Far East Semitic

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Inspiration: Old Chinese, Heleasic, Akkadian, Amharic

Far East Semitic is one of the major branches of Semitic. Proto-Far East Semitic was a prestige language of Verse:Irta's Southeast Asia. It's in a clade with Akkadian. It was first observed to be related to other Semitic languages by the linguist TeanF-GaL FénH, himself a native speaker of both Cuam and Far East Semitic.

Loans from Old Chinese, Hoddi Hebrew and Sino-IE in addition to the usual SEA families (except Austronesian)


Verner's law in random words? plax "to open" <- *pdax <- *phthax

lhor "king", mëlkh "prince"?

(ğurayb >) qraib "crow, raven" > qhaiv in Hmooblang

hlān 'language'

nəps "soul" -> npos in Hmooblang

Hmooblang should have two "fangyans", one tonal with Hmong tone values and another "literally read" (inspiration: Lhasa vs Amdo Tibetan)

Family tree

  • Proto-Far East Semitic (~ 500 AD)
    • literally read Hmoob gib, possibly with tones? (greeting: Schlaub lag!)
    • hyperconservative Far East Semitic

Far East Semitic is phonologically one of the more conservative branches of Semitic, with different reflexes for almost all the consonants of Proto-Semitic. Morphologically, though, it is the exact opposite -- it is a rather typical Southeast Asian sprachbund language even in the proto-stage.



  • p b t ṭ d k q g ħ ʕ -> ph b th t d kh k g x ɣ~ɢ
  • m n l r w y -> m n l ɹ w j
  • θ θ̣ ð s ṣ z ś ṣ́ š x ɣ h -> θ θ ð s ts z~dz l̥ l̥~ts (from koineization) š qʰ q h

Vowels: i ɨ u e ə o a ā

p shows up in loanwords from Indo-European and Sino-Tibetan languages.

ɣašt, θian, l̥āθ, ɚbaɣ, qhamš, šɨš, šbaɣ, šmān, dɨšq, l̥əl

11: l̥əl had, 12: l̥əl θian, etc.

θina, l̥əθa, ɚbɣa, qhəmša, šɨša, šbəɣa, šməna, dɨšqa, mə'a əlp 100,000: ləkš 100,00,000: kot

-> aws, xiam, hlaus, plaub, qhaab, sws, pha, hmaum, dwg, hloj


Far East Semitic is written with an abugida inspired aesthetically by Tai Lue.


Far East Semitic is only vestigially triconsonantal.


Far East Semitic has noun classifiers but no grammatical gender. Noun classifiers are also used as definite articles.

Animate plurals are marked with postposed wɨl (which is more of an associative marker).


Singulatives are formed with bɨn-.

kʰətʰāb: agentive


As in English, Far East Semitic verbs are analytic with some vestigial ablaut; participial (with m-) and verbnoun (with t- and other grammaticalized noun derivations) forms are common, as in modern Aramaic dialects. It's relatively unpredictable which Semitic verb root was assigned to which pattern.


Derivations that correspond to binyanim in other Semitic languages are more concatenative:

  • G-stem: xtab, xtob, xtib
  • D-stem: kʰətʰVb
  • N-stem: nə·xtVb
  • S-stem: šə·xtVb
  • t-stems: tə·xtVb

the pa'al / pi'el distinction surfaces as initial clusters vs minor syllables

mə- prefix for derived nouns -> prenasalization in the quasi-Hmoob language

Some former VN patterns (also noun patterns)

  • kʰətʰıb
  • xteb, xtib
  • xtub for adjectives
  • tə·xtVb
  • kʰətʰib, kʰətʰub, kʰətʰāb


particles for aspects like Wdm (mɨn for perfect tense etc)

bə xtib nākʰ = I write

min xtib nākʰ = I wrote

l̥aʔ xtib nākʰ = I will write


  • 1sg ~nākʰ~ni (Hmooblang nau)
  • 2sg əntu~kʰmu (Hmooblang hmu)

Plural pronouns were formed with the associative marker wɨl (< *wa-illu 'and these') or kʰol (from *kullu 'all'):

  • 1pl: nākʰ wɨl~nākʰol
  • 2pl kʰmu wɨl~kʰmu kʰol~kʰmɨl

Largely replaced with rank pronouns in descendants in non-intimate speech except in the hyperconservative FES language, where directional adverbs are sometimes used instead of pronouns



Proto-Far East Semitic syntax is close to Tagalog. It's a VSO language. Modern Far East Semitic languages though have a much more similar syntax to Thai, Vietnamese, Modern Hebrew or Arabic.