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{| class="bluetable" style=text-align:center
|-style="font-size: 90%;"
!colspan=2 rowspan=2|
!rowspan=2| Bilabial
!colspan=2| Alveolar
!rowspan=2| Palatal
!colspan=2| Velar
!colspan=2| Uvular
!rowspan=2| Glottal
! <small>central</small>
! <small>lateral</small>
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>labialized</small>
! <small>plain</small>
! <small>labialized</small>
!colspan=2| Nasal
| m
| n
!rowspan=3| Stop
! <small>plain</small>
| p
| t
| k
| kʷ
| q
| qʷ
| ʔ
! <small>voiced</small>
| b
| d
| g
| gʷ
| ɢ
| ɢʷ
! <small>ejective</small>
| pʼ
| tʼ
| kʼ
| kʷʼ
| qʼ
| qʷʼ
!rowspan=3| Affricate
! <small>plain</small>
| c
| ξ
| č
! <small>voiced</small>
| z
| j
! <small>ejective</small>
| cʼ
| ξʼ
| čʼ
!colspan=2| Fricative
| s
| σ
| š
| x
| xʷ
| χ
| χʷ
| h
!colspan=2| Approximant
| y
| w


Revision as of 20:36, 1 April 2018

Old Swuntsim (tSxwəcim) was the ancient Tsimulh language spoken by the Swutsim people. It is still often used as a liturgical language among religious Swutsim.



Tsimulh low tone > breathy voice (vowels not devoiced yet; devoiced vowels are partly merged)

Two consecutive breathy vowels > just the first vowel drops.




Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
central lateral plain labialized plain labialized
Nasal m n
Stop plain p t k q ʔ
voiced b d g ɢ ɢʷ
ejective kʷʼ qʷʼ
Affricate plain c ξ č
voiced z j
ejective ξʼ čʼ
Fricative s σ š x χ χʷ h
Approximant y w


Noun class system got weird - formal noun classes remain but the words semantically shift as in Sanskrit


Noun classes

Sacred Swutsim had a noun class system like the Bantu languages. There were 12 noun classes, which are numbered as follows:

  1. ʔə-, pl. cə-
  2. bu-, pl. də-
  3. p-, pl. əpi-
  4. s-, pl. dus-
  5. ut-, pl. pσə-
  6. ma-, pl. əwə-
  7. č-, pl. abi-
  8. gu-, pl. n-
  9. σi-, pl. wi-
  10. t-
  11. t’im-
  12. pda-


  • Nominative: -0
  • Genitive: -s


Noun class prefixes

  • I = kʷə-
  • you (sg) = xʷə-
  • we = wə-
  • you (pl) = cu-
  • Noun class prefixes:
    1. ʔə-, pl. cə-
    2. bu-, pl. də-
    3. p-, pl. əpi-
    4. s-, pl. dus-
    5. ut-, pl. pσə-
    6. ma-, pl. əwə-
    7. č-, pl. abi-
    8. gu-, pl. n-
    9. σi-, pl. wi-
    10. t-, no plural
    11. t’im-, no plural
    12. pda- (common for abstract nouns), no plural

Tense affixes

-s - past tense


The numerals 1-9 inflected for noun class; 10 and higher units did not.

1: *-an

2: *-xʷiš

3: *-ʔiyəm

4: *-udzuq

5: *-t'u

6: *-čaydž

7: *-buč'oh

8: *-gwiməʔ

9: *-anay

10: *-kʷ'in