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==Phonological History of Sähsch==
==Phonological History of Sähsch==
=== Vowel Mutations ===
Sähsch has historically undergone a large series of vowel mutations, called the i-, u-, and a-mutations or umlauts. Respectively they are characterised by the following effects they have on preceding vowels:
* i-umlaut: +front, -round, -open
* u-umlaut: -front, +round, -open
* a-umlaut: +open, +back (albeit subtle)
* a+i → ä in Älbe < albī ''river''
* ā+i → äh in Käse < kāsijaz ''cheese''
* ē+i → äh in Bräde < brēþiz ''vapour, breath''
* ''also in'' Quäne < kwēniz ''lady''
<!--* o+i → ö-->
* ō+i → öh in Glöde < glōdiz ''glow''
* u+i → ü in Bühte/Bühte < buhtiz ''bight, bay, cove''
* ū+i → üh in Brüde < brūdiz ''bride''
* a+u → å in Ånd < anudz ''duck''
* ''also in'' Åss < ansuz ''áss as in æsir''
* ''also in'' Dråhte/Dråchte ''vestments or burden''
* ''also in'' Hånd < handuz
* e+u → ö in Quöde < kweþuz ''belly''
* i+u → ü in Lüde < liþuz ''member''
* ''also in'' Früde < friþuz ''peace''
* e+a → ä in Ärl<!--(e?)--> < erlaz ''earl''
* i+a → ä in Fäsch < fiskaz ''fish''
* ī+a → äh in Dähk < dīkaz ''dyke''
* u+a → o in Bode < budô ''apostle''
* ū+a → oh in Hobe < hūbǭ ''hood''.

==Example texts==
==Example texts==