Fourth Linguifex Relay/Minhast: Difference between revisions

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== Glossing Key ==
== Glossing Key ==

1) DAT.APPL - Dative Applicative
# DAT.APPL - Dative Applicative
2) ERG - Ergative
# ERG - Ergative
3) ABS - Absolutive
# ABS - Absolutive
4) INTRANS - Intransitive
# INTRANS - Intransitive
5) TRANS - Transitive
# TRANS - Transitive
6) ANTIPASS - Antipassive
# ANTIPASS - Antipassive
7) CONN - Connective particle or clitic  
# CONN - Connective particle or cliticMinhast has two kinds of Connectives: 'min' links two or more noun phrases (NP); 'wa=' links adjuncts with clauses
- Minhast has two kinds of Connectives: 'min' links two or more noun phrases (NP); 'wa=' links adjuncts with clauses
# ANIM - Animate
8) ANIM - Animate
# INANIM - Inanimate
9) INANIM - Inanimate
# 1S - First person singular
10) 1S - First person singular
# 2S - Second person singular
11) 2S - Second person singular
# 3S - Third person singular
12) 3S - Third person singular
# SUBORD - Subordinative clitic
13) SUBORD - Subordinative clitic
# DISC - Discourse particle
14) DISC - Discourse particle
# NEG - Negation particle, affix or clitic
15) NEG - Negation particle, affix or clitic
# INTENS - Intensive  
16) INTENS - Intensive  
# INVERSE.VOLITIONAL - Inverse volitional affix, changes verbs that are semantically deliberate to accidental, and vice versa
17) INVERSE.VOLITIONAL - Inverse volitional affix, changes verbs that are semantically deliberate to accidental, and vice versa
# DISTR - Distributive
18) DISTR - Distributive
# PST - Past tense
19) PST - Past tense
# FUT - Future tense
20) FUT - Future tense
# IMPF - Imperfect aspect
21) IMPF - Imperfect aspect
# DISTAL.ADV - Distal demonstrative adverb
22) DISTAL.ADV - Distal demonstrative adverb
# SEQUENTIAL.DISC - Sequential discourse particle, similar to the Subordinative clitic.  However, this particle implies also a shift in grammatical roles between the core arguments.
23) SEQUENTIAL.DISC - Sequential discourse particle, similar to the Subordinative clitic.  However, this particle implies also a shift in grammatical roles between the core arguments.
# CONFIRM.EXPECT.DISC - Confirmatory-Expective discourse particle which indicates that the speaker expects the listener to agree what the speaker just said.
24) CONFIRM.EXPECT.DISC - Confirmatory-Expective discourse particle which indicates that the speaker expects the listener to agree what the speaker just said.
# CAUSAL.DISC - Discourse particle that indicates that the clause it is bound to was responsible for causing previous clauses to occur.  It has wide scope over extended discourse.
25) CAUSAL.DISC - Discourse particle that indicates that the clause it is bound to was responsible for causing previous clauses to occur.  It has wide scope over extended discourse.

== Additional Notes ==
== Additional Notes ==

**** WATCH OUT for noun incorporation!
**** WATCH OUT for noun incorporation!

Revision as of 03:54, 21 July 2015

Minhast Text

Ikkūne kuriktahan iħyitahammā,
Duħtaniktaharu, ittaħyamekan,

Taħ watturħa kungatarabammā, ikšākarampā
Wahēk, šuxtān min turħa kurganaft, dutikšakinnarumā,
Wahēk, duħtiptayyariknenaru.

Ra'e, wattā' hittanankūyaranaft keħredāš tadammantankūyismattabu
Wašia wakayyunar intakahešnuktararampi, wammīn.

Interlinear Gloss

Ikkūne kurg-tah-an iħy-tah-an=mā Chieftain be.strong-2S.ABS-INTRANS be.high-2S.ABS-INTRANS=SUBORD

Dut-han-ktah-ar-u, ittah-yam-ek-an DAT.APPL-come-1S.ABS+2S.ERG-PST-TRANS, have-sea-1S.ABS-INTRANS,

Hakkum-m-an Be.far-3S.ANIM.ABS-INTRANS

Taħ watturħa kungat-Ø-ar-ab-an=mā, ikšāk-Ø-ar=ampā 2S.ABS CONN=spirit, request-3MS.ABS-PST-ANTIPASS+SUBORD

Wahēk, šuxtān min turħa kurg-Ø-an=aft, dut-ikšāk-nn-ar-u=mā SEQUENTIAL.DISC, sky CONN spirit be.great-3S.ABS-INTRANS=NMLZ, DAT.APPL-request-3S.ABS+3S.ERG-PST-TRANS=SUBORD

Wahēk, dut-hitt-payyar-knen-ar-u SEQUENTIAL.DISC, DAT.APPL-give-custom-1S.ABS+3MS.ERG-PST-TRANS

Ra'e, wa=hattā' hitt-nannankūy-Ø-ar-an=aft keħre=dāš ta-idammat-nannankūy-m-satt-ab-u CONFIRM.EXPECT.DISC CONN=NEG give-silver-3MS.ABS-PST-INTRANS=NMLZ death=MAL NEG=protect-silver-3S.ABS+3S.INANIM.ERG-FUT-IMPF-TRANS

Wašia wa=kayyun-ar nt-kah-ešnuk-tar-Ø-ar-ampi, wammīn. DISTAL.ADV CONN=tree-PST INTENS-INVERSE.VOLITIONAL-tip-DISTR-3S.ANIM.ABS-PST-ANTIPASS, CAUSAL.DISC

Glossing Key

  1. DAT.APPL - Dative Applicative
  2. ERG - Ergative
  3. ABS - Absolutive
  4. INTRANS - Intransitive
  5. TRANS - Transitive
  6. ANTIPASS - Antipassive
  7. CONN - Connective particle or clitic. Minhast has two kinds of Connectives: 'min' links two or more noun phrases (NP); 'wa=' links adjuncts with clauses
  8. ANIM - Animate
  9. INANIM - Inanimate
  10. 1S - First person singular
  11. 2S - Second person singular
  12. 3S - Third person singular
  13. SUBORD - Subordinative clitic
  14. DISC - Discourse particle
  15. NEG - Negation particle, affix or clitic
  16. INTENS - Intensive
  17. INVERSE.VOLITIONAL - Inverse volitional affix, changes verbs that are semantically deliberate to accidental, and vice versa
  18. DISTR - Distributive
  19. PST - Past tense
  20. FUT - Future tense
  21. IMPF - Imperfect aspect
  22. DISTAL.ADV - Distal demonstrative adverb
  23. SEQUENTIAL.DISC - Sequential discourse particle, similar to the Subordinative clitic. However, this particle implies also a shift in grammatical roles between the core arguments.
  24. CONFIRM.EXPECT.DISC - Confirmatory-Expective discourse particle which indicates that the speaker expects the listener to agree what the speaker just said.
  25. CAUSAL.DISC - Discourse particle that indicates that the clause it is bound to was responsible for causing previous clauses to occur. It has wide scope over extended discourse.

Additional Notes

        • WATCH OUT for noun incorporation!