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{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="inflection-table" style="text-align: center; margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; border-style: solid; border: 1px solid #7f7f7f; border-right-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #F8F8F8; font-size: 95%;"
{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="inflection-table" style="text-align: center; margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; border-style: solid; border: 1px solid #7f7f7f; border-right-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #F8F8F8; font-size: 95%;"
! colspan="3" | [[Modern Gallaecian mutation]]]=] .. reference .. [=[
! colspan="3" | [[Modern Gallaecian mutation]]]=] .. reference .. [=[\n
! Radical
! Radical

Revision as of 22:31, 26 August 2021

Implements {{mg-mut}} and {{mg-alter}}.
local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub
local match = mw.ustring.match

local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("cel-gal")
local m_l = require('Module:links')
local m_q = require('Module:qualifier')

local export = {}

function export.alter(frame)
	local ret = {}; local qs = {}
	local term = frame:getParent().args[1] or PAGENAME
	local e = term; local a = term; local c = term; local s = term
	-- Spanish
	e = e:gsub("il", "ll")
	e = e:gsub("v", "b")
	e = e:gsub("[gh]", "j")
	-- Asturian	  
	a = a:gsub("il", "ll")
	a = a:gsub("v", "b")
	-- Southern
	s = s:gsub("ñ", "nh")
	s = s:gsub("il", "lh")
	s = s:gsub("v", "b")
	local lh = match(s, "lh")
	-- Celtic
	c = c:gsub("c([aou])", "k%1")
	c = c:gsub("qu([ei])", "k%1")
	c = c:gsub("ñ", "in")
	c = c:gsub("x", "is")
	-- disclaimer: awful approach below, your physical and mental integrity may be at risk
	if e == a and a == s then
		qs = {"Spanish", "Asturian", "Southern"}
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = e, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier(qs) .. "\n")
	elseif e == a then
		table.insert(qs, "Spanish")
		table.insert(qs, "Asturian")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = e, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier(qs) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = s, lang = lang})
							   .. (lh and ", " .. m_l.full_link({term = s:gsub("lh", "j"), lang = lang}) or "")
							   .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Southern"}) .. "\n")
	elseif e == s then
		table.insert(qs, "Spanish")
		table.insert(qs, "Southern")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = e, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier(qs) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = a, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Asturian"}) .. "\n")
	elseif a == s then
		table.insert(qs, "Asturian")
		table.insert(qs, "Southern")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = a, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier(qs) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = e, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Spanish"}) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = e, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Spanish"}) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = a, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Asturian"}) .. "\n")
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = s, lang = lang})
							   .. (lh and ", " .. m_l.full_link({term = s:gsub("lh", "j"), lang = lang}) or "")
							   .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Southern"}) .. "\n")
	if c ~= term then
		table.insert(ret, "* " .. m_l.full_link({term = c, lang = lang}) .. " " .. m_q.format_qualifier({"Celtic"}) .. "\n")
	if e == term and a == term and c == term and s == term then
		error('Delete me')
	return table.concat(ret)

function export.mutate(frame)
	local term = frame:getParent().args[1] or PAGENAME
	local unchanged = "''unchanged''"
	local spat = {["p"] = "b", ["b"] = "v", ["t"] = "d", ["d"] = "z", ["c"] = "g", ["q"] = "g", ["g"] = "h"}
	local npat = {["m"] = "v", ["b"] = "m", ["d"] = "n", ["g"] = "k"}
	local function aw(term, mutation)
		local mutated = nil
		for regex, repl in pairs(mutation == "nasal" and npat or spat) do
			mutated = gsub(term, "^" .. regex, repl, 1)
			mutated = gsub(mutated, "^k(.)", function(foo) return match(foo, "[aou]") and "c" or "qu" end)
			if mutated ~= word then return mutated end
		mutated = gsub(mutated, "^k(.)", function(foo) return match(foo, "[aou]") and "c" or "qu" end)
		return not mutated and unchanged
	local function link(term)
		local links = {}
		for alt in gmatch(term, "([^%s,]+)") do
			alt = "[[Contionary:" .. alt .. "|" .. alt .. "]]"
			table.insert(links, alt)
		return table.concat(links, ", ")
	local reference = "<ref>Christian Evans, (2021). <span class=\"plainlinks\">[ “Mutation in Modern Gallaecian”]</span>, ''Segments'' (01-07), April 2021.</ref>"
	local wikicode = [=[
	{| border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" class="inflection-table" style="text-align: center; margin: 0.5em 0 0 0; border-style: solid; border: 1px solid #7f7f7f; border-right-width: 2px; border-bottom-width: 2px; border-collapse: collapse; background-color: #F8F8F8; font-size: 95%;"
	! colspan="3" | [[Modern Gallaecian mutation]]]=] .. reference .. [=[\n
	! Radical
	! Soft
	! Hard
	| ]=] .. term .. [=[\n
	| ]=] .. aw(term, "soft") .. [=[\n
	| ]=] .. aw(term, "nasal") .. [=[\n
	| colspan=3 style="font-size: 89%; text-align: left;" | <references />
	return wikicode

return export