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Does my conlang start to make much sense now? I feel like I am missing something vital. Mboso (talk) 00:09, 12 January 2013 (CET)

  1. How is stress realised?
  2. Subordinate clauses
  3. Modality

A few things to work on =)   Emperor Zelos 06:57, 12 January 2013 (CET)

I think it is starting to look excellent! Although I agree with Zelos on the first two points as rather vital, that is, that you ought to mention stress (if any), as well as the syntax of sentences, the modality could be a later concern. Adpositions and conjunctions (if any) is a matter to consider.

One matter that could be tended is examples - reading an article with sample sentences is always more interesting, and it conveys important information. Usage is another subject - you have a few cases and a lot of verb inflections - when are they used, can they convey different meanings depending on context? The definitions often differ between languages.

This all depends on the panned extent of your language - I for one would have implemented a bit of allophony, though a language does more than fine without it.

Sincerely,   Waahlis 11:43, 12 January 2013 (CET)

What the Wall said, as for stress it can be realised in multitude of ways, volume, vowel change, pitch, etc. :D I like pitch-accent systems   Emperor Zelos 15:17, 12 January 2013 (CET) Okay, I recognized stress, allophony, verb, and inflections. Give me a few days to read about the others on Wikipedia and I'll get back. However, I can talk about allophony right now: since it's not intended to actually be spoken by anyone, I don't see much need to work on it,and, as was pointed out, some languages have managed to make do without it. Mboso (talk) 18:32, 16 January 2013 (CET)

RfA initiated 15/01/2013

A request for arbitration concerning you has been initiated at Linguifex:Arbitration/Requests/Case.   Chrysophylax 23:17, 15 January 2013 (CET)

¿Lo has hecho tú también mientras aprendebas lenguas?

¡Hola! ¿Todo bien? Hoy estaba aquí en mi casa con dos amigas mías de la universidad y, mientras hablábamos entre nosotros, hemos inventado una expresión (sueca y después la hemos traducido en varias lenguas que estudiamos) que no tiene - o así creemos - ningún significado, pero se lo hemos dado nosotros:

Du är (en stor/färsk) nöt o Din jävla nöt!

Y con esas expresiones hemos traducido la oración sueca Du är forryckt/galen. Sabemos que se dice así, pero, de todas formas, nos ha gustado inventar y usar esa expresión. Además mi amiga y yo, cuando hicimos el primer curso de sueco (hace 4 años), escuchamos por primera vez la palabra köra y nos gustó tanto que desde entonces la usamos en cambio de kär, hemos creado sustantivos también: köra con plural köror para las mujeres y köre con plural körar para los hombres. Con estas palabras entendimos skatt :P Cuando uno difunde este uso de la palabra köra como nosotros la entendimos y de su derivados, nosotros decimos que él o ella es un o una köraförande, aunque förande significa "presidente" y no "usuario"... Ahahahah, sé bien que ahora pareceré tonto, pero, hablando con otra gente que estudia otras lenguas, he descubierto que muchas personas juegan así con las palabras que aprenden e incluso crean nuevas palabras que en la lengua original no tienen (o tienen otro) sentido :) ¿Lo has hecho tú también mientras aprendebas lenguas? Si lo has hecho, ¿lo haces ahora también cuando aprendes otras? :)   Llyn 22:12, 18 January 2013 (CET)

¡Dioses, paciencia, tesoro, paciencia! ¡No he tenido tiempo para responder! Llamar personas nötter de verdad existe en Suecia, y es un insulto. Quizá hay insultos más ofensivos, solamente digo que no lo digas a desconocidos... ;) Es interesante saber que la palabra nöt como insulto tiene otro género gramaticamente a ciertas personas. Entonces se puede decir ditt jävla nöt. Es que no sé si es una característica de sueco estándar, o si es regional. De todos maneras, usar el género neutro normalmente es un poquito más ofensivo. Decir "det" en la tercera persona cuando se está hablando de gente, es bastante malo...

¡Jajaja! Lamento decir que jamás he hecho lo que me dices! XD No te preocupes, no me parece tonto, solamente... original... :P Pero recuerdo que creé la palabra "fútbolla" en español - casi homofónico con la palabra "fotboja" - "grillete (?)"! :P

Si quieres saber las propias palabras relacionadas con kär, son käresta para mujeres, y käraste para hombres o mujeres! :)   Waahlis 16:17, 22 January 2013 (CET)

No borré la pregunta porque no tengo paciencia, sino que pensaba que no habías contestado porque te parecía una tontería descomunal :( Entonces decidí borrar lo único que pudiera subrayar mi supuesta tontería :(   Llyn 20:27, 04 February 2013 (CET)

Sospeché que si... ;) No te preocupes, yo también hago tonterías...! ¡Y si aprender y adaptar idiomas sería tonterías, no querría vivir!   Waahlis 19:08, 5 February 2013 (CET)

Du är söt! Tack så mycket för dina ord!   Llyn 23:54, 11 February 2013 (CET)


Check my talk page.
19:30, 20 January 2013 (CET) Er Dessen Name Nicht Genannt Werden Darf


WAAHLIS! you screwed up the tables again!   Emperor Zelos 20:24, 20 January 2013 (CET)

Ooopsies! I thought I hadnṭ added anything of value there! Sorry! :P   Waahlis 20:27, 20 January 2013 (CET)

Light the torches and fetch the pitchforks!

It's alright man, this place is chaotic lately.   Emperor Zelos 20:52, 20 January 2013 (CET)

But I just cleaned them... :(

Yeah, so it seems... Very well, speaking of which; would you mind taking a look at the last message I left at Chrys?   Waahlis 21:02, 20 January 2013 (CET)


I propose to keep "term" as it enhances legibility of contionary markup. It may be sort of redundant but it makes reading through texts a lot easier on the eyes.   Chrysophylax 22:27, 20 January 2013 (CET)

I disagree. Cw, for "contionary word", is simply more compressed. I would even suggest a Template:C. And being easy on the eyes is surely not a problem when processing wiki markup.   Waahlis 22:38, 20 January 2013 (CET)

The main reason for using wiki markup is for enhanced legibility and ease of use, thus instead of using

<a href="linguifex.com/?title=Contionary:word>word</a>

we usually write


Continuing from that, the prefix "cw" isn't instantly recognisable compared to "term" which is but 2 characters longer but adds an instantly transparent meaning.


===Etymology ===
{{term|cóm-}} + {{term|seneir}}


===Etymology ===
{{cw|cóm-}} + {{cw|seneir}}

Of course I see the benefit of having a short short version for when linking in mainspace articles/talk pages as in {{cw|dón}} where editing of the wikicode might not be a very relevant factor.

As a compromise of sorts I propose keeping


in the Contionary article main space and


used outside.

  Chrysophylax 23:05, 20 January 2013 (CET)

Surely, this could have been compressed into a few words. I stand by my second suggestion - using Template:C. Whilst you are correct in that "term" is very transparent, I do not acknowledge the logic behind using an abbreviation in the main namespace, and a full one in the contionary namespace proper. Besides, the word "term" is typologically unfavourable, having no less than three adjacent letters on a QWERTY keyboard. This almost encourages typographical errors and thus faulty links.

I am still not in accord, and I await your response on DA.   Waahlis 23:25, 20 January 2013 (CET)

Hum? The logic I tried to explain was that reading/editing contionary entries is simplified (thus making it easier for new editors etc.) as transparency increases; on the other hand, when wanting to say link a word from a language article a short one-character template is more favourable, even more so as it is similar to existing interwiki linking. Thus in the contionary, according to my proposal, we would find “term” inline which makes contextual sense for the source code of a dictionary entry while “c”/“cw” (for "Contionary/Contionary word")in an article in the main namespace, where it makes contextual sense. Am I making any sense? It's why I argue for there being duple templates.

I personally have not encountered any issues when writing the word term or any similar word such as where/were (three adjacent letters) and am thus sceptical of it being an encouraging factor of typographical errors.

Also, I have responded on DA.   Chrysophylax 00:24, 21 January 2013 (CET)

The Etymology thing will be resolved by me! :P   Emperor Zelos 07:21, 21 January 2013 (CET)


is the standard contionary outlay done?   Emperor Zelos 17:41, 22 January 2013 (CET)

Yes, see ethnema. Create a Template:New/contionary to be generated at buttons, as well, if you will! :)   Waahlis 18:07, 22 January 2013 (CET)

I'd recommend enclosing the more bonus tags such as "derived terms" "antonyms" "synonyms" in HTML comments so we don't get a lot of new entries with "antonyms" "synonyms" "hypernyms" all empty… ;P   Chrysophylax 22:55, 22 January 2013 (CET)

Vandalism, Take Two

So, am I guilty yet?
13:34, 2 February 2013 (CET) Er Dessen Name Nicht Genannt Werden Darf

The administrators' discussions have concluded, and administrator Chrysophylax will leave a message at your discussion page.   Waahlis 14:25, 2 February 2013 (CET)


Kolla den   Emperor Zelos 16:13, 2 February 2013 (CET)

Igen   Emperor Zelos 18:18, 2 February 2013 (CET)


Nu blir det fan lite lugn igen och vi kan gå tillbaka att få skit att funka igen. Vi måste jobba ut nu hur fan vi agerar som admins här.   Emperor Zelos 14:12, 3 February 2013 (CET)

Whaalis, I suggest all of us admins design some sort of guide/rules how we go about shit when it comes to things like volde   Emperor Zelos 15:20, 5 February 2013 (CET)

I'll consider a policy or the like when Vandalism's done. :) We could go by praxis, but I don't think you'd like that... :P   Waahlis 18:55, 5 February 2013 (CET)

after the humongous fuckup on this, I want something written that I can shove in others faces because I find how this was resolved unacceptable.   Emperor Zelos 19:15, 5 February 2013 (CET)


Think there is something behind the latest wave of registrations?   Emperor Zelos 20:10, 12 February 2013 (CET)

No, I actually don't. It'd be unnecessarily difficult to create such cannon fodder accounts. Also, they're not personal enough. :/   Waahlis 20:43, 12 February 2013 (CET)

I don't know, you might have a point. Btw great work on the new front page   Emperor Zelos 21:40, 12 February 2013 (CET)

Thank you! :D Although I'm eager to launch it, I need to fix a few things tomorrow. It ought to get done then. :)   Waahlis 22:57, 12 February 2013 (CET)

the dots are fucked up   Emperor Zelos 15:52, 13 February 2013 (CET)

Two things

  1. Do we really have to include wikia on our frontpage? It is a dirrty stain on an otherwise magnificient masterpiece
  2. I think Wannabe should get a medal for being so productive   Emperor Zelos 07:34, 16 February 2013 (CET)

  1. I shall see if I can replace it with something better. And thanks!
  2. And yes, he should! I shall make a medal/badge for him!

  Waahlis 08:09, 16 February 2013 (CET)

  1. Take wikibooks because htey have a conlang section
  2. SPlendid! :D

  Emperor Zelos 13:54, 16 February 2013 (CET)


When the fuck are we going to go about this whole thing that happened? How it all was handled was not in anyway acceptable and we need to establish a model of how things are dealt with between us admins.   Emperor Zelos 17:26, 22 February 2013 (CET)

Don't you think its about time?   Emperor Zelos 16:09, 23 February 2013 (CET)

I do not have as strong feelings about it as you do, as I'm sure you know. However, yes, but we need to await Chrysophylax firstly. If you have suggestions, you could start sketching on a proposal?   Waahlis 18:01, 23 February 2013 (CET)

Of course I feel strongely, I feel like I was bypassed just because he felt it was fitting. If thats how shit works then I see no point being an admin as whats the point if it will be ignored?

I will sketch on one, that will be my contribution until further notice.   Emperor Zelos 18:19, 23 February 2013 (CET)

Scriptual Bible

Guide:Script Whatcha think? WIP of course   Emperor Zelos 14:55, 26 February 2013 (CET)

You know what? I quite like it! A few grammatical and orthographical tweaks, and I like it a lot! However! - You might want to change the name to Guide:Writing system. My first thought was that it treated code or the like. :P   Waahlis 12:16, 3 March 2013 (CET)

Feel free to move it!

But I am not done with it, but thank you :) I thought the personal touch to it would be good   Emperor Zelos 13:01, 3 March 2013 (CET)

I will do so then. And yes. It is quite enjoyable to read. I might change the formatting (bold, cursive et.c.).   Waahlis 13:24, 3 March 2013 (CET)

Shoot for it, thats what a wiki is for!   Emperor Zelos 13:32, 3 March 2013 (CET)

Guess who

I'm back!
After conlanging on and off for a while, I decided to revisit! :P

A lot has changed! The main page looks awesome, I presume that was you who made it. I saw no change in the comlang, I think we might prefer to start over again and make a new comlang from what we have here. I'll work on my conlang some, but will probably need some help with it though.

Any I updates I need?
CLtɔk ˈpeɪdʒ/ 22:58, 1 March 2013 (CET)

PS Sorry for kinda just running out on you, with me, I'm interested in something a lot of some time, stop for a while, and then come back. That's just me.

As always, you're welcome here! And there was no running out, everyone have their remissions sometimes! ;)

Thank you for the compliment on the main page! If you have suggestions for it, just tell me, and I'll see what I can do! The comlang has been a bit lonely for a while, since Olykoek is inactive, MOB is in France and I've been alone...! :P

Regarding that, you might be interested in the fact that we've got a brand new forum! That's what happened basically. A few more regular users.

Sincerely,   Waahlis 12:21, 3 March 2013 (CET)

Do you want to put the comlang on the new forum? I'd be glad to pass around idea with you and any one who wants to join.
CLtɔk ˈpeɪdʒ/ 21:50, 3 March 2013 (CET)


I don't even know if I'm doing this well, or if there's no need for "proper" etiquette or whatever. Just wanted to say thank you for opening my talk page so quickly (just 15 minutes after registration!) even though I just leant what it was for, like 20 mins ago xD Anyway, thanks. Newrhotic (talk) 03:22, 13 March 2013 (CET)

You are very welcome! And no, of course there's no obligation to stop by and say hi - the welcomeing message just there to let new users know that we exist! :) But we are more than grateful if you do! Gives us a chance to get to know you. :)

And yes, I try not to leave new users hanging! Sometimes you can't be sure if they are bots though... :/ But I noted your username!

Well then, if you need anything; help with the wiki code, practices, linguistic expertise, socialising... Just talk to one of us!   Waahlis 14:47, 13 March 2013 (CET)

Oh, well. Wiki code is rather difficult I dare to say! I've been peeking at the code on several pages and copying tables for what I needed, but I initially thought it was easier. I've been saving it on a .txt though, because I really don't know wether I should name the page on the wiki with the name of the conlang written on its script (that, is Sol·eя) or just use latin alphabet "Soler" for means of "internationalization". What would you do? Cheers Newrhotic (talk) 15:33, 13 March 2013 (CET)

For a beginner, I sympathise. But copying and pasting is indeed the most efficient way of learning the code! :)

We always advise people to use a romanised, or ASCII-ised, spelling in the page title. In the paragraphs below, and the page text, the language's name and orthography can be written as you please. The article needs to be in English though. Example:

Soler (page title)
Sol·eя, /soleя/, romanised as Soler, is a...

Hope it helps!   Waahlis 16:24, 13 March 2013 (CET)

I did it! Now I feel fuzzy inside :)

Is it alright if I leave € symbols to indicate parts that I want to develop later? Newrhotic (talk) 19:07, 13 March 2013 (CET)

Let me tell you, creating articles never stops giving you that feeling! :p

I can't say they're very aesthetic... (especially if you don't like the euro ;) ) Might I suggest a simple "-" instead? Of course if it makes it easeier for you to remember to edit it, I'll allow it! :)   Waahlis 19:11, 13 March 2013 (CET)

Who but old grannies above 500 years of age doesn't like euro? :D   Emperor Zelos 19:58, 13 March 2013 (CET)

Who said I'm not a granny and over 500 years old...? o.O   Waahlis 20:02, 13 March 2013 (CET)

atleast you passively admit being a 500+ granny :D   Emperor Zelos 20:04, 13 March 2013 (CET)

It was never a secret. My driver's licence has all the info. Although I prefer "nan". :)   Waahlis 20:27, 13 March 2013 (CET)


The fact we are getting spam could be good, atleast it is big enough to be worthy of spam now XD   Emperor Zelos 08:20, 21 March 2013 (CET)

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Just a quick thought, how about a section on the front page (Like wikipedia) which gives a fact for a few of it's newest articles? That's the second thing I looked for (Right after FA). --Mocha2007 (talk) 21:02, 26 March 2013 (CET)

You are very welcome! I hope the first impression will last! :) And you know what, that is actually a great idea. I shall consider a system and bring it to the rest of the administrators!   Waahlis 22:35, 26 March 2013 (CET)


Sé lo que quiero hacer, pero no sé cómo D: Podrías pasarme algún link en el que venga más o menos algún tipo de nomenclatura o algo? Gracias, majo Newrhotic (talk) 05:18, 6 April 2013 (CEST)

Oh, eres hispanohablante, ¡que alegría! Me encantaría pasarte algunos enlaces, pero desafortunadamente, yo he buscado el red también, y jamás he encontrado nada... Normalmente recomiendo Wikipedia, pero... :/ Lamento decir que lo que sé he aprendido gracias a experiencia...

¿Deseas que analize yo la fonología y fonotáctica de Soler? Su fonotáctica no me parece extremadamente difícil. Es que, entonces no creo que aprendas nada... :/ De verdad no es difícil, sólo nombre tus consonantes C y tus vocales V, y decide en que manera se combinan.   Waahlis 17:57, 6 April 2013 (CEST)


Can I have your opinions on the orthography of Élászyato meret? The vowels are relatively simple, a-e-i-o-u (with lots of allophones!)

It's not noted yet, but pre-vocalic plosives shift to their fricatives word-initially (also over word boundaries). E.g. the t in meret er, ['mɛrɛθ ɛr] while it remains t in meret sá, ['mɛrɛt s̺ɑh] and in "accidental" consonant clusters (word boundary sandhi, yet again) gerek tá > ['ɣɛrɛx θah]. And in rapid speech /p/ and /t/ will become fricated anyhow, just because; /k/ as well but a tad less. Of course we don't reflect this in the spelling, which would be too easy for prospective learners. Nasals are homorganic (need to update table) so they get all those funny IPA tails when next to other consonants.  ;)

  Chrysophylax 01:39, 18 April 2013 (CEST)

I'm particularly proud of Élászyato meret, /e̞hlɑht͡sjato̞ 'mɛrɛt/ which may be realised as

/e̞hlɑht͡sjato̞ 'mɛrɛt/ - acrolect
/e̞hlɑht͡siaθo̞ 'me̞re̞θ/ - rapid speech
/e̞hlɑht͡sʲaðõ̞ 'mɛrɛθ/ - dialect
/e̞hlɑhd͡zsʲaðõ̞ 'mereθ/ - dialect

depending on the speaker in question!.

  Chrysophylax 01:45, 18 April 2013 (CEST)

I like it, the system of consonant fricativisation is very similar to the ones I tend to have, although I usually fricativise plosives when they precede another, heterorganic plosive as well. :) Allophonic phonologies are my favourites, so I love the idea! Orthography-wise, it looks good, the words have about the same colour, especially "Élászyato meret". :)   Waahlis 12:05, 18 April 2013 (CEST)

Registration prevention

we need oneo f those code things to prevent bot registration now.   Emperor Zelos 18:34, 23 April 2013 (CEST)

we have a captcha but they appear to have finally cracked it.   Chrysophylax 08:16, 24 April 2013 (CEST)

Are there no other bot preventention systems available? I must say that it isn't possible to continue like we are now. We have at least ten bots a day! At least!   Waahlis 15:08, 24 April 2013 (CEST)

We need something more, I don't even know why they target us considering there is no high flow of traffic here.

Can we include something that requires us accepting it or anything else new?

How about instead of doing words, which is common, we try getting lige figures? Circles etc.   Emperor Zelos 16:25, 24 April 2013 (CEST)

This is getting out of hand, its closert to 20 a day now.   Emperor Zelos 06:08, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

I'm thinking about adding a manual approval process to account registration. That way, accounts will not be registered unless manually approved in a "queue". Opinions? ——— Gnomes. (talk) 07:07, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

I mean, a human eye can easily distinguish between Johnny532423QDZ and a regular user. This way we won't have the problem with bot accounts that lie low until they achieve auto-confirmed status and proceed to spam. ——— Gnomes. (talk) 07:09, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

It is certainly an effective procedure, no doubt. However, at least I would have hesitated to sign up if I was confronted with a "confirmation". Is there no other system?   Waahlis 12:03, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

In effect, the new procedure would require users to register as normal but with the added option of writing some small info about themselves. The account would then be put in the queue and they would get an e-mail saying "welcome aboard! your account has been created" once one of the administrators verifies that it's not a bot. As in, it'd be too late, they would've already signed up when they're informed of the whole "Wait for confirm." thingy. I think. ——— Gnomes. (talk) 14:32, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

I agree, lets go with that until a better option comes.   Emperor Zelos 15:45, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Very well, I am not convinced to a 100%, but I am not stupid enough to protest.   Waahlis 17:54, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Yes you are :P   Emperor Zelos 21:35, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

You have a point. I just can't be bothered when I'm in minority. It's never fun being the underdog. :/   Waahlis 22:00, 25 April 2013 (CEST)

Back onto business instead of playfull teasing.

Any system we can use that doiesn't require us to accept a user?   Emperor Zelos 06:45, 26 April 2013 (CEST)


And since this appears to be the Anti-Spambot Combat HQ I thought I'd update you guys with some details regarding our new captcha system. It's practically infinitely extensible as it consists of asking people to answer a simple question when they register. If one question is cracked, we can add new ones. I'm also looking into some tools that let you limit the allowed usernames on site (I'd guess eliminating numbers from usernames would result in a lot less spambots) while being only a mild, if any, inconvenience to any real user.   Chrysophylax 09:01, 26 April 2013 (CEST)

Remove the numbers, we just got one again   Emperor Zelos 13:22, 26 April 2013 (CEST)

Didn't work, add more questions, many more. May I suggest somes?