tags are given
required = #iargs["preinfl"] == 0 and #iargs["postinfl"] == 0}
-- Named params not controlling link display
-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
params["p"] = {}
params["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"}
-- Temporary, allows multipart joiner to be controlled on a template-by-template basis.
params["joiner"] = {}
local base_lemma_params
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
add_link_params(params, term_param, "no-numbered-gloss")
add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param, "no-numbered-gloss")
base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

Line 662: Line 806:

local args = process_parent_args("inflection-of-t", parent_args,
local args = process_parent_args("inflection-of-t", parent_args,
params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params)
params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "inflection_of_t")
local infls = {}
local infls
if not next(iargs["preinfl"]) and not next(iargs["postinfl"]) then
if not next(iargs["preinfl"]) and not next(iargs["postinfl"]) then
infls = args[term_param + 2]
-- If no preinfl or postinfl tags, just use the user-specified tags directly.
infls = args[tagsind]
-- Otherwise, we need to prepend the preinfl tags and postpend the postinfl tags. If there's only one tag set
-- (no semicolon), it's easier. Since this is common, we optimize for it.
infls = {}
infls = {}
for _, infl in ipairs(split_inflection_tags(iargs["preinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])) do
local saw_semicolon = false
table.insert(infls, infl)
for _, infl in ipairs(args[tagsind]) do
if infl == ";" then
saw_semicolon = true
for _, infl in ipairs(args[term_param + 2]) do
local split_preinfl = split_inflection_tags(iargs["preinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])
table.insert(infls, infl)
local split_postinfl = split_inflection_tags(iargs["postinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])
if not saw_semicolon then
for _, infl in ipairs(split_inflection_tags(iargs["postinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])) do
extend_list(infls, split_preinfl)
table.insert(infls, infl)
extend_list(infls, args[tagsind])
extend_list(infls, split_postinfl)
local groups = m_form_of.split_tags_into_tag_sets(args[tagsind])
for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
if #infls > 0 then
insert(infls, ";")
extend_list(infls, split_preinfl)
extend_list(infls, group)
extend_list(infls, split_postinfl)

return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, infls,
return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, infls,

Normalize a part-of-speech tag given a possible abbreviation
Normalize a part-of-speech tag given a possible abbreviation (passed in as {{para|1}} of the invocation args). If the
(passed in as 1= of the invocation args). If the abbreviation
abbreviation isn't recognized, the original POS tag is returned. If no POS tag is passed in, return the value of
isn't recognized, the original POS tag is returned. If no POS
invocation arg {{para|default}}.
tag is passed in, return the value of invocation arg default=.
function export.normalize_pos(frame)
function export.normalize_pos(frame)
local iparams = {
local iparams = {
Line 695: Line 856:
["default"] = {},
["default"] = {},
local iargs = require("Module:parameters").process(frame.args, iparams)
local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
if not iargs[1] and not iargs["default"] then
if not iargs[1] and not iargs["default"] then
error("Either 1= or default= must be given in the invocation args")
error("Either 1= or default= must be given in the invocation args")
return m_form_of_pos[iargs[1]] or iargs[1] or iargs["default"]
if not iargs[1] then
return iargs["default"]
return mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_pos_module)[iargs[1]] or iargs[1]

return export
return export
-- For Vim, so we get 4-space tabs
-- vim: set ts=4 sw=4 noet:

Revision as of 18:10, 12 August 2024

local insert = table.insert
local m_form_of = require("Module:form of")
local m_params = require("Module:parameters")
local put_module = "Module:parse utilities"
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rgsplit = mw.text.gsplit

local export = {}

--[==[ intro:
This module contains code that directly implements {{tl|form of}}, {{tl|inflection of}}, and the various other
[[:Category:Form-of templates|form-of templates]]. It is meant to be called directly from templates. See also
[[Module:form of]], which contains the underlying implementing code and is meant to be called from other modules.

-- Equivalent to list.extend(new_items) in Python. Appends items in `new_items` (a list) to `list`.
local function extend_list(list, new_items)
	for _, item in ipairs(new_items) do
		insert(list, item)

local function get_common_template_params()
	return {
		-- Named params not controlling link display
		["cat"] = {list = true},
		["notext"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["sort"] = {},
		["enclitic"] = {},
		-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withcap=1 in invocation args. Before doing that, need to
		-- remove all uses of nocap= in other circumstances.
		["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"},
		-- FIXME! The following should only be available when withdot=1 in invocation args. Before doing that, need to
		-- remove all uses of nodot= in other circumstances.
		["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["pagename"] = {}, -- for testing, etc.

Process parent arguments. This is similar to the following:
	require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, params)
but in addition it does the following:
(1) Supplies default values for unspecified parent arguments as specified in
	DEFAULTS, which consist of specs of the form "ARG=VALUE". These are
	added to the parent arguments prior to processing, so boolean and number
	parameters will process the value appropriately.
(2) Removes parent arguments specified in IGNORESPECS, which consist either
	of bare argument names to remove, or list-argument names to remove of the
	form "ARG:list".
(3) Tracks the use of any parent arguments specified in TRACKED_PARAMS, which
	is a set-type table where the keys are arguments as they exist after
	processing (hence numeric arguments should be numbers, not strings)
	and the values should be boolean true.
local function process_parent_args(template, parent_args, params, defaults, ignorespecs, tracked_params, function_name)
	if #defaults > 0 or #ignorespecs > 0 then
		local new_parent_args = {}
		for _, default in ipairs(defaults) do
			local defparam, defval = rmatch(default, "^(.-)=(.*)$")
			if not defparam then
				error("Bad default spec " .. default)
			new_parent_args[defparam] = defval

		local params_to_ignore = {}
		local numbered_list_params_to_ignore = {}
		local named_list_params_to_ignore = {}

		for _, ignorespec in ipairs(ignorespecs) do
			for ignore in rgsplit(ignorespec, ",") do
				local param = rmatch(ignore, "^(.*):list$")
				if param then
					if rfind(param, "^[0-9]+$") then
						insert(numbered_list_params_to_ignore, tonumber(param))
							"^" .. require("Module:string utilities").pattern_escape(param) .. "[0-9]*$")
					if rfind(ignore, "^[0-9]+$") then
						ignore = tonumber(ignore)
					params_to_ignore[ignore] = true

		for k, v in pairs(parent_args) do
			if not params_to_ignore[k] then
				local ignore_me = false
				if type(k) == "number" then
					for _, lparam in ipairs(numbered_list_params_to_ignore) do
						if k >= lparam then
							ignore_me = true
					for _, lparam in ipairs(named_list_params_to_ignore) do
						if rfind(k, lparam) then
							ignore_me = true
				if not ignore_me then
					new_parent_args[k] = v
		parent_args = new_parent_args

	local args = m_params.process(parent_args, params, nil, "form of/templates", function_name)

	return args

-- Split TAGSPECS (inflection tag specifications) on SPLIT_REGEX, which
-- may be nil for no splitting.
local function split_inflection_tags(tagspecs, split_regex)
	if not split_regex then
		return tagspecs
	local inflection_tags = {}
	for _, tagspec in ipairs(tagspecs) do
		for tag in rgsplit(tagspec, split_regex) do
			insert(inflection_tags, tag)
	return inflection_tags

local term_param_mods = {
	t = {
		-- [[Module:links]] expects the gloss in the "gloss" key.
		item_dest = "gloss",
	gloss = {},
	tr = {},
	ts = {},
	g = {
		-- [[Module:links]] expects genders in the "genders" key.
		item_dest = "genders",
		sublist = true,
	id = {},
	alt = {},
	q = {},
	qq = {},
	lit = {},
	pos = {},
	sc = { type = "script" },

local function parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(paramname, val, lang)
	local function generate_obj(term)
		return {lang = lang, term = term}

	local retval
	-- Check for inline modifier, e.g. מרים<tr:Miryem>. But exclude HTML entry with <span ...>, <i ...>, <br/> or
	-- similar in it, caused by wrapping an argument in {{l|...}}, {{af|...}} or similar. Basically, all tags of
	-- the sort we parse here should consist of a less-than sign, plus letters, plus a colon, e.g. <tr:...>, so if
	-- we see a tag on the outer level that isn't in this format, we don't try to parse it. The restriction to the
	-- outer level is to allow generated HTML inside of e.g. qualifier tags, such as foo<q:similar to {{m|fr|bar}}>.
	if val:find("<") and not val:find("^[^<]*<[a-z]*[^a-z:]") then
		retval = require(put_module).parse_inline_modifiers(val, {
			paramname = paramname,
			param_mods = term_param_mods,
			generate_obj = generate_obj,
			splitchar = ",",
		if val:find(",<") then
			-- this happens when there's an embedded {{,}} template, as in [[MMR]], [[TMA]], [[DEI]], where an initialism
			-- expands to multiple terms; easiest not to try and parse the lemma spec as multiple lemmas
			retval = {val}
		elseif val:find(",%s") or (val:find(",") and val:find("[\\%[<]")) then
			-- Comma after whitespace not split; nor are backslash-escaped commas or commas inside of square or
			-- angle brackets. If we see any of these, use the more sophisticated algorithm in
			-- [[Module:parse utilities]]. Otherwise it's safe to just split on commas directly. This optimization avoids
			-- loading [[Module:parse utilities]] unnecessarily.
			retval = require(put_module).split_on_comma(val)
			retval = rsplit(val, ",")
		for i, split in ipairs(retval) do
			retval[i] = generate_obj(split)

	return retval

local link_params = { "term", "alt", "t", "gloss", "sc", "tr", "ts", "pos", "id", "lit" }
local link_param_set = {}
for _, param in ipairs(link_params) do
	link_param_set[param] = true

-- Modify PARAMS in-place by adding parameters that control the link to the
-- main entry. TERM_PARAM is the number of the param specifying the main
-- entry itself; TERM_PARAM + 1 will be the display text, and TERM_PARAM + 2
-- will be the gloss, unless NO_NUMBERED_GLOSS is given.
local function add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param, no_numbered_gloss)
	for k, v in pairs(parent_args) do
		if type(k) == "string" then
			local base, num = k:match("^([a-z]+)([0-9]+)$")
			if base and link_param_set[base] then
				error("Support for the separate-parameter style of multiple lemmas in form-of templates is going away; use a comma-separated lemma param with inline modifiers")

	-- If no params for the second or higher term exist, use a simpler param setup to save memory.
	params[term_param + 1] = {alias_of = "alt"}
	if not no_numbered_gloss then
		params[term_param + 2] = {alias_of = "t"}
	-- Numbered params controlling link display
	params[term_param] = {}

	-- Named params controlling link display
	params["gloss"] = {alias_of = "t"}
	params["g"] = {list = true}
	params["sc"] = {type = "script"}

	-- Not "term".
	for i = 2, #link_params do
		local param = link_params[i]
		params[param] = params[param] or {}

local function add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)
	-- Need to do what [[Module:parameters]] does to string arguments from parent_args as we're running this
	-- before calling [[Module:parameters]] on parent_args.
	local function ine(arg)
		if not arg then
			return nil
		arg = mw.text.trim(arg)
		return arg ~= "" and arg or nil

	-- Check the language-specific data for additional base lemma params. But if there's no language-specific data and
	-- the language is an etym-only language, fall back to the corresponding full language and check again.
	local langcode = ine(parent_args[compat and "lang" or 1]) or iargs["lang"] or "und"
	if m_form_of.langs_with_lang_specific_tags[langcode] then
		local langdata = mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_lang_data_module_prefix .. langcode)
		if langdata.base_lemma_params then
			for _, param in ipairs(langdata.base_lemma_params) do
				params[param.param] = {}
			return langdata.base_lemma_params
		local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(langcode, nil, "allow etym")
		if lang and lang:getCode() ~= lang:getFullCode() then
			local full_code = lang:getFullCode()
			local langdata = mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_lang_data_module_prefix .. full_code)
			if langdata.base_lemma_params then
				for _, param in ipairs(langdata.base_lemma_params) do
					params[param.param] = {}
				return langdata.base_lemma_params

Given processed invocation arguments IARGS and processed parent arguments ARGS, as well as TERM_PARAM (the parent
argument specifying the first main entry/lemma) and COMPAT (true if the language code is found in args["lang"] instead
of args[1]), return an object as follows:
	lang = LANG,
	lemmas = {LEMMA_OBJ, LEMMA_OBJ, ...},
	enclitics = {ENCLITIC_OBJ, ENCLITIC_OBJ, ...},
	base_lemmas = {BASE_LEMMA_OBJ, BASE_LEMMA_OBJ, ...},
	categories = {"CATEGORY", "CATEGORY", ...},


* LANG is the language code;
* LEMMAS is a sequence of objects specifying the main entries/lemmas, as passed to full_link in [[Module:links]];
  however, if the invocation argument linktext= is given, it will be a string consisting of that text, and if the
  invocation argument nolink= is given, it will be nil;
* ENCLITICS is nil or a sequence of objects specifying the enclitics, as passed to full_link in [[Module:links]];
* BASE_LEMMA_OBJ is a sequence of objects specifying the base lemma(s), which are used when the lemma is itself a
  form of another lemma (the base lemma), e.g. a comparative, superlative or participle; each object is of the form
  { paramobj = PARAM_OBJ, lemmas = {LEMMA_OBJ, LEMMA_OBJ, ...} } where PARAM_OBJ describes the properties of the
  base lemma parameter (i.e. the relationship between the intermediate and base lemmas) and LEMMA_OBJ is of the same
  format of ENCLITIC_OBJ, i.e. an object suitable to be passed to full_link in [[Module:links]]; PARAM_OBJ is of the
  format { param = "PARAM", tags = {"TAG", "TAG", ...} } where PARAM is the name of the parameter to {{inflection of}}
  etc. that holds the base lemma(s) of the specified relationship and the tags describe the relationship, such as
  {"comd"} or {"past", "part"};
* CATEGORIES is the categories to add the page to (consisting of any categories specified in the invocation or
  parent args and any tracking categories, but not any additional lang-specific categories that may be added by
  {{inflection of}} or similar templates).

This is a subfunction of construct_form_of_text().
local function get_lemmas_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params)
	local lang = args[compat and "lang" or 1]

	-- Determine categories for the page, including tracking categories

	local categories = {}

	if not args["nocat"] then
		for _, cat in ipairs(iargs["cat"]) do
			insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. cat)
	for _, cat in ipairs(args["cat"]) do
		insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. cat)

	-- Format the link, preceding text and categories

	local function add_term_tracking_categories(term)
		-- maybe add tracking category if primary entry doesn't exist (this is an
		-- expensive call so we don't do it by default)
		if iargs["noprimaryentrycat"] and term and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == ""
			and not then
			insert(categories, lang:getFullName() .. " " .. iargs["noprimaryentrycat"])

	local lemmas

	if iargs["nolink"] then
		lemmas = nil
	elseif iargs["linktext"] then
		lemmas = iargs["linktext"]
		local term = args[term_param]

		if not term and not args["alt"] and not args["tr"] and not args["ts"] then
			if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "Template" then
				term = "term"
				error("No linked-to term specified; either specify term, alt, translit or transcription")

		if term then
			lemmas = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(term_param, term, lang)
			for _, lemma in ipairs(lemmas) do
			lemmas = {{ lang = lang }}

		-- sc= but not invocation arg sc= should override inline modifier sc=.
		local sc
		if args["sc"] then
			lemmas[1].sc = args["sc"]
		elseif not lemmas[1].sc and iargs["sc"] then
			lemmas[1].sc = iargs["sc"]

		if #args["g"] > 0 then
			local genders = {}
			for _, g in ipairs(args["g"]) do
				extend_list(genders, rsplit(g, ","))
			lemmas[1].genders = genders
		if args["t"] then
			lemmas[1].gloss = args["t"]
		for _, param in ipairs(link_params) do
			if param ~= "sc" and param ~= "term" and param ~= "g" and param ~= "gloss" and param ~= "t" and
				args[param] then
				lemmas[1][param] = args[param]

	local enclitics
	if args.enclitic then
		enclitics = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers("enclitic", args.enclitic, lang)
	local base_lemmas = {}
	if base_lemma_params then
		for _, base_lemma_param_obj in ipairs(base_lemma_params) do
			local param = base_lemma_param_obj.param
			if args[param] then
				insert(base_lemmas, {
					paramobj = base_lemma_param_obj,
					lemmas = parse_terms_with_inline_modifiers(param, args[param], lang),

	return {
		lang = lang,
		lemmas = lemmas,
		enclitics = enclitics,
		base_lemmas = base_lemmas,
		categories = categories,

-- Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template invocation, given processed invocation
-- arguments IARGS, processed parent arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main entry), COMPAT
-- (true if the language code is found in args["lang"] instead of args[1]), and DO_FORM_OF, which is a function that
-- returns the actual definition-line text and any language-specific categories. The terminating period/dot will be
-- added as appropriate, the language-specific categories will be added to any categories requested by the invocation
-- or parent args, and then whole thing will be appropriately formatted.
-- DO_FORM_OF takes one argument, the return value of get_lemmas_and_categories() (an object describing the lemmas,
-- clitics, base lemmas and categories fetched).
-- DO_FORM_OF should return two arguments:
-- (1) The actual definition-line text, marked up appropriately with <span>...</span> but without any terminating
--     period/dot.
-- (2) Any extra categories to add the page to (other than those that can be derived from parameters specified to the
--     invocation or parent arguments, which will automatically be added to the page).
local function construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, do_form_of)
	local lemma_data = get_lemmas_and_categories(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params)

	local form_of_text, lang_cats = do_form_of(lemma_data)
	extend_list(lemma_data.categories, lang_cats)
	local text = form_of_text .. (
		args["nodot"] and "" or args["dot"] or iargs["withdot"] and "." or ""
	if #lemma_data.categories == 0 then
		return text
	return text .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(lemma_data.categories, lemma_data.lang, args["sort"],
		-- If lemma_is_sort_key is given, supply the first lemma term as the sort base if possible. If sort= is given,
		-- it will override the base; otherwise, the base will be converted appropriately to a sort key using the
		-- same algorithm applied to pagenames.
		iargs.lemma_is_sort_key and type(lemma_data.lemmas) == "table" and lemma_data.lemmas[1].term,
		-- Supply the first lemma's script for sort key computation.
		m_form_of.force_cat, type(lemma_data.lemmas) == "table" and lemma_data.lemmas[1].sc)

-- Invocation parameters shared between form_of_t(), tagged_form_of_t() and inflection_of_t().
local function get_common_invocation_params()
	return {
		["term_param"] = {type = "number"},
		["lang"] = {}, -- To be used as the default code in params.
		["sc"] = {type = "script"},
		["cat"] = {list = true},
		["ignore"] = {list = true},
		["def"] = {list = true},
		["withcap"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["withdot"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["nolink"] = {type = "boolean"},
		["linktext"] = {},
		["posttext"] = {},
		["noprimaryentrycat"] = {},
		["lemma_is_sort_key"] = {},

Function that implements {{tl|form of}} and the various more specific form-of templates (but not {{tl|inflection of}}
or templates that take tagged inflection parameters).

Invocation params:

; {{para|1|req=1}}
: Text to display before the link.
; {{para|term_param}}
: Numbered param holding the term linked to. Other numbered params come after. Defaults to 1 if invocation or template
  param {{para|lang}} is present, otherwise 2.
; {{para|lang}}
: Default language code for language-specific templates. If specified, no language code needs to be specified, and if
  specified it needs to be set using {{para|lang}}, not {{para|1}}.
; {{para|sc}}
: Default script code for language-specific templates. The script code can still be overridden using template param
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...:
: Categories to place the page into. The language name will automatically be prepended. Note that there is also a
  template param {{para|cat}} to specify categories at the template level. Use of {{para|nocat}} disables categorization
  of categories specified using invocation param {{para|cat}}, but not using template param {{para|cat}}.
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...:
: One or more template params to silently accept and ignore. Useful e.g. when the template takes additional parameters
  such as {{para|from}} or {{para|POS}}. Each value is a comma-separated list of either bare parameter names or
  specifications of the form `PARAM:list` to specify that the parameter is a list parameter.
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...:
: One or more default values to supply for template args. For example, specifying {{para|def|2=tr=-}} causes the default
  for template param {{para|tr}} to be `-`. Actual template params override these defaults.
; {{para|withcap}}
: Capitalize the first character of the text preceding the link, unless template param {{para|nocap}} is given.
; {{para|withdot}}
: Add a final period after the link, unless template param {{para|nodot}} is given to suppress the period, or
  {{para|dot}} is given to specify an alternative punctuation character.
; {{para|nolink}}
: Suppress the display of the link. If specified, none of the template params that control the link
  ({{para|<var>term_param</var>}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 1}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 2}}, {{para|t}},
  {{para|gloss}}, {{para|sc}}, {{para|tr}}, {{para|ts}}, {{para|pos}}, {{para|g}}, {{para|id}}, {{para|lit}}) will be
  available. If the calling template uses any of these parameters, they must be ignored using {{para|ignore}}.
: Override the display of the link with the specified text. This is useful if a custom template is available to format
  the link (e.g. in Hebrew, Chinese and Japanese). If specified, none of the template params that control the link
  ({{para|<var>term_param</var>}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 1}}, {{para|<var>term_param</var> + 2}}, {{para|t}},
  {{para|gloss}}, {{para|sc}}, {{para|tr}}, {{para|ts}}, {{para|pos}}, {{para|g}}, {{para|id}}, {{para|lit}}) will be
  available. If the calling template uses any of these parameters, they must be ignored using {{para|ignore}}.
; {{para|posttext}}
: Additional text to display directly after the formatted link, before any terminating period/dot and inside of
  `<span class='use-with-mention'>`.
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
: Category to add the page to if the primary entry linked to doesn't exist. The language name will automatically be
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
: If the user didn't specify a sort key, use the lemma as the sort key (instead of the page itself).
function export.form_of_t(frame)
	local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
	iparams[1] = {required = true}
	local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

	local term_param = iargs["term_param"]

	local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
	term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2

	local params = get_common_template_params()

	-- Numbered params
	params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
		required = not iargs["lang"],
		type = "language",
		default = iargs["lang"] or "und"

	local base_lemma_params
	if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
		add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param)
		base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

	if next(iargs["cat"]) then
		params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}

	local ignored_params = {}

	if iargs["withdot"] then
		params["dot"] = {}
		ignored_params["nodot"] = true

	if not iargs["withcap"] then
		params["cap"] = {type = "boolean"}
		ignored_params["nocap"] = true

	local args = process_parent_args("form-of-t", parent_args, params, iargs["def"],
		iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "form_of_t")

	local text = args["notext"] and "" or iargs[1]
	if args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"] then
		text = require("Module:string utilities").ucfirst(text)

	return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
			return m_form_of.format_form_of {text = text, lemmas = lemma_data.lemmas, enclitics = lemma_data.enclitics,
				base_lemmas = lemma_data.base_lemmas, lemma_face = "term", posttext = iargs["posttext"]}, {}

Construct and return the full definition line for a form-of-type template invocation that is based on inflection tags.
This is a wrapper around construct_form_of_text() and takes the following arguments: processed invocation arguments
IARGS, processed parent arguments ARGS, TERM_PARAM (the parent argument specifying the main entry), COMPAT (true if the
language code is found in args["lang"] instead of args[1]), and TAGS, the list of (non-canonicalized) inflection tags.
It returns that actual definition-line text including terminating period/full-stop, formatted categories, etc. and
should be directly returned as the template function's return value. JOINER is the optional strategy to join multipart
tags for display; currently accepted values are "and", "slash", "en-dash"; defaults to "slash".
local function construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, tags, joiner)
	return construct_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
			-- NOTE: tagged_inflections returns two values, so we do too.
			return m_form_of.tagged_inflections {
				lang = lemma_data.lang,
				tags = tags,
				lemmas = lemma_data.lemmas,
				enclitics = lemma_data.enclitics,
				base_lemmas = lemma_data.base_lemmas,
				lemma_face = "term",
				POS = args["p"],
				pagename = args["pagename"],
				-- Set no_format_categories because we do it ourselves in construct_form_of_text().
				no_format_categories = true,
				nocat = args["nocat"],
				notext = args["notext"],
				capfirst = args["cap"] or iargs["withcap"] and not args["nocap"],
				posttext = iargs["posttext"],
				joiner = joiner,

Function that implements form-of templates that are defined by specific tagged inflections (typically a template
referring to a non-lemma inflection, such as {{tl|plural of}}). This works exactly like {form_of_t()} except that the
"form of" text displayed before the link is based off of a pre-specified set of inflection tags (which will be
appropriately linked to the glossary) instead of arbitrary text. From the user's perspective, there is no difference
between templates implemented using {form_of_t()} and {tagged_form_of_t()}; they accept exactly the same parameters and
work the same. See also {inflection_of_t()} below, which is intended for templates with user-specified inflection tags.

Invocation params:

; {{para|1|req=1}}, {{para|2}}, ...
: One or more inflection tags describing the inflection in question.
; {{para|split_tags}}
: If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows multiple tags to be included in a single
  argument, simplifying template code.
; {{para|term_param}}
; {{para|lang}}
; {{para|sc}}
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...
; {{para|withcap}}
; {{para|withdot}}
; {{para|nolink}}
; {{para|linktext}}
; {{para|posttext}}
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
: All of these are the same as in {form_of_t()}.
function export.tagged_form_of_t(frame)
	local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
	iparams[1] = {list = true, required = true}
	iparams["split_tags"] = {}

	local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

	local term_param = iargs["term_param"]

	local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
	term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2

	local params = get_common_template_params()
	-- Numbered params
	params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
		required = not iargs["lang"],
		type = "language",
		default = iargs["lang"] or "und"

	-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
	params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
	params["p"] = {}
	params["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"}

	local base_lemma_params
	if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
		add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param)
		base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

	local ignored_params = {}

	if iargs["withdot"] then
		params["dot"] = {}
		ignored_params["nodot"] = true

	if not iargs["withcap"] then
		params["cap"] = {type = "boolean"}
		ignored_params["nocap"] = true

	local args = process_parent_args("tagged-form-of-t", parent_args,
		params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "tagged_form_of_t")

	return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params,
		split_inflection_tags(iargs[1], iargs["split_tags"]))

Function that implements {{tl|inflection of}} and certain semi-specific variants, such as {{tl|participle of}} and
{{tl|past participle form of}}. This function is intended for templates that allow the user to specify a set of
inflection tags.

It works similarly to {form_of_t()} and {tagged_form_of_t()} except that the calling convention for the calling
template is

instead of 

Note that there isn't a numbered parameter for the gloss, but it can still be specified using {{para|t}} or

Invocation params:

; {{para|preinfl}}, {{para|preinfl2}}, ...
: Extra inflection tags to automatically prepend to the tags specified by the template.
; {{para|postinfl}}, {{para|postinfl2}}, ...
: Extra inflection tags to automatically append to the tags specified by the template. Used for example by
  {{tl|past participle form of}} to add the tags `of the|past|p` onto the user-specified tags, which indicate which
  past participle form the page refers to.
; {{para|split_tags}}
: If specified, character to split specified inflection tags on. This allows multiple tags to be included in a single
  argument, simplifying template code. Note that this applies *ONLY* to inflection tags specified in the invocation
  arguments using {{para|preinfl}} or {{para|postinfl}}, not to user-specified inflection tags.
; {{para|term_param}}
; {{para|lang}}
; {{para|sc}}
; {{para|cat}}, {{para|cat2}}, ...
; {{para|ignore}}, {{para|ignore2}}, ...
; {{para|def}}, {{para|def2}}, ...
; {{para|withcap}}
; {{para|withdot}}
; {{para|nolink}}
; {{para|linktext}}
; {{para|posttext}}
; {{para|noprimaryentrycat}}
; {{para|lemma_is_sort_key}}
: All of these are the same as in {form_of_t()}.
function export.inflection_of_t(frame)
	local iparams = get_common_invocation_params()
	iparams["preinfl"] = {list = true}
	iparams["postinfl"] = {list = true}
	iparams["split_tags"] = {}

	local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
	local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

	local term_param = iargs["term_param"]

	local compat = iargs["lang"] or parent_args["lang"]
	term_param = term_param or compat and 1 or 2
	local tagsind = term_param + 2

	local params = get_common_template_params()
	-- Numbered params
	params[compat and "lang" or 1] = {
		required = not iargs["lang"],
		type = "language",
		default = iargs["lang"] or "und"

	params[tagsind] = {list = true,
		-- at least one inflection tag is required unless preinfl or postinfl tags are given
		required = #iargs["preinfl"] == 0 and #iargs["postinfl"] == 0}

	-- Named params not controlling link display
	-- Always included because lang-specific categories may be added
	params["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}
	params["p"] = {}
	params["POS"] = {alias_of = "p"}
	-- Temporary, allows multipart joiner to be controlled on a template-by-template basis.
	params["joiner"] = {}

	local base_lemma_params
	if not iargs["nolink"] and not iargs["linktext"] then
		add_link_params(parent_args, params, term_param, "no-numbered-gloss")
		base_lemma_params = add_base_lemma_params(parent_args, iargs, params, compat)

	local ignored_params = {}

	if iargs["withdot"] then
		params["dot"] = {}
		ignored_params["nodot"] = true

	if not iargs["withcap"] then
		params["cap"] = {type = "boolean"}
		ignored_params["nocap"] = true

	local args = process_parent_args("inflection-of-t", parent_args,
		params, iargs["def"], iargs["ignore"], ignored_params, "inflection_of_t")

	local infls
	if not next(iargs["preinfl"]) and not next(iargs["postinfl"]) then
		-- If no preinfl or postinfl tags, just use the user-specified tags directly.
		infls = args[tagsind]
		-- Otherwise, we need to prepend the preinfl tags and postpend the postinfl tags. If there's only one tag set
		-- (no semicolon), it's easier. Since this is common, we optimize for it.
		infls = {}
		local saw_semicolon = false
		for _, infl in ipairs(args[tagsind]) do
			if infl == ";" then
				saw_semicolon = true
		local split_preinfl = split_inflection_tags(iargs["preinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])
		local split_postinfl = split_inflection_tags(iargs["postinfl"], iargs["split_tags"])
		if not saw_semicolon then
			extend_list(infls, split_preinfl)
			extend_list(infls, args[tagsind])
			extend_list(infls, split_postinfl)
			local groups = m_form_of.split_tags_into_tag_sets(args[tagsind])
			for _, group in ipairs(groups) do
				if #infls > 0 then
					insert(infls, ";")
				extend_list(infls, split_preinfl)
				extend_list(infls, group)
				extend_list(infls, split_postinfl)

	return construct_tagged_form_of_text(iargs, args, term_param, compat, base_lemma_params, infls,

Normalize a part-of-speech tag given a possible abbreviation (passed in as {{para|1}} of the invocation args). If the
abbreviation isn't recognized, the original POS tag is returned. If no POS tag is passed in, return the value of
invocation arg {{para|default}}.
function export.normalize_pos(frame)
	local iparams = {
		[1] = {},
		["default"] = {},
	local iargs = m_params.process(frame.args, iparams)
	if not iargs[1] and not iargs["default"] then
		error("Either 1= or default= must be given in the invocation args")
	if not iargs[1] then
		return iargs["default"]
	return mw.loadData(m_form_of.form_of_pos_module)[iargs[1]] or iargs[1]

return export