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===Nominal morphology===
===Nominal morphology===
Some older genitive compounds do ''not'' display the onset mutation of the second element that follows the genitive preposition ''ór''. For instance ''hissóhéuren'' vs. ''hissókéuren''* (/ˈhi.sːa.hɘ.ju.ɾe̞n / vs / ˈhi.sːa.kɘ.ju.ɾe̞n /, i.e. "hiddenly worm", ''crysalis''). This is part of the ''Discrepance on onset mutations controversy''.
====Declension particles and affixes====
====Declension particles and affixes====
{| class="bluetable lightbluebg"
! colspan=2 | Case !! colspan=3 | Marker !! Notes
| {{sc|nom}} || Nominative || ∅ || ∅ || - || The nominative case is not marked
| {{sc|gen}} || Genitive || ó(r) _-(e)n || /ˈʔu̹ɾ/ _-/e̞n/ || preposition, suffix || Triggers mutation 1.  Excrecent r before a vowel: ''ór okren'' /ˈʔu̹ɾ ʔo̞.kɾe̞n/
| {{sc|akk}} || Accusative || tró || /ˈtɾu̹/ || preposition || Triggers mutation 2
| {{sc|dat}} || Dative || -(r)is || -/ɾis/ || suffix ||
| {{sc|instr}} || Instrumental/Commitative || -(n)ion || -/nio̯n/ || suffix || Inanimate nouns: instrumental. Animate nouns: commitative
| {{sc|loc}} || Locative/Adessive ("with", "by", "at") || -(a)ftó || -/f.ˈtu̹/ || suffix || ''þaneftó'' /θɐ.nɘf.ˈtu/, “at the house”, “at home”
| {{sc|all}} || Allative || -(o)rion || -/o̞.ɾio̯n/ || suffix || ''þanerion'' /ˈθɑ.nɘ.ɾio̞n/ "homebound"