
Vowel-reducing paradigms

The largest class of vowel-reducing nouns have á or é between the first and second radicals that reduces to a/e (harmonizing with the frontness of following vowel; i after a y) when a suffix is added.

"Crawling-up" nouns

The "crawling-up" (Netagin: mittzúchábh) nouns underlyingly end in a consonant cluster. In the singular oblique cases the stem is turned into a CaCC (if the bare form is CeCaC, CiCC for CéCaC and CoCC for CóCaC) form, and the dual and plural turn the stem into (CaCáC, CeCáC and CoCáC).

Nouns ending in geminated/eclipsed consonants


The suffix -eh is deleted before a case ending.