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*Sometimes reflected as ''-nuq'' or ''-Cuq''.
*Sometimes reflected as ''-nuq'' or ''-Cuq''.
"carry", present indicative:
1sg: vir-un
2sg: vir-iq
3sg: vir-it
1du: vir-avaq
2du: vir-itiq
3du: vir-itiq
1pl: vir-amaq
2pl: vir-iti
3pl: vir-aat
"carry", present subjunctive:
1sg: vir-aa
2sg: vir-iiq
3sg: vir-iit
1du: vir-aavaq
2du: vir-iitiq
3du: vir-iitiq
1pl: vir-aamaq
2pl: vir-iiti
3pl: vir-aat


Revision as of 16:42, 7 August 2017

Lingua francas of Tumhan

something Baltic (northern Europe), a Judeo-Mon-Khmer language (elsewhere), Judeo-Chinese

Tonal Hellenic

"Irishy" Hellenic

aesthetic: informed by icelandic, old english, khmer, tíogall

def. article: sg. an, pl. pan

tav = θ, dalet = t, tet = tʰ (spirantizing to ð, d and dʰ respectively)

σ ζ > š s (trans. s ß)

φ θ χ > v ð ȝ

oi > oa /u:/

final vowels: -a, -e, -i, -u, -íe, -úa

short V > 0, -ô/-ā > -a, -ia/-ē > -e, oia/eia > -i, -VkhV (also perfect -ka, -izein) > -íe


Inuit gib with a Finnish touch

a replacement for Sanskrit

Should rename

TODO Schleicher's fable

Aviq ??? isuaaq

"Tirsi, avimaq aulinaa niiq iqti." Tat sisaluvaq, aviq azarun ivugit.

1: ainaq (m.)/ainaa (f.)/ainun (n.) 2: tuvaa 3: tiqariq 4: kituariq 5. pinngi 6: quiq 7: qiptun 8: atsaa 9: nivun 10: tisun 100: sunnun

alkaq 'wolf' (< *wĺ̥kʷos)
Singular Plural
Nominative alkaq alkaaq
Genitive alkaa alkuun
Dative alkai alkamaq
Accusative alkun alkuuq
Ablative alkiat alkamaq
Locative alkiat alkami
Vocative alki! alkaaq!

vukaa 'city' (< *bʰugéh₂)
Singular Plural
Nominative vukaa vukaaq
Genitive vukaaq vukuun
Dative vukaai vukaamaq
Accusative vukaan vukaaq
Ablative vukaat vukaamaq
Locative vukaat vukaami
Vocative vukaa! vukaaq!

-tuq '(action noun suffix)' (< *-tus)*
Singular Plural
Nominative -tuq -tiiq
Genitive -tiuq -tuun
Dative -tii -tumaq
Accusative -tun -tuuq
Ablative -tut -tumaq
Locative -tut -tumi
Vocative -tu! -tiiq!
  • Sometimes reflected as -nuq or -Cuq.
"carry", present indicative:

1sg: vir-un 2sg: vir-iq 3sg: vir-it 1du: vir-avaq 2du: vir-itiq 3du: vir-itiq 1pl: vir-amaq 2pl: vir-iti 3pl: vir-aat

"carry", present subjunctive: 1sg: vir-aa 2sg: vir-iiq 3sg: vir-iit 1du: vir-aavaq 2du: vir-iitiq 3du: vir-iitiq 1pl: vir-aamaq 2pl: vir-iiti 3pl: vir-aat


Salishized English

  • 1-10: wud, tiw, łx̌i, xʷuwə, xʷayxʷ, səks, səxʷəd, əyt, dayd, təd /wud, tiw, ɬχi, xʷuwə, xʷajxʷ, səks, səxʷəd, əjt, dajd, təd/
  • 11-19: = ləxʷəd, txʷəʕxʷ, łəʈid, xʷuʈid, xʷixʷʈid, səkʂʈid, səxʷʈid, əyʈid, dayʈid
  • 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 = txʷədi, łəɖi, xʷuɖi, xʷidi, səksti, səxʷədi, əydi, daydi
  • 100 = hudx̌t
  • 1000 = ławzəd
  • cat = xʷilid


  • present: əbxʷubd, yəxʷubd, həsxʷubd, šəsxʷubd, cxʷubd, uxʷubd, tixʷubd
  • imperfect: əwsxʷubd, yuxʷubd, husxʷubd, šusxʷubd, tusxʷubd, wixʷubd, tiwxʷubd
  • future: əʕbxʷubd, yəʕbxʷubd, hiʕbxʷubd, šiʕbxʷubd, iʕbxʷubd, uʕbxʷubd, tiʕbxʷubd
  • perfect: ədxʷubd, yədxʷubd, hədxʷubd, šədxʷubd, cədxʷubd, udxʷubd, tidxʷubd
  • imperative: xʷub


Other languages:

  • Nurian gib in Celtic (not in Lõis)
    • ū > ȳ
    • ou > ū
    • au > eu > iū? or just ō or au
    • ei / oi, ai > 'ai, ai
    • or u > y, o > u
    • Numbers: ainuh, bau, tīh, fettareh, finfe, ses, setthan, utthȳ, navan, dekan, 100: kantun, 1000: mille
    • wlatis > vlatis > viatis > viatih "law"
  • Present ind. act.: berumi, beresi, bereti, berumyn, berete, berunti
  • Past imperfect ind. act.: berennen, berītȳ, beretu, beremmes, beretes, berentes
  • Preterite ind. act: bettiuh tāmi, bettiuh tāsi, ...
  • Present subj. act.: berāmi, berāsi, berāti, berāmyn, berāte, berānti
  • Past imperfect ind. act.: berannen, berātȳ, berātu, berammes, berātes, berāntes
  • Present. ind. pass.: berȳ, bereta, beretu, berummu, berebe, beruntu
  • Past ind. pass.: beruntannen, beruntātȳ, beruntātu, beruntammes, beruntātes, beruntantes
  • Preterite imperfect ind. act.: bituh tāmi, bituh tāsi, ...
  • Preterite ind. act: bettiuh tāmi, bettiuh tāsi, ...
  • Present. subj. pass.: berā, berāta, berātu, berammu, berābe, berantu
  • Past subj. pass.: beruntunnen, beruntutȳ, beruntutu, beruntummes, beruntutes, beruntuntes
  • Present active part: beruns
  • Present passive part.: berunnuh
  • Past passive part.: bituh