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==Major Changes from Griutungi to Old Valthungian==
==Major Changes from Griutungi to Old Valthungian==
===Variation and Expansion of East Germanic Glide Insertion===
===Variation and Expansion of East Germanic Glide Insertion===
<span style="background-color: red; color: yellow;">
Glide Insertion in East Germanic developed differently in Gothic and Griutungi. In Gothic,
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it applied optionally between two consecutive vowels only after a stressed vowel when one
of the vowels was /i(ː)/ (e.g. ''saian'' /sɛ̄an/ ‘to sow’ could have a third person singular
of either ''saiiþ'' /sɛ̄iθ/ or ''saijiþ'' /sɛ̄jiθ/. In Griutungi, however, it applies to both
front and back glide insertion (/j/ and /w/), is not optional, and applies to any consecutive
vowels where one of the vowels is not <code>+low</code>, so both the infinitive and third
person singular present indicative of ‘sew’ show glide insertion: ''sǣjan'', ''sǣjiþ''.

===Germanic Obstruent Devoicing===
===Germanic Obstruent Devoicing===