Module:qhv-noun/doc: Difference between revisions

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{{documentation subpage}}{{doc}}<!--
{{documentation subpage}}{{doc|Module:qhv-noun}}<!--
-->This module generates automatic [[High Valyrian]] noun inflection tables through {{temp|qhv-decl-noun}}. Do not use directly.
-->This module generates automatic [[High Valyrian]] noun inflection tables through {{temp|qhv-decl-noun}}. Do not use directly.

Revision as of 12:55, 13 March 2021

local sub = mw.ustring.sub local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub local find = mw.ustring.find local gmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch local u = mw.ustring.char

local m_utils = require("Module:utilities") local syllables = require("Module:qhv-pron").write_stress local alldata = require('Module:qhv-noun/data') local PAGENAME = gsub(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text, "%s", " ") local NAMESPACE = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText

local NONSYLLABIC = u(0x032F) -- non-syllabic, combining inverted breve below local DIPHTHONG = u(0x035C) -- double articulation, combining double breve below

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("qhv")

local export = {}

local endings = { ["a"] = "1-l", ["ar"] = "1-a", ["y"] = "2-l", ["ys"] = "2-s", ["o"] = "3-l", ["os"] = "3-s", ["ȳs"] = "3-s-v", ["ks"] = "3-s-k", ["on"] = "3-t", ["or"] = "3-a", ["e"] = "4-l", ["es"] = "4-s", ["er"] = "4-a", ["ien"] = "4-t", ["i"] = "5-l", ["is"] = "5-s", ["ir"] = "5-a", }

local endings_reverse = { ["1-l"] = "a", ["1-a"] = "ar", ["2-l"] = "y", ["2-s"] = "ys", ["3-l"] = "o", ["3-s"] = "os", ["3-s-v"] = "ȳs", ["3-s-k"] = "ks", ["3-t"] = "on", ["3-a"] = "or", ["4-l"] = "e", ["4-s"] = "es", ["4-t"] = "ien", ["5-l"] = "i", ["5-s"] = "is", ["5-a"] = "ir", ["6-u"] = "", ["3-s-h"] = "s", ["4-a"] = "er", }

local reanalyzed_endings = { ["[i]ar"] = "c-1", ["yn"] = "p-2", ["yr"] = "c-2", ["un"] = "p-3", ["ȳn"] = "p-3", ["[i]or"] = "c-3", ["in"] = "p-4", ["er"] = "c-4", ["ir"] = "c-5", ["rjin"] = "p-5", }

function export.detect_decl(word, number, class, reanalyzed) local syllables = require("Module:qhv-pron").write_stress(word, true) local IPA = require("Module:qhv-pron").crux(word) local vowel = "[aeiouy]ː?" if number and class then local decl = number .. "-" .. class return decl, {sub(word, 1, -(#endings_reverse[decl] + 1))} elseif word:find("illa$") then return "-illa", {sub(word, 1, -2)} elseif word == "skorlūs" then return "3-s-h", {sub(word, 1, -2)} elseif reanalyzed then for ending, decl in pairs(reanalyzed_endings) do if find(word, ending .. "$") then return "r-" .. decl, {sub(word, 1, -(#ending + 1))} end end elseif (not find(IPA, "ˈ")) and (find(IPA, NONSYLLABIC .. ".$") or find(IPA, DIPHTHONG .. vowel .. ".$") or find(IPA, "ː.$")) then return "3-s-h", {sub(word, 1, -2)} else for ending, decl in pairs(endings) do if find(word, ending .. "$") then return decl, {sub(word, 1, -(#ending + 1))} end end end return "6", {word} end

-- The main entry point. function local parent_args = frame:getParent().args

local numbers = nil local decl = {} local word = NAMESPACE == "Template" and "vala" or parent_args.word or PAGENAME local reanalyzed = parent_args["r"] local args = {}

if not alldata[word] then if frame.args.decl then decl_type = frame.args.decl else if parent_args.n and parent_args.c and parent_args[1] then decl_type = parent_args.n .. "-" .. parent_args.c numbers = {parent_args[1]} else decl_type, numbers = export.detect_decl(word, parent_args.n, parent_args.c, reanalyzed) end end

if not decl_type then error("Unknown declension '" .. decl_type .. "'") end

args = require("Module:parameters").process(parent_args, alldata[decl_type].params, true)

if numbers then for i, number in ipairs(numbers) do args[i] = number end end end

local pass = {forms = {}, categories = {}}

pass.head = parent_args["head"] or nil pass.proper = parent_args["proper"] and true or false pass.nocat = parent_args["nocat"] and true or false

-- Generate the forms if alldata[word] then alldata[word](parent_args, pass) else alldata[decl_type](args, pass) end

-- Make the table return make_table(pass) end

function make_table(pass)

local function show_form(form) if not form then return "—" end

local ret = {}

for key, subform in ipairs(form) do table.insert(ret, subform) end

return table.concat(ret, ", ") end

local function link(term) local links = {} for alt in gmatch(term, "([^%s,]+)") do alt = "" .. alt .. "" table.insert(links, alt) end return table.concat(links, ", ") end

local function repl(param) if param == "decl_type" then return pass.decl_type elseif param == "title" then return pass.forms.nom_sg[1] elseif param == "pagename" and NAMESPACE == "Template" then return "vala" elseif param == "pagename" then return PAGENAME else return show_form(pass.forms[param]) end end

local function make_cases(data) local cases = {"nominative", "accusative", "genitive", "dative", "locative", "instrumental", "comitative", "vocative"} local ret = {}

for _, case in ipairs(cases) do local case_short = sub(case, 1, 3) table.insert(ret, "|- \n! style=\"background-color: #dcffed;\ |" .. case .. "\n") table.insert(ret, "| style=\"background-color: #edfff6;\" | " .. link(show_form(pass.forms[case_short .. "_sg"])) .. "\n") if pass.forms[case_short .. "_pl"] or pass.forms[case_short .. "_pa"] or pass.forms[case_short .. "_co"] then table.insert(ret, "| style=\"background-color: #edfff6;\" | " .. link(show_form(pass.forms[case_short .. "_pl"])) .. "\n") table.insert(ret, "| style=\"background-color: #edfff6;\" | " .. link(show_form(pass.forms[case_short .. "_pa"])) .. "\n") table.insert(ret, "| style=\"background-color: #edfff6;\" | " .. link(show_form(pass.forms[case_short .. "_co"])) .. "\n") end end return table.concat(ret) end

local no_plural = pass.forms.nom_pl == nil

local wikicode = [=[

Declension of {{{pagename}}} ]=] .. (no_plural and "
" or "") .. [=[({{{decl_type}}})
Singular]=] .. (no_plural and "\n" or [=[ Plural Paucal Collective

]=]) .. make_cases(pass) .. [=[


return gsub(wikicode, "{{{([a-z0-9_]+)}}}", repl) .. (not pass.nocat and require("Module:utilities").format_categories(pass.categories, lang) or "") end

return export

This module generates automatic High Valyrian noun inflection tables through {{qhv-decl-noun}}. Do not use directly.