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Pategian is a Talmic language spoken by the Pategian people in Tricin. It's inspired by Carrier (Dakelh), Welsh, Irish and Korean and is closely related to the Tigolic languages.

Charles Martinet's Italian gibberish with retroflexes?



Welshy with ejectives

noninitial t, k -> t’, k’

initial and lenited t, k -> tʰ, kʰ

noninitial b, d, g -> ʔ, t’, k’

initial and lenited b, d, g -> p, t, k

initial st, sc -> t’, k’

slender t/tʰ/t’ -> ts/tsʰ/ts’

slender k/kʰ/k’ -> c/cʰ/c’

3/H > glottal stop/x?

lenited s -> sʰ~z

0urú'ed consonants merge with séimhiú'ed consonants

l -> r

initial sn -> n, while initial n -> m

nn -> θ, mh -> f


a e i o u ə ɨ

ai aɨ au iə uə




Pategian, like Skellan, doesn't have grammatical gender or mutations. Plurals may be irregular as in Welsh.

Example noun: miar (tree), plural mair

Possessed forms: ma·miar, i·miar, kʰe·miar, ci·miar, se·miar, ha·miar


Verbs in Pategian are preceded by subject and object clitics if they're pronominal.

mi·tʰɨs "I pray"

mi·kʰ·tseirip "I tolerate him/her"


Pategian is VSO.

tseirip ə kʰar re ʔik’al "The person tolerates the weather"