Module:siwa-pron: Difference between revisions

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Line 108: Line 108:
{"o̊", "ɯ"}, {"t[ṡɕ]", "ʨ"}, {"dj", "ʥ"}, {"dl", "ⱡ"}, {"kj", "c"}, {"nj", "ɲ"},  {"ts", "ʦ"},
{"t[ṡɕ]", "ʨ"}, {"dj", "ʥ"}, {"dl", "ⱡ"}, {"kj", "c"}, {"nj", "ɲ"},  {"ts", "ʦ"}, {"o̊", "ɯ"},
{"([ạẹịọụỵ])", function(v) return unrelaxed[v] .. "ⱦ" end},
{"([ạẹịọụỵ])", function(v) return unrelaxed[v] .. "ⱦ" end},
Line 124: Line 124:
-- default all vowels to open (open-closed distinctions are computed later); long vowels don't have closed counterparts
-- default all vowels to open (open-closed distinctions are computed later); long vowels don't have closed counterparts
{"a", "ɑ"}, {"ę", "æ"}, {"o", "ɔ"}, {"ů", "ø"}, -- õ is conserved to avoid two characters
{"a", "ɑ"}, {"ę", "æ"}, {"o", "ɔ"}, {"ů", "ø"}, -- õ is conserved to avoid two characters
{"ả", "æː"}, {"ẻ", "eː"}, {"ỉ", "iː"}, {"ỏ", "ʊː"}, {"ủ", "uː"}, {"ỷ", "yː"}, {"ẻu", "øː"}, {"õu", "õː̃"},
{"ả", "æː"}, {"ẻu", "øː"}, {"ẻ", "eː"}, {"ỉ", "iː"}, {"ỏ", "ʊː"}, {"ủ", "uː"}, {"ỷ", "yː"}, {"õu", "õː̃"},
{"^(ˈ?)ꬶ([" .. front_vowel .. "])", "%1c%2"},  
{"^(ˈ?)ꬶ([" .. front_vowel .. "])", "%1c%2"},