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[[Category:Fén songs and poems]]

Revision as of 23:46, 11 June 2013

English Translation Original Fén Ghír

It's a long way.
Much lies between me and my home.
If dryness strikes,
What is there?

Whiskey! Life's water!
The greatest thing in all the town.
A friend to weak and strong,
Loved by all!

Té ag lú geb dhem,
Té lú cébh balem.
On ratic di me fédel,
Bhé thé at me égel?

Délag! Dél ba gen!
En té ag bhen bér cór tol labhen.
Té bénan cór balin na dol,
Té rún del ít cór tol!

Translations: Cwengâr | Dhannuá | Umbrean | Attian