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Đada aj må, ta måj talamagå.
Påjsi Diparęj lada kamębiå, mit takkå lada sattębiå ųk.
Mijđųbå måj, ta akkabari aj tå, utå lamaj nę đadanå innanak.
Tåj inna tada libębiå, ųk tida tåj talå, ragåj kamå.
Appatida, tåj ųkkiębiå
I am glad that I may speak.
Påjsi Diparęj came to the land, and also scratched the land with a sense of gratitude.
I mistakenly believed that he/it was visible, but the arm is not made happy near this.
He lived in this [¿¿], and also when he speaks, the rains come.
Afterwards, he grew.