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a /ɑ/ prt. do!, do it!
abraeyath /ɑ.bre.jɑθ/ vi. to chuckle, to snicker.
achool /ɑ.ʧul/ n. oath, vow, promise.
ador /ɑ.dor/ vi. to grin, to smile.
adoo /ɑ.du/ adj. only, sole, unique.
adood /ɑ.dud/ n. uniqueness, distinctiveness.
afen /ɑ.fɛn/ vi. to speak.
afigram /ɑ.fɪ.ɡrɑm/ vi. to wait.
agaeg /ɑ.ɡeɡ/ vt. to connect, to join.
agen /ɑ.ɡɛn/ vt. to see.
ahe /ɑ.hɛ/ itj. hark!, listen, okay, hey, yo!; An interjection used to get someone's attention.
ahlaazaekh /ɑ.hlæ.zex/ vt. to destroy, to decimate, to ruin.
aket /ɑ.kɛt/ vi. to halt, to stop abruptly.
akin /ɑ.kɪn/ vt. to give, to grant.
akhlat /ɑ.xlɑt/ vt. to beware of, to pay attention to, to look out for
alaiden /ɑ.laɪ̯.dɛn/ vi. to continue, to keep doing.
algen /ɑl.ɡɛn/ n. one who sees, watcher, observer, spectator, viewer.
alhlaazaekh /ɑl.hlæ.zex/ n. destroyer.
alith /ɑ.lɪθ/ vt. to ask, to question, to interrogate.
alnaen /ɑl.nen/ n. sleeper, one who is asleep.
alool /ɑ.lul/ vi. to exit, to go out.
amaukin /ɑ.maʊ̯.kɪn/ vt. to return, to send back, to give back; to deflect, to refuse.
amaunagaeg /ɑ.maʊ̯.nɑ.ɡeɡ/ vi. to disconnect, to unplug, to separate from.
amauplet /ɑ.maʊ̯.plɛt/ vi. to return (to someone, something, or someplace).
anagaeg /ɑ.nɑ.ɡeɡ/ vi. to connect, to join, to plug in.
anarak /ɑ.nɑ.rɑk/ vt. to play (an archetype / general character), to act.
anatot /ɑ.nɑ.tot/ vt. to play (a part/rôle).
anaen /ɑ.nen/ vi. to sleep.
andarchitaen /ɑn.dɑr.ʧɪ.ten/ n. rehearsal, practice, exercize.
andgen /ɑnd.ɡɛn/ n. seeing, vision.
andhlaazaekh /ɑnd.hlæ.zex/ n. destroying, destruction.
andkin /ɑnd.kɪn/ n. giving, granting.
andlool /ɑnd.lul/ n. exiting, egress, going out.
andtoon /ɑnd.tun/ n. death, dying.
anduhtauspid /ɑn.dʌ.taʊ̯.spɪd/ n. mocking, derision.
andwaen /ɑnd.wen/ n. hiding, concealment.
andwer /ɑnd.wɛr/ n. remembering.
aplet /ɑ.plɛt/ vt. to leave (someone, something, or someplace) behind.
aral /ɑ.rɑl/ n. breath.
araezan /ɑ.re.zɑn/ vt. to beat, to bludgeon, to batter.
architaen /ɑ.rʧɪ.ten/ vt. to rehearse, to practice, to exercize.
ardeeyel /ɑr.di.jɛl/ n. ancient child, old soul.
Ardeeyel /ɑr.di.jɛl/ Ardiel; A given first name.
ardor /ɑr.dor/ n. smiler, one who is grinning or smiling.
argen /ɑr.ɡɛn/ n. witness, one who happens to see.
ashlagen /ɑ.ʃlɑ.ɡɛn/ n. instrument used for seeing, optical device; Includes glasses, binoculars, telescopes, microscopes, and any other device used to extend or enhance the visual range.
ashlahlaazaekh /ɑ.ʃlɑ.hlæ.zex/ n. instrument of destruction.
asphlaazaekh /ɑsp.hlæ.zex/ n. ruin, that which is destroyed.
aspuhtad /ɑ.spʌ.tɑd/ n. wash-up, drifter, floater; Harken slang for someone who is marooned.
aspwer /ɑsp.wɛr/ n. memory.
atauspid /ɑ.taʊ̯.spɪd/ vi. to laugh at, to deride, to mock.
atdor /ɑ.tdor/ n. smile, grin.
athlaazaekh /ɑt.hlæ.zex/ n. obliteration, destruction, decimation.
atkin /ɑt.kɪn/ n. gift.
atlool /ɑt.lul/ n. exit, egress, way out.
atmaunagaeg /ɑt.maʊ̯.nɑ.ɡeɡ/ n. disconnectedness.
atnagaeg /ɑt.nɑ.ɡeɡ/ n. connectedness.
atnaen /ɑt.nen/ n. sleep.
atoon /ɑ.tun/ vi. to die, to perish.
atwer /ɑt.wɛr/ n. memory, remembrance.
athlaslait /ɑ.θlɑ.slaɪ̯t/ n. script, alphabet, writing.
athlaslait /ɑ.θlɑ.slaɪ̯t/ n. script (of a play).
awaen /ɑ.wen/ vi. to hide.
awer /ɑ.wɛr/ vt. to remember.
ayool /ɑ.jul/ vi. to clench, to hold tightly, to hold fast to.
ayuhtad /ɑ.jʌ.tɑd/ vi. to float, to drift, to wash up.
azak /ɑ.zɑk/ vt. to kill.
azairen /ɑ.zaɪ̯.rɛn/ vt. to warn.
aa /æ/ prp. to.
aachee /æ.ʧi/ prp. to the side of, to the accompaniment of.
aakalzog /æ.kɑl.zoɡ/ vt. to chase, to hunt down, to pursue.
aakesal /æ.kɛ.sɑl/ vi. to shine.
aakesalool /æ.kɛ.sɑ.lul/ vt. to learn, to study, to acquire knowledge.
aako /æ.ko/ adj. upward, upward-facing, right-side up, upright.
aakoma /æ.ko.mɑ/ prp. over, above, over the top of.
aareg /æ.rɛɡ/ vt. to doubt, to mistrust, to disbelieve.
aasawnith /æ.sɔ.nɪθ/ n. lightly wooded area.
aashlabroot /æ.ʃlɑ.brut/ vi. to stand.
aashloom /æ.ʃlum/ vt. to swallow.
aastai /æ.staɪ̯/ prp. toward.
aataw /æ.tɔ/ prp. through.
aati /æ.tɪ/ prp. by way of.
aatima /æ.tɪ.mɑ/ prp. along.
aatlai /æ.tlaɪ̯/ prp. after, in the future.
aayaatlai /æ.jæ.tlaɪ̯/ prp. until (such time).
aayee /æ.ji/ adj. downward, downward-facing.
aayuhnee /æ.jʌ.ni/ prp. away from.
aayuhneetlai /æ.jʌ.ni.tlaɪ̯/ prp. since (such time).
aazraw /æ.zrɔ/ prp. out of.
aechalzdrikh /e.ʧɑlz.drɪx/ vt. to face, to confront.
aedezas /e.dɛ.zɑs/ vt. to let, to allow, to permit.
aegath /e.ɡɑθ/ n. ancient one, elder.
aegreeth /e.ɡriθ/ vt. to grab, to seize, to catch.
aeklanash /e.klɑ.nɑʃ/ vi. to revise, to rewrite.
aekhlaat /e.xlæt/ vi. to burn (to be burning).
aelshleen /el.ʃlin/ n. snake, worm, slitherer.
aenduhdezas /end.ʌ.dɛ.zɑs/ n. allowing, allowance, permission.
aenduhtoor /end.ʌ.tur/ n. entrance, way to get in.
aeram /e.rɑm/ vt. to be (copula).
aerat /e.rɑt/ vt. to drink.
aeshleen /e.ʃlin/ vi. to slither, to wriggle.
aespuhdezas /esp.ʌ.dɛ.zɑs/ n. licencee, permit-holder.
aetdezas /et.dɛ.zɑs/ n. permit, license.
aetokhazaun /ɑ.zaʊ̯n/ vt. to laugh at, to jeer, to sneer, to mock.
aetol /e.tol/ vi. to laugh together, to laugh as a group.
aetoor /e.tur/ vi. to enter, to pass into.
ai /aɪ̯/ prt. that, which; Relativizer for subject heads.
ai aeram chee stoo doonoo /aɪ̯ e.rɑm ʧi stu adj. many-faced, having many faces.
aichaithen /aɪ̯.ʧaɪ̯.θɛn/ n. home, house, dwelling.
aigal /aɪ̯.ɡɑl/ vt. to help, to assist.
ailtlaak /aɪ̯l.tlæk/ n. thief.
ailthen /aɪ̯l.θɛn/ n. dweller, inhabitant, resident.
aimenestos /aɪ̯.mɛ.nɛ.stos/ vi. to escape.
aindthen /aɪ̯nd.θɛn/ n. living, life, dwelling, habitation.
aishan /aɪ̯.ʃɑn/ n. goose.
aitmenestos /aɪ̯t.mɛ.nɛ.stos/ n. escape.
aitlaak /aɪ̯.tlæk/ vt. to steal, to pilfer, to take.
aithen /aɪ̯.θɛn/ vi. to live, to dwell.
aiyoon /aɪ̯.jun/ vt. to become.
au /aʊ̯/ prt. that, which; Relativizer for object heads.
audawnin /aʊ̯.dɔ.nɪn/ vt. to stir (an emotion), to conjure (a feeling).
audoogren /aʊ̯.du.ɡrɛn/ vt. to throw.
augraz /aʊ̯.ɡrɑz/ vi. to lie, to fabricate, to tell a lie.
augraeb /aʊ̯.ɡreb/ vi. to bellow, to whistle, to hyperventilate, to bloviate.
aukeed /aʊ̯.kid/ vt. to turn, to rotate.
auklood /aʊ̯.klud/ vt. to hear.
aupit /aʊ̯.pɪt/ vi. to scream, to yell, to wail, to shriek (not words).
auplen /aʊ̯.plɛn/ vi. there is, there are.
aushith /aʊ̯.ʃɪθ/ vi. to see, to look.
auskaimad /aʊ̯.skaɪ̯.mɑd/ vi. to be inflamed, to swell.
ausken /aʊ̯.skɛn/ vt. to fool, to trick.
autgraeb /aʊ̯t.ɡreb/ n. wheezing sound, hyperventilation, fit.
autplen /aʊ̯t.plɛn/ n. existence, being.
autskaimad /aʊ̯t.skaɪ̯.mɑd/ n. inflammation, swelling.
auyelzaidilik /aʊ̯.jɛl.zaɪ̯.dɪ.lɪk/ vi. to wet oneself, to pee one’s pants.
aw /ɔ/ prp. in.
aw- /ɔ/ pfx. to become, to turn into.
awbuhrbuhl /ɔ.bʌr.bʌl/ vt. to enslave, to subjugate.
awbramool /ɔ.brɑ.mul/ vt. to endure, to bear, to suffer through, to (with)stand.
awbrooding /ɔ.bru.dɪŋ/ vt. to accept, to embrace.
awchee /ɔ.ʧi/ prp. between; among.
awfuhden /ɔ.fʌ.dɛn/ vi. to go well, to be successful.
awfloothlaakhtuhng /ɔ.flu.θlæk.tʌŋ/ vt. to hood up, to put on a hood, to cover the head.
awkeraen /ɔ.kɛ.ren/ n. problem, difficulty.
awkeraenee /ɔ.kɛ.ren.i/ adj. problematic, difficult.
awkeeraing /ɔ.ki.raɪ̯ŋ/ vi. to become enlightened, to become mind-evolved.
awkhlait /ɔ.xlaɪ̯t/ vt. to honor, to praise; to feature, to place prominently, to put in a place of honor.
awkhlaitee /ɔ.xlaɪ̯.ti/ adj. featured, preferred, honored.
awlaun /ɔ.laʊ̯n/ vi. to think.
awlaunthing /ɔ.laʊ̯n.θɪŋ/ n. computer, calculator.
awluhfeeng /ɔ.lʌ.fiŋ/ vi. to become true, to manifest, to become real, to come true (of a dream).
awmaubrooding /ɔ.maʊ̯.bru.dɪŋ/ vt. to spurn, to shun, to avoid.
awnan /ɔ.nɑn/ vi. to love, to adore.
awnat /ɔ.nɑt/ vi. to gather together, to congregate.
awndbramool /ɔnd.brɑ.mul/ n. endurance, suffering, withstanding.
awndfuhden /ɔnd.fʌ.dɛn/ n. well-being, success.
awndluhfeeng /ɔnd.lʌ.fiŋ/ n. manifestation, coming true, becoming reality.
awpuhrong /ɔ.pʌ.roŋ/ vi. to be quiet, to not talk, to hold one’s tongue.
awpuhrongeeng /ɔ.pʌ.roŋ.iŋ/ vi. to be quiet, to shut up.
awraidradang /ɔ.raɪ̯.drɑ.dɑŋ/ vi. to become strong.
awronang /ɔ.ro.nɑŋ/ vi. to get sick, to become sick.
awslig /ɔ.slɪɡ/ vi. to be conscious, to be awake.
awskooraing /ɔ.sku.raɪ̯ŋ/ vi. to become rich.
awtaefuhng /ɔ.te.fʌŋ/ vi. to become happy.
awtaing /ɔ.taɪ̯ŋ/ vi. to become tired
awtuhh /ɔ.tʌh/ vi. to puke, to vomit, to throw up.
awwoodwaang /ɔ.wud.wæŋ/ vi. to become sad, to be grief-stricken.
awyaa /ɔ.jæ/ prp. into.
awyawkeraeneeng /ɔ.jɔ.kɛ.re.niŋ/ vi. to become problematic.
awyee /ɔ.ji/ adj. inner, inside; inward, inward-facing.
awzeezraak /ɔ.zi.zræk/ vi. to break.
awzra /ɔ.zrɑ/ prp. outside of.
barogof /bɑ.ro.ɡof/ n. average person, regular person, folk.
bashe /bɑ.ʃɛ/ ppl. they.
bashen /bɑ.ʃɛn/ prn. he/she.
bae /be/ prp. about, regarding.
baerbom / n. a type of tree.
baus /baʊ̯s/ n. language.
baw /bɔ/ adj. natured, tempered.
bawd /bɔd/ n. nature, temperment.
bawdee /bɔ.di/ adj. nice, good, decent.
bawdee /bɔ.di/ itj. you’re welcome.
bawding /bɔ.dɪŋ/ n. friend.
bawdingee /bɔ.dɪŋ.i/ adj. nice, friendly.
bawdingee /bɔ.dɪŋ.i/ itj. please.
belzeebos /bɛl.zi.bos/ n. large, spotted cat-like creature, somewhat like a leopard or cheetah.
benin /bɛ.nɪn/ n. wheel.
beyos /bɛ.jos/ n. time, availability, free time.
beelaena /bi.len.ɑ/ adj. weak.
beelaenad /bi.le.nɑd/ n. weakness.
bine /bɪ.nɛ/ adj. current, present-day, modern, up-to-date.
bined /bɪ.nɛd/ n. level of modernness or currentness, up-to-dateness.
bized /bɪ.zɛd/ n. table, desk, counter-top, flat surface to work on.
booh /buh/ n. particle of smoke, smoke.
buhlaak /bʌ.læk/ n. oblivion, obscurity, nothingness.
bragep /brɑ.ɡɛp/ n. ruffian.
braled /brɑ.lɛd/ num. thirteen.
braak /bræk/ n. upper chest, area not covered by a shirt.
braekish /bre.kɪʃ/ n. day.
braenam /bre.nɑm/ n. hole, dent, dip, depression.
braeyath /bre.jɑθ/ n. chuckle.
braubakh /braʊ̯.bɑx/ n. woman, female human.
braw /brɔ/ adj. excellent, noteworthy.
brawd /brɔd/ n. level of excellence, noteworthiness.
brem /brɛm/ n. uncovered or bare area.
bremee /brɛ.mi/ adj. naked, bare, uncovered.
bren /brɛn/ n. amount, quantity.
breeyuhm /bri.jʌm/ n. bookshelf.
bril /brɪl/ n. taste, sense of taste.
brilakh /brɪ.lɑx/ n. taste, flavor.
brilig /brɪ.lɪɡ/ n. Time of Choosing.
bringuhr /brɪŋ.ʌr/ n. pain.
broshoor /bro.ʃur/ n. book.
broshoor ese daaplithi /bro.ʃur ɛ.sɛ dæ.plɪ.θɪ/ n. dictionary, lexicon.
broo /bru/ adj. unified.
brood /brud/ n. clan, family, coterie, community group.
broodingee /bru.dɪŋ.i/ adj. Brooding, of or relating to the Brooding language.
cha /ʧɑ/ adj. enough, sufficient.
cha /ʧɑ/ adv. enough, sufficiently.
chath /ʧɑθ/ n. girl.
chaabuhrwak /ʧæ.bʌr.wɑk/ n. big-bad, final boss, arch-enemy.
chaath /ʧæθ/ n. silliness, foolishness.
chaathee /ʧæθ.i/ adj. silly, ridiculous.
chaeg /ʧeɡ/ n. child, kid.
chaewith /ʧe.wɪθ/ n. brother.
chendim /ʧɛn.dɪm/ n. shoulder; epaulet.
chee /ʧi/ prp. with.
cheema /ʧi.mɑ/ prp. near, next to, by, beside.
cheema /ʧi.mɑ/ adj. distanced from.
cheemad /ʧi.mɑd/ n. level of nearness to, distance, space between.
cheemayailthen /ʧi.mɑ.jaɪ̯l.θɛn/ n. neighbor.
dachood /dɑ.ʧud/ n. car, wheeled vehicle.
dageree /dɑ.ɡɛ.ri/ prp. opposite, on the other side of, juxtaposed against, in exchange for.
dar /dɑr/ n. crowd.
daroon /dɑ.run/ n. name.
daroonyuh /dɑ.run.jʌ/ adj. nameless.
daankoreed /dæn.ko.rid/ n. valley.
daaplith /dæ.plɪθ/ n. word.
daebuh /deb.ʌ/ cjt. and.
daeshlaan /de.ʃlæn/ n. a way of doing something, a process, a procedure.
dais /daɪ̯s/ n. a birth.
dauthlish /daʊ̯.θlɪʃ/ n. joke.
dawroon /dɔ.run/ n. a quantification of one’s mental state or mood.
de /dɛ/ prt. this (demonstrative).
dema /dɛ.mɑ/ prp. beside.
denoo /dɛ.nu/ adv. again, once more.
detaed /dɛ.ted/ n. door.
dogaeg /do.ɡeɡ/ n. pigeon.
doken /do.kɛn/ n. summer; warm season; period of warm weather.
dothraking /doθ.rɑ.kɪŋ/ n. Dothraki (language).
dothrakingee /doθ.rɑ.kɪŋ.i/ adj. Dothraki, of or relating to the Dothraki language.
doweeching /do.wi.ʧɪŋ/ n. German (language).
doweechingee /do.wi.ʧɪŋ.i/ adj. German, of or relating to the German language.
dooftee /duf.ti/ adj. raised, brought up.
doofteed /duf.tid/ n. raising, manners, up-bringing.
doom /dum/ n. story.
doon /dun/ n. face.
doontuhng /dun.tʌŋ/ n. mask.
dootham /du.θɑm/ n. sibling.
duhnkored /dʌn.ko.rɛd/ n. small town.
drada /drɑ.dɑ/ adj. brave, courageous.
dradad /drɑ.dɑd/ n. level of bravery.
drazageen /drɑ.zɑ.ɡin/ n. personal information, resume, life story.
draep /drep/ n. the hidden reality that exists but is not perceivable.
draetkleg /dret.klɛɡ/ n. level, degree.
drauge- /draʊ̯.ɡɛ/ pfx. most, most extreme, completely.
draugen /draʊ̯.ɡɛn/ num. four.
draugroor /draʊ̯.ɡrur/ n. horror, terror, terrible thing, dreadful thing.
drikstad /drɪk.stɑd/ n. honor, congratulations, kudo(s); cheers, applause.
droog /druɡ/ n. creature, animal.
drooga /druɡ.ɑ/ adj. deep.
droogad /dru.ɡɑd/ n. level of depth.
druhnshoo /drʌn.ʃu/ ppl. you.
druhnshoo onathal /drʌn.ʃu o.nɑ.θɑl/ itj. welcome.
druhnshoon /drʌn.ʃun/ prn. you.
druhnshoon onathal /drʌn.ʃun o.nɑ.θɑl/ itj. welcome.
e /ɛ/ prp. of, associated with, characterized by.
ebri /ɛ.brɪ/ prp. to, towards.
echi /ɛ.ʧɪ/ adv. even, even so, even then.
edeed /ɛ.did/ vt. to read.
efod /ɛ.fod/ vt. to keep, to retain.
egef /ɛ.ɡɛf/ vi. to argue, to quarrel, to disagree.
egimzik /ɛ.ɡɪm.zɪk/ vt. to cut, to shear, to snip.
egor /ɛ.ɡor/ n. dung, manure.
ehlaanteer /ɛ.hlæn.tir/ vt. to watch.
ehlethod /ɛ.hlɛ.θod/ n. back, cape.
ekar /ɛ.kɑr/ n. pouch, bag, sack.
elstaeth /ɛl.steθ/ n. night.
elthaig /ɛl.θaɪ̯ɡ/ n. personal will, sentience.
elzal /ɛl.zɑl/ n. owner, possessor.
elzaid /ɛl.zaɪ̯d/ n. leg, upper part of leg, thigh, pants, trousers.
emaunashaed /ɛ.maʊ̯.nɑ.ʃed/ vt. to untie, to unfasten, to loosen.
emeen /ɛ.min/ vi. to seem, to appear.
emeeth /ɛ.miθ/ vt. to bite.
enak /ɛ.nɑk/ vt. to take, to remove, to carry off.
enashaed /ɛ.nɑ.ʃed/ vt. to tie (together), to fasten (together), to tighten.
endsheloog /ɛnd.ʃɛ.luɡ/ n. walking.
endthaig /ɛnd.θaɪ̯ɡ/ n. choice, vote, choosing.
enedad /ɛ.nɛ.dɑd/ vt. to reveal, to expose, to uncover.
epled /ɛ.plɛd/ vt. to follow.
eroon /ɛ.run/ n. root (of a plant).
esar /ɛ.sɑr/ vi. to sigh, to gasp, to moan, to make a loud breathing noise.
esaaf /ɛ.sæf/ vi. to sing.
ese /ɛ.sɛ/ prp. comprised of.
esis /ɛ.sɪs/ vi. to whistle.
eshaed /ɛ.ʃed/ vt. to lock, to bind, to fasten.
eshaun /ɛ.ʃaʊ̯n/ vt. to build, to construct.
eshed /ɛ.ʃɛd/ vi. to run out, to slip away, to dwindle.
esheloog /ɛ.ʃɛ.luɡ/ vi. to walk, to go by foot.
eshlaan /ɛ.ʃlæn/ vt. to remain, to stay behind.
eshleskazaet /ɛ.ʃlɛ.skɑ.zet/ n. weapon.
eskazaet /ɛ.skɑ.zet/ vt. to harm, to injure, to wound.
espaning /ɛ.spɑn.ɪŋ/ n. Spanish (language).
espaningee /ɛ.spɑn.ɪŋ.i/ adj. Spanish, of or relating to the Spanish language.
etbadee /ɛt.bɑ.di/ adj. legible, readable.
etled /ɛt.lɛd/ n. bean, pea, legume.
etsheloog /ɛt.ʃɛ.luɡ/ n. walk, jaunt, stroll.
etthloog /ɛt.θluɡ/ n. amusement.
etzal /ɛt.zɑl/ n. possession, thing which is owned.
etzawg /ɛt.zɔɡ/ n. command, control.
ethaig /ɛ.θaɪ̯ɡ/ vt. to choose.
ethlayag /ɛ.θlɑ.jɑɡ/ n. mid chest, torso; shirt.
ethloog /ɛ.θluɡ/ vt. to amuse.
eyatnaenailthen /ɛ.jɑt.nen.aɪ̯l.θɛn/ n. sleep-dwell, sleep-dweller, mindless person, drone, automaton.
eyeron /ɛ.jɛ.ron/ vi. to shrink, to wilt, to shrivel, to wither.
ezad /ɛ.zɑd/ vi. to hurry, to hasten, to accelerate, to speed up, to make haste.
ezal /ɛ.zɑl/ vt. to have, to possess, to own.
ezawg /ɛ.zɔɡ/ vt. to command, to order, to decree.
ezuhled /ɛ.zʌ.lɛd/ vt. to like, to be pleased by.
ee /i/ cjt. and.
eebang /i.bɑŋ/ vt. to be able, to capable of, ‘can’.
eecheetoon /i.ʧi.tun/ n. store, shop.
eedanaith /i.dɑ.naɪ̯θ/ vi. to intend, to mean.
eegimbel /i.ɡɪm.bɛl/ vt. to gimble; to bore, to burrow, to make holes, to drill.
eehlas /i.hlɑs/ vi. to comment.
eekitaemeen /i.kɪ.te.min/ vi. to work, to labor, to toil.
eekhoh /i.xoh/ vt. to eat, to consume.
eenateel /i.nɑ.til/ vi. to giggle (together, among a group).
eendbang /ind.bɑŋ/ n. capability, capacity, ability.
eenduhdanaith /in.dʌ.dɑ.naɪ̯θ/ n. meaning, intention.
eeskaal /i.skæl/ vi. to grow.
eeskaun /i.skaʊ̯n/ vt. to spy (on someone).
eespaeyoth /i.spe.joθ/ vt. to forget.
eeteel /i.til/ vi. to titter, to giggle.
eethlas /it.hlɑs/ n. comment.
eetkitaemeen /it.kɪ.te.min/ n. physical work, labor, toil.
eetoon /i.tun/ vt. to buy, to purchase.
eetzabookh /it.zɑ.bux/ n. fear.
eewisenedad /i.wɪs.ɛ.nɛ.dɑd/ vi. to dream, to have a dream.
eezabookh /i.zɑ.bux/ vt. to fear, to be afraid of.
eezaung /i.zaʊ̯ŋ/ vi. to whizz, to whoosh.
eezeesket /i.zi.skɛt/ vt. to stab, to prick, to stick.
faroon /fɑ.run/ n. secret.
fashbawm /fɑʃ.bɔm/ n. wind.
faanseeh /fæn.sih/ n. art.
faebran /fe.brɑn/ n. veil, curtain, covering.
fe- /fɛ/ pfx. defective, substandard.
febraenam /fɛ.bre.nɑm/ n. pot-hole, rut; sink-hole.
febre /fɛbr.ɛ/ adj. alive, living.
feduh /fɛd.ʌ/ adj. likely, most possible.
felde /fɛl.dɛ/ cjt. because.
felde shenga /fɛldɛ ʃɛŋɑ/ cjt. therefore, it follows that, for that reason, because of that.
feloog /fɛluɡ/ n. racket, clatter, din, unpleasant noise.
feloogee /fɛlu.ɡi/ adj. noisy, ear-splitting.
fergaen /fɛr.ɡen/ n. intermediary, communicator, translator.
Fergaen /fɛr.ɡen/ Fairgain.
ferstuhran onee /fɛr.stʌ.rɑn itj. farewell.
feyananduhtauspid /fɛ.jɑ.nɑn.dʌ.taʊ̯.spɪd/ n. booing, jeering.
feyeed /fɛ.jid/ num. eleven.
fezaneepdae /fɛ.zɑ adj. stupid, foolish, un-clever.
fezaneepdaen /fɛ.zɑ.nip.den/ n. stupidity, foolishness.
feedroo /fi.dru/ adj. timely, on time, punctual.
feedrood /fi.drud/ n. level of timeliness, punctuality.
fidaenan /fɪ.de.nɑn/ n. prince, king’s son.
fin /fɪn/ n. morning, sunrise, daybreak, dawn.
finee /fɪ.ni/ adj. morning-like, early, dawn-like.
fineeh /fɪ.nih/ n. cūlus.
fo /fo/ ppl. they.
fosh /foʃ/ prn. he, she.
foos /fus/ n. cow.
foosee / adj. cow-like, bovine.
flansing /flɑn.sɪŋ/ n. French (language).
flansingee /flɑn.sɪŋ.i/ adj. French, of or relating to the French language.
flek /flɛk/ n. safety.
flekee /flɛ.ki/ adj. benign, safe, not dangerous.
fleeyot / n. ballad.
fling /flɪŋ/ n. girlfriend, mistress, paramour.
floo /flu/ adj. sentient, self-aware, thinking.
floomeez /flu.miz/ n. laugh, laughter.
floot /flut/ n. sentience, self-awareness.
floothlaakh /flu.θlæx/ n. head.
floothlaakhtuhng /flu.θlæx.tʌŋ/ n. hood, head covering.
floothlenem /flu.θlɛ.nɛm/ n. kite.
fluhn /flʌn/ num. ten (=16).
ga /ɡɑ/ prt. that (demonstrative).
gak /ɡɑk/ n. decoration, ornament.
gan /ɡɑn/ n. bird.
gath /ɡɑθ/ n. thing, object.
gaanaar /ɡæ.nær/ n. wagon.
gaed /ɡed/ n. blanket.
gaelen /ɡe.lɛn/ num. root for billions (=68,719,476,736)
gauspan /ɡaʊ̯.spɑn/ n. pig.
gawbre /ɡɔ.brɛ/ ppl. alphabet.
gawbren /ɡɔ.brɛn/ n. face, letter, window to knowledge.
gedreen /ɡɛ.drin/ n. gate, portal.
geetler /ɡit.lɛr/ n. finger.
geeth /ɡiθ/ n. tree.
gikaden /ɡɪ.kɑ.dɛn/ n. picture, image, representation.
gorkeet /ɡor.kit/ n. baby.
guhst /ɡʌst/ n. blanket.
grate /ɡrɑ.tɛ/ adj. strange, unusual, weird.
grated /ɡrɑ.tɛd/ n. level of strangeness, remarkability.
graale /ɡræ.lɛ/ adj. angry.
graaled /ɡræ.lɛd/ n. anger.
grae /ɡre/ adj. grey.
graed /ɡred/ n. grey, greyness.
graizeeg /ɡraɪ̯.ziɡ/ num. fourteen.
graukh /ɡraʊ̯x/ n. malevolence, ill-will.
graukhee /ɡraʊ̯.xi/ adj. malevolent.
graukhing /ɡraʊ̯.xɪŋ/ n. enemy.
graw /ɡrɔ/ adj. bad, deficient, shoddy.
grawd /ɡrɔd/ n. badness, deficiency, shoddiness, inferiority.
grawd /ɡrɔd/ n. level of deficiency, shoddiness.
grawding /ɡrɔ.dɪŋ/ n. poor quality.
grawdingee /ɡrɔ.dɪŋ.i/ adj. shoddy, badly made, ramshackle.
grawgruhng /ɡrɔ.ɡrʌŋ/ n. grogwrung.
greenaed /ɡri.ned/ n. dry lands (as opposed to wet lands).
grimplob /ɡrɪm.plob/ n. merda.
gripli /ɡrɪ.plɪ/ adj. wet, moist, damp.
griplid /ɡrɪ.plɪd/ n. level of wetness, moisture, dampness.
grootau /ɡru.taʊ̯/ adj. willing, voluntary.
grootaud /ɡru.taʊ̯d/ n. level of willingness.
gruhn /ɡrʌn/ n. dirt, earth, solid ground.
ha /hɑ/ itj. ha!, aha!
hal /hɑl/ n. voice.
Harken /hɑr.kɛn/ Harken.
hatheef /hɑ.θif/ n. forearm.
hatheel /hɑ.θil/ n. show, play, presentation, spiel
haadik /hæ.dɪk/ n. money, cash.
haaguhl /hæ.ɡʌl/ n. moral, lesson.
haamuhr /hæ.mʌr/ n. faint, fainting, nap, snooze.
haanbaug /hæn.baʊ̯ɡ/ n. mountain range, generally not tall mountains.
haefen /he.fɛn/ n. son, male offspring.
haek /hek/ n. branch.
haelen /he.lɛn/ n. hair.
haelentuhng /he.lɛn.tʌŋ/ n. hat.
haudrith /haʊ̯.drɪθ/ n. day, time, hour, era.
haudrith ai aaplet /haʊ̯.drɪθ aɪ̯ æ.plɛt/ adv. yesterday.
haudrith ai isedi /haʊ̯.drɪθ aɪ̯ ɪ.sɛ.dɪ/ adv. tomorrow.
haudrith ai onathal /haʊ̯.drɪθ aɪ̯ o.nɑ.θɑl/ adv. today.
haudrith e endthaig /haʊ̯drɪθ ɛ ɛndθaɪ̯ɡ/ n. Time of Choosing.
hauwaan /haʊ̯.wæn/ n. month, moon, space of about four weeks.
haw /hɔ/ cjt. either/or.
hawbreng /hɔ.brɛŋ/ n. seagull.
hawtkeg /hɔt.kɛɡ/ n. guffaw, belly-laugh.
hawtheel /hɔ.θil/ n. silence, quiet.
hel /hɛl/ n. furnace, oven, stove.
hem /hɛm/ n. foot; sock, shoe, foot covering.
hembre /hɛm.brɛ/ adj. barefoot.
hondra /hon.drɑ/ cjt. either/or.
hoon /hun/ num. eight.
huhnad /hʌ.nɑd/ n. beard.
hlaas /hlæs/ prn. what.
hlai /hlaɪ̯/ prt. is it true that, does it, is it.
hlai awslig /hlaɪ̯ ɔ.slɪɡ/ itj. hello, hi.
hlai luhf /hlaɪ̯ lʌf/ itj. really, truly, verily, is it true, isn’t it, n’est-ce pas?
hlaibren /hlaɪ̯.brɛn/ adv. how much, how many.
hlaifelde /hlaɪ̯.fɛld.ɛ/ adv. why.
hlaipa /hlaɪ̯.pɑ/ adv. where.
hlaitlande /hlaɪ̯.tlɑnd.ɛ/ adv. where.
hlaitleste /hlaɪ̯.tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. when.
hlaud /hlaʊ̯d/ adv. now.
hlendan /hlɛn.dɑn/ prn. who.
hleed /hlid/ prn. who.
ibandruhnim /ɪ.bɑnd.rʌ.nɪm/ n. plausibility, believability, credulity.
ichizaud /ɪ.ʧɪ.zaʊ̯d/ n. kitchen, place where food is prepared.
idaed /ɪ.ded/ vt. to write.
idmaruhk /ɪd.mɑ.rʌk/ n. palace, castle.
igaug /ɪ.ɡaʊ̯ɡ/ n. wrist.
igen /ɪ.ɡɛn/ vt. to hold.
igrak /ɪ.ɡrɑk/ vt. to know, to have knowledge.
ihlaed /ɪ.hled/ vt. to understand.
ikeepazak /ɪ.ki.pɑ.zɑk/ vi. to mind-kill, to brainwash.
ilik /ɪ.lɪk/ vt. to pee on.
ilkeepazak /ɪɑ.zɑk/ n. mind-killer.
ilzaud /ɪl.zaʊ̯d/ n. cook, chef.
indpeg /ɪnd.pɛɡ/ n. hitting, striking.
indruhnim /ɪnd.rʌ.nɪm/ n. believing, belief, the act of believing.
indthleeth /ɪnd.θliθ/ n. whistling, wheezing, squealing, squeaking.
indzaud /ɪnd.zaʊ̯d/ n. cooking, food preparation.
indzaudhaus /ɪnd.zaʊ̯d.haʊ̯s/ n. kitchen.
indzaudingee /ɪnd.zaʊ̯d.ɪŋ.i/ adj. culinary, food-related, related to cooking.
ingguhlish /ɪŋ.ɡʌ.lɪʃ/ n. English (language).
ingguhlishee /ɪŋ.ɡʌ.lɪʃ.i/ adj. English, of or relating to the English language.
ipeg /ɪ.pɛɡ/ vt. to hit, to strike.
iruhk /ɪ.rʌk/ n. scene (of a play).
iruhnim /ɪ.rʌ.nɪm/ vi. to believe, to think.
ised /ɪ.sɛd/ vi. to come (to or towards).
ishlizaud /ɪʃl.ɪ.zaʊ̯d/ n. utensil, cooking tool, spatula.
iskoon /ɪ.skun/ vt. to play (a game).
ispaed /ɪ.sped/ vt. to inhale, to breathe in.
ispuhzaud /ɪsp.ʌ.zaʊ̯d/ n. ingredients, food to be cooked.
ite /ɪ.tɛ/ prp. by (done by someone).
itgrak /ɪt.ɡrɑk/ n. fact, something that is known, data.
iton /ɪ.ton/ vi. to end.
itruhnim /ɪt.rʌ.nɪm/ n. belief.
itskoongath /ɪt.skun.ɡɑθ/ n. toy.
itthladoz /ɪt.θlɑ.doz/ n. survival, perseverance, persistence.
itthleen /ɪt.θlin/ n. use, usage, utility.
itzaud /ɪt.zaʊ̯d/ n. meal, prepared food.
itlooth /ɪ.tluθ/ vt. to suck.
ithaes /ɪ.θes/ vt. to extend, to reach out, to stretch out.
ithladoz /ɪ.θlɑ.doz/ vi. to survive.
ithlayaked /ɪ.θlɑ.jɑ.kɛd/ vt. to do (someone’s) bidding.
ithleen /ɪ.θlin/ vt. to use, to make use of.
ithleesh /ɪ.θliʃ/ vi. to fly.
ithleeth /ɪ.θliθ/ vi. to whistle, to wheeze, to squeal, to squeak.
izaud /ɪ.zaʊ̯d/ vt. to cook, to prepare food.
kalae /kɑ.le/ adj. personable, friendly, gregarious.
kartho /kɑr.θo/ adj. holy, sacred.
Karthoguhst /kɑr.θo.ɡʌst/ Carthogust (the name of a sacred mountain), name of the letter ‹'k'›.
kaad /kæd/ n. actor, thespian.
kaaloo /kæ.lu/ adj. valorous, chivalrous, exceedingly brave.
kae /ke/ adj. of normal mental state, even-tempered, unemotional.
kaed /ked/ n. demeanor, mental state.
kauwen /kaʊ̯.wɛn/ n. desire, want, wish.
kawchood /kɔ.ʧud/ n. arm, upper arm, sleeve.
kawchoodbre /kɔ.ʧud.brɛ/ adj. bare-armed, sleeveless.
kawchoodbrem /kɔ.ʧud.brɛm/ n. bare arm.
kepler /kɛ.plɛr/ n. father.
keraabzbaakin /kɛ.ræbz.bæ.kɪn/ n. instinct, intuition.
keraag /kɛ.ræɡ/ n. alcohol.
keedo / adj. green.
keep /kip/ n. mind.
keerai /ki.raɪ̯/ adj. enlightened.
keete /ki.tɛ/ adj. small, little.
keeted /ki.tɛd/ n. level of smallness.
ko /ko/ adj. high.
kod /kod/ n. height, highness.
kodiyeed /kod.ɪ.jid/ n. the high and the low.
koma /ko.mɑ/ prp. above, over.
koreg /ko.rɛɡ/ n. quarrel, argument, disagreement.
kothai /koθ.aɪ̯/ prp. on, upon, on top of.
kuhwin /kʌ.wɪn/ n. nurse.
klaan /klæn/ n. way, the right way (to do something).
Klaid /klaɪ̯d/ Clyde.
klaut /klaʊ̯t/ num. five.
klees /klis/ n. key, unlocking mechanism.
klodeste /klo.dɛst.ɛ/ prp. in addition to.
kharon /xɑ.ron/ n. horse.
khau /xaʊ̯/ prt. that, yon (demonstrative).
khauma /xaʊ̯.mɑ/ prp. beyond, behind, past.
khegi /xɛ.ɡɪ/ adj. jealous.
khith /xɪθ/ n. part, piece, component.
khithleeth /xɪ.θliθ/ num. root for quintillions (=4,722,366,482,869,645,213,696)
khogra /xo.ɡrɑ/ adj. all.
khogradee /xo.ɡrɑ.di/ adj. total, complete, entire.
khogragath /xo.ɡrɑ.ɡɑθ/ prn. everything.
khooflid /xu.flɪd/ n. the law, rules.
khooflidthing /xu.flɪd.θɪŋ/ n. justice, judge, magistrate.
khlaash /xlæʃ/ n. glass; piece of glass, shard.
khlaeba /xleb.ɑ/ cjt. and not.
khlait /xlaɪ̯t/ n. praise, congratulations, encouragement.
khlaitidriksta /xlaɪ̯t.ɪ.drɪk.stɑ/ itj. hello, hi, greetings, salutations.
khlau /xlaʊ̯/ cjt. and not.
khlizet /xlɪ.zɛt/ n. dog.
khlobed /xlo.bɛd/ num. six.
lau /laʊ̯/ itj. yes, affirmative, that is correct.
lautle /laʊ̯.tlɛ/ adj. woeful, grieving, sorrowful.
lawter /lɔ.tɛr/ n. the animal kingdom, fauna.
lee /li/ ppl. we.
leed /lid/ prn. I.
lik /lɪk/ n. urine, pee.
linek /lɪ.nɛk/ n. part, rôle.
lodin /lo.dɪn/ n. stage.
loth /loθ/ n. plain or flat terrain.
lood /lud/ n. gold, Au..
loodee /lu.di/ adj. golden, made of gold.
loodibreeyuhm /lu.dɪ.bri.jʌm/ n. ludibrium, the Golden Shelf, canon.
loodingee /lu.dɪŋ.i/ adj. gold, gold-colored.
loog /luɡ/ n. noise, sound.
loogee /lu.ɡi/ adj. resonant, sonorous.
loogeed /lu.ɡid/ n. level of loudness, volume.
loon /lun/ n. eye.
luhf /lʌf/ n. truth.
luhfee /lʌ.fi/ adj. true, real, correct.
luhmpee /lʌm.pi/ adj. consistent, regular.
luhmpeed /lʌ n. level of consistency, regularity.
ma /mɑ/ prp. at.
malik /mɑ.lɪk/ n. roof of a dwelling.
marek /mɑ.rɛk/ n. mentula.
maad /mæd/ n. sorrow, grief, woe.
maapbaakaug /mæp.bæ.kaʊ̯ɡ/ n. tall mountain range.
maapflak /mæp.flɑk/ n. tall mountain.
maaproon /mæ n. single mountain (not part of a range).
mau- /maʊ̯/ pfx. anti-, un-, not, re-.
maucha /maʊ̯.ʧɑ/ adv. not enough, insufficiently.
mauchadooftee /maʊ̯.ʧɑ.duf.ti/ adj. ill-mannered, not being polite enough, ill-bred.
mauchatooye /maʊ̯.ʧɑ.tu.jɛ/ adj. insufficiently behaved, under-behaved.
maudrauge- /maʊ̯.draʊ̯.ɡɛ/ pfx. most not, most extreme not, completely not.
maugrootau /maʊ̯.ɡru.taʊ̯/ adj. unwilling, involuntary, against one’s will.
maurai- /maʊ̯.raɪ̯/ pfx. somewhat not, kind of not, sort of not, rather not.
maushlau- /maʊ̯.ʃlaʊ̯/ pfx. very not, extremely not, quite not.
mautlo /maʊ̯.tlo/ adv. too little, too much not.
mauwe- /maʊ̯.wɛ/ pfx. a little bit not, kind of not, barely not, mildly not.
mawg /mɔɡ/ num. twelve.
melkeeyor /mɛ n. king, ruler.
meerskitaemen /mir.skɪ.te.mɛn/ n. mental work.
mimzee /mɪm.zi/ adj. mimzy; wishy-washy, unthoughtful.
mindzerpopin /mɪnd.zɛr.po.pɪn/ n. imagination.
momraath /mom.ræθ/ n. authorities, powers-that-be, the Man.
Moplar /mo.plɑr/ Moplar.
moolo /mu.lo/ adj. big, large, great.
moolod /mu.lod/ n. level of greatness, size, magnitude.
moomal /mu.mɑl/ n. apple.
na /nɑ/ adj. together, in a group, common.
na- /nɑ/ pfx. together, con-.
nad /nɑd/ n. gathering, grouping.
nadreen /nɑ.drin/ n. room, chamber.
nadreen e skaled /nɑ.drin ɛ skɑ.lɛd/ n. throne-room.
nal /nɑl/ n. good dirt, topsoil, fertile ground.
naskogra /nɑ.sko.ɡrɑ/ adj. firm, resolute.
natheel /nɑ.θil/ n. emotion, feeling.
nayaske /nɑ.jɑ.skɛ/ adj. inspired, inspiring.
nayasked /nɑ.jɑ.skɛd/ n. inspiration.
nayigra /nɑ.jɪ.ɡrɑ/ adj. united.
naashkas /næʃ.kɑs/ n. jaw, jaw-bone, mandible.
neekit /ni.kɪt/ n. winter; cold season; period of cold weather.
neela /ni.lɑ/ adj. formal, proper.
Niksis /nɪk.sɪs/ Nyxis.
niksis /nɪk.sɪs/ n. shape-shifter, adapter, one who is adaptable.
nikhlemaaz /nɪ.xlɛ.mæz/ n. scoundrel.
nool /nul/ n. world, realm, the reality perceived around us.
noom /num/ n. login.
noong /nuŋ/ n. center of everything, ultimate center.
noordooset /nur.du.sɛt/ n. transcendence.
o /o/ cjt. or.
odel /o.dɛl/ vi. to go, to travel.
oduhr /o.dʌr/ vi. to cooperate.
odraet /o.dret/ vt. to look for, to search (for), to seek.
odrausan /o.draʊ̯.sɑn/ vi. to fall.
ohawtkeg /o.hɔt.kɛɡ/ vi. to guffaw, to laugh hard, to have a belly laugh.
okhair /o.xaɪ̯r/ vt. to want, to desire.
olko /ol.ko/ adj. busy, occupied.
ondkhair /ond.xaɪ̯r/ n. desire, wishing.
onduhneer /on.dʌ.nir/ n. warning, caution.
onduhtaen faebraln /on.dʌ.ten fe.brɑln/ n. opportunity, potential, possibility.
onduhten /on.dʌ.tɛn/ n. opening, raising (of a curtain).
oneer /o.nir/ vt. to warn, to caution.
onoke /ɛ/ adj. awake.
orduhr /or.dʌr/ n. organized group.
orelse /o.rɛl.sɛ/ adj. vengeful.
Orelseh /o.rɛl.sɛh/ Orelse.
osen /o.sɛn/ vt. to do.
osenhaamuhr /o.sɛn.hæ.mʌr/ vi. to faint, to pass out; to fall asleep; to take a nap.
osenlik /o.sɛn.lɪk/ vi. to urinate, to pee.
osenoom /o.sɛ.num/ vi. to log in, to sign in.
osenraap /o.sɛn.ræp/ vi. to wage war.
osenzaitleel /o.sɛn.zaɪ̯.tlil/ vi. to conjure, to do magic.
ospkhair /osp.xaɪ̯r/ n. one who is desired, object of desire.
otdel /ot.dɛl/ n. trip, journey.
otdelthing /ot.dɛl.θɪŋ/ n. vehicle.
otdrausan /ot.draʊ̯.sɑn/ n. fall, drop.
ote /o.tɛ/ adj. open.
oten /o.tɛn/ vi. to open, to open up, to come open.
otkhair /ot.xaɪ̯r/ n. wish, desire, want.
otnadelthing /ot.nɑ.dɛl.θɪŋ/ n. convoy, caravan.
otlai /o.tlaɪ̯/ cjt. like, in the manner of.
otlaibroo /o.tlaɪ̯.bru/ cjt. or.
otlaihlai /o.tlaɪ̯.hlaɪ̯/ adv. how.
otlaiyaako /o.tlaɪ̯.jæ.ko/ adv. up, upwards.
otlaiyaayee /o.tlaɪ̯.jæ.ji/ adv. down, downwards.
otlaiyawyee /o.tlaɪ̯.jɔ.ji/ adv. in, inwards.
otheg /o.θɛɡ/ vt. to wear (a garment).
ozooten /o.zu.tɛn/ vt. to close.
oo /u/ prt. oneself, -self.
oochaur /u.ʧaʊ̯r/ vt. to bring.
oodaspaeg /u.dɑ.speɡ/ vt. to recognize, to be familiar with, to know.
oodit /u.dɪt/ vi. to run.
oofruh /uf.rʌ/ prp. of.
ooflaateg /u.flæ.tɛɡ/ vi. to move (in a particular direction), to change location.
ooflawng /u.flɔŋ/ vt. to poke, to prod, to annoy, to bother.
ookhacholuhk /u.xɑ.ʧo.lʌk/ vi. to step aside, to get out of the way, to make way.
oolshawkes /ul.ʃɔ.kɛs/ n. founder, creator.
ooluhyeg /u.lʌ.jɛɡ/ vt. to confine, to hold captive.
oomishteduhn /u.mɪʃ.tɛ.dʌn/ vt. to trick, to deceive, to mislead.
oonachaur /u.nɑ.ʧaʊ̯r/ vt. to bring together, to assemble.
oonathal /u.nɑ.θɑl/ vt. to arrive, to come.
oondshawkes /und.ʃɔ.kɛs/ n. foundation, establishment, creation.
oondtuhtawn /und.tʌ.tɔn/ n. decorating, decoration.
oone /u.nɛ/ prt. each other, one another.
oonokem /ɛm/ vi. to awaken, to wake up.
ooronatawn /u.ron.ɑ.tɔn/ vt. to make sick, to sicken.
oosal /u.sɑl/ vt. to refer to.
ooshawkes /u.ʃɔ.kɛs/ vt. to found, to establish, to set in place.
oot /u.t/ cjt. but.
ootaefuhtawn /u.te.fʌ.tɔn/ vt. to gladden, to make happy, to bring joy to.
ootaitawn /u.taɪ̯.tɔn/ vt. to tire (someone), to make tired, to wear out.
ootaw /u.tɔ/ prp. because of, on account of.
oo-…-tawn /u.tɔn/ vt. to cause, to make, to initiate.
ootawn /u.tɔn/ vt. to cause, to make, to initiate.
ootawnaekhlaat /u.tɔn.e.xlæt/ vt. to burn, to set fire to, to cause to burn.
ootawnefloomeez /u.tɔn.ɛ.flu.miz/ vt. to make laugh.
ootawnodrausan /u.tɔn.o.draʊ̯.sɑn/ vt. to drop, to cause to fall.
ootluhyeg /ut.lʌ.jɛɡ/ n. confinement, captivity.
ootshawkes /ut.ʃɔ.kɛs/ n. foundation, establishment, creation, thing that is founded.
ootuhtawn /u.tʌ.tɔn/ vt. to decorate, to adorn.
ooyaakotawn /u.jæ.ko.tɔn/ vt. to turn (something) right-side up.
ooyaayeetawn /u.jæ.ji.tɔn/ vt. to turn (something) upside-down.
ooyotetawn /ɛ.tɔn/ vt. to open.
oozootetawn /u.zu.tɛ.tɔn/ vt. to close.
pa /pɑ/ prp. for (recipient).
Paradoksis /pɑ.rɑ.dok.sɪs/ Paradoxys (a name); name of the letter 〈p〉.
paagor /pæ.ɡor/ n. matter, substance, stuff.
paashleh /pæ.ʃlɛh/ n. place, location.
pelachimik /pɛ.lɑ.ʧɪ.mɪk/ n. snail.
peroon /pɛ.run/ n. minion, lackey, flunkey, stooge, henchman, toady.
peegra /pi.ɡrɑ/ adj. frequent, regular.
peegrad /pi.ɡrɑd/ n. level of frequency.
piya /pɪ.jɑ/ adj. blunt, dull.
puhrong /pʌ.roŋ/ n. silence, non-talking.
puhrongee /pʌ.roŋ.i/ adj. silent, quiet.
pla /plɑ/ adj. light, not heavy.
plad /plɑd/ n. lightness.
plait /plaɪ̯t/ n. goal.
pletlan /plɛ.tlɑn/ n. rest, remainder, leftover.
plinthlaa /plɪn.θlæ/ adj. happy, joyous, wonderful.
plinthlaadingeed /plɪn.θlæ.dɪŋ.id/ n. joyousness, cheer, great happiness.
plinthlae /plɪn.θle/ adj.
ploneeth /plo.niθ/ n. porcupine.
plookh /plux/ n. shame, dishonor.
ploomig /plu.mɪɡ/ num. root for quadrillions (=1,152,921,504,606,846,976)
ra /rɑ/ cjt. thus, therefore; so, and so.
ra oonokeme leed pa sloon /rɑɛ.mɛ lid pɑ slun/ itj. Thank you, thanks.
radla /rɑd.lɑ/ ppl. we.
raacho /ræ.ʧo/ adj. sneaky, tricky, deceptive.
raap /ræp/ n. war.
raapingee /ræp.ɪŋ.i/ adj. martial, military, of or pertaining to war.
raapthing /ræp.θɪŋ/ n. soldier.
rai- /raɪ̯/ pfx. somewhat, kind of, sort of, rather.
raich /raɪ̯ʧ/ num. two.
raichaen /raɪ̯.ʧen/ n. manager.
raichdeske /raɪ̯ʧ.dɛsk.ɛ/ adj. second.
raidrada /raɪ̯d.rɑ.dɑ/ adj. strong.
railed /raɪ̯.lɛd/ n. person.
relthklood /rɛlθ.klud/ n. spoon.
ren /rɛn/ n. event, occurrence, happening.
renta /rɛn.tɑ/ adj. eventful.
ridnoong /rɪd.nuŋ/ n. authentic-self.
riduh /rɪ.dʌ/ adj. mysterious.
riduhlzbrood /rɪ.dʌlz.brud/ n. Riddlesbrood.
Ringsaithaal /rɪŋ.saɪ̯.θæl/ Ringcythal; Door of Many Eyes; true name of the Greatest Brochure in the World.
rona /ro.nɑ/ adj. sick, ill.
ronad /ro.nɑd/ n. sickness, illness.
ronading /ron.ɑ.dɪŋ/ n. contagion.
ronadingee /ron.ɑ.dɪ.ŋi/ adj. contagious.
ronadingeed /ron.ɑ.dɪ.ŋid/ n. contagiousness.
roshlaith /ro.ʃlaɪ̯θ/ n. toad.
rotin /ro.tɪn/ n. bag, satchel, messenger or school bag, backpack.
roth /roθ/ n. hand.
rothtuhng /roθ.tʌŋ/ n. glove.
rook /ruk/ n. staff, walking stick.
ruhng /rʌŋ/ n. school, elementary school, grammar school.
sagah /sɑ.ɡɑh/ n. script.
saed /sed/ num. nine.
se /sɛ/ prp. from, of.
se nool de /sɛ nul dɛ/ adv. on earth, in the world.
seyuhneetlai /sɛ.jʌ.ni.tlaɪ̯/ adv. from before, from earlier.
seering /si.rɪŋ/ n. a key symbol in a set of symbols, one that others refer to.
suhnar /sʌ.nɑr/ n. saying, adage, proverb, saw.
suhnuhb /sʌ.nʌb/ n. student, pupil.
slathlaan /slɑ.θlæn/ num. fifteen.
slaashkas /slæʃ.kɑs/ n. claw, talon, sharp nail.
slaaz /slæz/ n. snake.
slaithee /slaɪ̯.θi/ adj. slithy; slithery, slippery.
slaut /slaʊ̯t/ n. fever.
slawt /slɔt/ n. type, sort, kind.
slepduhwel /slɛp.dʌ.wɛl/ n. sleep-walker, one whose consciousness is not truly awake, slept-dwell.
sleek /slik/ n. half.
sloo /slu/ ppl. you.
sloon /slun/ prn. you.
sha /ʃɑ/ adj. good.
shad /ʃɑd/ n. level of goodness, quality, sturdiness.
shakeng /ʃɑ.kɛŋ/ n. eyebrow.
shansuhn /ʃɑn.sʌn/ n. name of the letter <sh>.
shailaud /ʃaɪ̯.laʊ̯d/ n. rain.
shawkorid /ʃɔ.ko.rɪd/ n. ocean.
she /ʃɛ/ adj. temperate.
shed /ʃɛd/ n. temperature.
shenga /ʃɛŋ.ɑ/ cjt. and, and then.
sheering /ʃi.rɪŋ/ n. a type of ivy; a citizen, a person, an individual.
shoyeenag /ʃo.ji.nɑɡ/ n. river.
shlamaung /ʃlɑ.maʊ̯ŋ/ n. seal (zool.)
shlaishen /ʃlaɪ̯.ʃɛn/ n. duck.
shlau- /ʃlaʊ̯/ pfx. very, extremely, quite.
shlaum /ʃlaʊ̯m/ num. three.
shlaumdeske /ʃlaʊ̯m.dɛsk.ɛ/ adj. third.
ska /skɑ/ adj. little, few.
skadooftee /skɑ.duf.ti/ adj. barely having manners.
skaled /skɑ.lɛd/ n. throne.
skatooye /skɑ.tu.jɛ/ adj. barely behaved.
skaaguhr /skæ.ɡʌr/ n. wall (of a building).
skau /skaʊ̯/ prp. for, for the benefit of.
skautlaeh /skaʊ̯.tleh/ n. valley, dale; trench, ravine.
sken /skɛn/ num. seven.
skeed /skid/ n. belt; waist.
skeeth /skiθ/ n. sword.
skogra /sko.ɡrɑ/ adj. strong.
skoorai /sku.raɪ̯/ adj. rich.
skuhl /skʌl/ n. act (of a play).
skuhrimlander /skʌ.rɪm.lɑn.dɛr/ n. Skrimlander.
spaa /spæ/ adj. bright/dim.
spaad /spæd/ n. level of brightness.
spaethed /spe.θɛd/ num. million (=16,777,216).
spawlthplaig /spɔlθ.plaɪ̯ɡ/ n. shin, lower leg; pant-leg.
spige /spɪ.ɡɛ/ adj. ugly.
sta /stɑ/ adv. so, so very.
Staltathen /stɑl.tɑ.θɛn/ Staltathen (a name).
staezkhleed /stez.xlid/ n. eel.
stai /staɪ̯/ adj. more.
stai /staɪ̯/ adv. very.
staibaw /staɪ̯.bɔ/ adj. benevolent, good-natured.
staibawd /staɪ̯.bɔd/ n. benevolence, good will, good nature.
staibine /staɪ̯.bɪ.nɛ/ adj. current, present-day, modern, up-to-date.
staibined /staɪ̯.bɪ.nɛd/ n. modernity, currentness.
staibraw /staɪ̯.brɔ/ adj. great, excellent, awesome.
staibrawd /staɪ̯.brɔd/ n. greatness, excellence, noteworthiness.
staicheema /staɪ̯.ʧi.mɑ/ adj. near, close.
staicheemad /staɪ̯.ʧi.mɑd/ n. closeness.
staidooftee /staɪ̯.duf.ti/ adj. well-mannered, well-bred, taught to have manners.
staidoofteed /staɪ̯.duf.tid/ n. good upbringing, good breeding.
staidrada /staɪ̯.drɑ.dɑ/ adj. brave, courageous.
staidradad /staɪ̯.drɑ.dɑd/ n. bravery, courage, valor.
staidrooga /staɪ̯.druɡ.ɑ/ adj. deep.
staidroogad /staɪ̯.dru.ɡɑd/ n. depth.
staifeedroo /staɪ̯.fi.dru/ adj. timely, right on time, punctual.
staifeedrood /staɪ̯.fi.drud/ n. timeliness, punctuality.
staigrate /staɪ̯.ɡrɑ.tɛ/ adj. strange, weird, unusual.
staigrated /staɪ̯.ɡrɑ.tɛd/ n. strangeness, weirdness.
staigrae /staɪ̯.ɡre/ adj. white.
staigraed /staɪ̯.ɡred/ n. whiteness.
staigraw /staɪ̯.ɡrɔ/ adj. shoddy, deficient, bad, ramshackle.
staigrawd /staɪ̯.ɡrɔd/ n. shoddiness, deficiency, poor quality.
staigripli /staɪ̯.ɡrɪ.plɪ/ adj. wet.
staigriplid /staɪ̯.ɡrɪ.plɪd/ n. wetness, moisture.
staigrootau /staɪ̯.ɡru.taʊ̯/ adj. willing, voluntary.
staigrootaud /staɪ̯.ɡru.taʊ̯d/ n. willingness.
staikae /staɪ̯.ke/ adj. stoic, unemotional, unfazed.
staikaed /staɪ̯.ked/ n. stoicness, unfazedness.
staikeete /staɪ̯.ki.tɛ/ adj. small, tiny, little.
staikeeted /staɪ̯.ki.tɛd/ n. smallness, tininess.
stailoogee /staɪ̯.lu.ɡi/ adj. loud, ear-splitting.
stailoogeed /staɪ̯.lu.ɡid/ n. volume, loudness.
stailuhmpee /staɪ̯.lʌm.pi/ adj. intermittent, erratic, irregular, scattered.
stailuhmpeed /staɪ̯.lʌ n. irregularity, intermittence, randomness.
staima /staɪ̯.mɑ/ prp. behind.
staimoolo /staɪ̯.mu.lo/ adj. big, large, huge.
staimoolod /staɪ̯.mu.lod/ n. bigness, largeness.
staipeegra /staɪ̯.pi.ɡrɑ/ adj. common, frequent, regular.
staipeegrad /staɪ̯.pi.ɡrɑd/ n. commonness, frequency, regularity.
staisha /staɪ̯.ʃɑ/ adj. well-made, of good quality.
staishad /staɪ̯.ʃɑd/ n. quality, sturdiness.
staishe /staɪ̯.ʃɛ/ adj. hot.
staished /staɪ̯.ʃɛd/ n. heat.
staispaa /staɪ̯.spæ/ adj. bright.
staispaad /staɪ̯.spæd/ n. brightness.
staita /staɪ̯.tɑ/ adj. full.
staitad /staɪ̯.tɑd/ n. fullness.
staitaefuh /staɪ̯.te.fʌ/ adj. happy, joyous.
staitaefuhd /staɪ̯.te.fʌd/ n. happiness.
staitigee /staɪ̯.tɪ.ɡi/ adj. beautiful, pretty, good-looking.
staitigeed /staɪ̯.tɪ.ɡid/ n. beauty.
staitooye /staɪ̯.tu.jɛ/ adj. well-behaved, good.
staitooyed /staɪ̯.tu.jɛd/ n. good behavior.
staitleste /staɪ̯.tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. longer, further, on.
staiwizle /staɪ̯.wɪz.lɛ/ adj. old.
staiwizled /staɪ̯.wɪz.lɛd/ n. old age.
staiwuhzle /staɪ̯.wʌz.lɛ/ adj. old
staiwuhzled /staɪ̯.wʌz.lɛd/ n. age, ancientness.
staizee /staɪ̯.zi/ adj. fast, speedy, quick.
staizeed /staɪ̯.zid/ n. speed, quickness.
staizoona /staɪ̯.zu.nɑ/ adj. inland, land-locked.
staizoonad /staɪ̯.zu.nɑd/ n. distance inland from the coast.
stehlaa /stɛ.hlæ/ adj. severe, harsh.
steeskid /sti.skɪd/ n. reindeer.
stikstir /stɪk.stɪr/ n. baby, infant.
stoo /stu/ adj. much, many.
stooraen / num. thousand (=4096).
stoos /stus/ n. dung, manure.
stooslaedi /stu.sle.dɪ/ adv. instead of, in lieu of, in place of.
stooslaedi /stu.sle.dɪ/ cjt. instead, alternatively.
Stoot /stut/ Stoot.
ta /tɑ/ adj. filled (base word describing relative fullness in degrees: empty:full).
tad /tɑd/ n. level of fullness.
tarthaur /tɑr.θaʊ̯r/ n. densely wooded forest.
taagaruht /tæ.ɡɑ.rʌt/ n. stick, twig, switch.
taageez /tæ.ɡiz/ n. city.
taageezee /tæ.ɡi.zi/ adj. urban, city-like.
taefuh /te.fʌ/ adj. happy.
taefuhd /te.fʌd/ n. level of happiness.
tai /taɪ̯/ adj. tired, weary.
taid /taɪ̯d/ n. tiredness, weariness, fatigue.
taidyuh /taɪ̯d.jʌ/ adj. tireless.
tauben /taʊ̯.bɛn/ n. occurrence, moment, time
taung /taʊ̯ŋ/ n. camp.
tegen /tɛ.ɡɛn/ num. root for hundreds (=256).
tegendeske /tɛ.ɡɛn.dɛsk.ɛ/ adj. hundredth (256th).
teel /til/ n. year; cycle.
teeling /ti.lɪŋ/ n. anniversary.
teelingee /ti.lɪŋ.i/ adj. annual, yearly.
teeraiperin /ti.raɪ̯.pɛr.ɪn/ n. world, planet.
teeyawam /ti.jɑ.wɑm/ n. penguin.
ti /tɪ/ prt. this (in hand, demonstrative).
tichee /tɪ.ʧi/ prp. using, by means of.
tigee /tɪ.ɡi/ adj. sightly, looking (base word describing relative beauty in degrees: ugly:beautiful).
tigeed /tɪ.ɡid/ n. level of beauty.
tima /tɪ.mɑ/ prp. touching.
tof /tof/ n. tove; horn-badger.
tokhazaun /to.xɑ.zaʊ̯n/ n. sneering, snickering, mocking laughter.
tol /tol/ n. collective laughter, the laughter of a group, co-laughing.
tona /ton.ɑ/ adj. last, final, ultimate.
tonag /to.nɑɡ/ n. ending, endpoint.
tooreeyan /tu.ri.jɑn/ n. creature of habit, one who habit follows.
Tooreeyan /tu.ri.jɑn/ Tourian.
tootlende /tu.tlɛn.dɛ/ adv. while, during.
tooye /tu.jɛ/ adj. behaved, tempered.
tooyed /tu.jɛd/ n. level of behavior.
tooyeed /tu.jid/ n. small animal.
tuh /tʌ/ adj. ornate, decorated, covered.
tuhbaun /tʌ.baʊ̯n/ n. chicken.
tuhng /tʌŋ/ n. clothed or covered area (of the body).
tuhnging /tʌŋ.ɪŋ/ n. good taste, tastefulness.
tlande /tlɑn.dɛ/ adv. where.
tlatis /tlɑ.tɪs/ n. sheep.
tlaek /tlek/ n. fang, large tooth; tine, point.
tlaes /tles/ n. good, well-built, sound.
tlaesee / adj. good.
tlaesing /tles.ɪŋ/ n. quality, goodness, fortitude.
tlaesingee /tles.ɪŋ.i/ adj. high-quality, nice, well-made.
tlai /tlaɪ̯/ prp. during, as, at the time when.
Tlainden /tlaɪ̯n.dɛn/ Tlainden (a name).
tlaud /tlaʊ̯d/ adv. here.
tlaun /tlaʊ̯n/ n. thought.
tlauspuh /tlaʊ̯.spʌ/ cjt. so that, in order that.
tlawm /tlɔm/ n. sink, basin, tub, large bowl.
tle /tlɛ/ adj. heavy, weighty, dense.
tled /tlɛd/ n. heaviness, weight.
tlelma /tlɛl.mɑ/ cjt. if.
tleste /tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. when.
tleste faebran ga oten /tlɛ.stɛ fe.brɑn ɡɑ o.tɛn/ itj. when my ship comes in, when I strike it rich, when I reach the big-time.
tleegaa /tli.ɡæ/ adj. violent.
tleekath /tli.kɑθ/ num. root for trillions (=281,474,976,710,656)
tlidraun /tlɪ.draʊ̯n/ n. frog.
tlinganing /tlɪŋ.ɑn.ɪŋ/ n. Klingon (language).
tlinganingee /tlɪŋ.ɑn.ɪŋ.i/ adj. Klingon , of or relating to the Klingon language.
tlo /tlo/ adj. excessive, too much.
tlo /tlo/ adv. too, too much, excessively.
tluh /tlʌ/ ppl. they.
tluht /tlʌt/ prn. it.
thal /θɑl/ n. neck.
thalaw /θɑ.lɔ/ n. crop, harvest.
thalawd /θɑ.lɔd/ n. house-plant, garden plant.
thalawdhaus /θɑ.lɔd.haʊ̯s/ n. garden, field, a place for plants.
thaelis /θe.lɪs/ n. number, numeral.
thai /θaɪ̯/ prp. on.
thestak /θɛ.stɑk/ n. keep, fortress.
thee /θi/ adj. sudden, quick, unexpected.
tho /θo/ cjt. that.
thool /θul/ n. fame, renown, celebrity, reputation.
thuhm /θʌm/ n. non-sentience.
thuhmee /θʌ.mi/ adj. non-sentient.
thlad /θlɑd/ num. ten.
thlaenam /θle.nɑm/ n. house.
thlaenamingee /θle.nɑ.mɪŋ.i/ adj. home-, house-, domestic.
thlaiyer /θlaɪ̯.jɛr/ n. cat.
thle /θlɛ/ adj. even, level.
thle- /θlɛ/ pfx. even, equal, as.
thleen /θlin/ n. heart.
thleez /θliz/ n. tooth.
thleezaang /θli.zæŋ/ n. wasp.
thlifken /θlɪf.kɛn/ n. bee.
thloogir /θlu.ɡɪr/ n. milk.
thloom /θlum/ n. autumn, fall.
thlooren /θlu.rɛn/ n. universe, cosmos, macrocosm.
uhbel /ʌ.bɛl/ vi. to pass, to flow, to run.
uhdaeth /ʌ.deθ/ vi. to whine, to complain, to whinge.
uhden /ʌ.dɛn/ vi. to go.
uhf /ʌf/ n. oaf
uhfee /ʌ.fi/ adj. oafish, oaf-like.
uhkan /ʌ.kɑn/ vi. to say.
uhkanang /ʌ.kɑn.ɑŋ/ vi. to agree, to concur.
uhkanluhf /ʌ.kɑn.lʌf/ vt. to acknowledge, to indicate awareness of.
uhkaetoth /ʌ.ke.toθ/ vi. to creep, to skulk.
uhkoon /ʌ.kun/ vt. to find.
uhkhlaun /ʌ.xlaʊ̯n/ vt. to try, to attempt, to endeavor.
uhlden /ʌl.dɛn/ n. traveler, voyager.
uhlzebir /ʌl.zɛ.bɪr/ n. a winner, a successful person.
uhmaukoon /ʌ.maʊ̯.kun/ vt. to lose.
uhndkan /ʌnd.kɑn/ n. saying, passage, quote.
uhspuhmaukoo /ʌ.spʌ.maʊ̯.ku/ adj. lost.
uhstaed /ʌ.sted/ vt. to mean, to indicate, to have the meaning of, to signify.
uhtagden /ʌ.tɑɡ.dɛn/ vt. to provide, to make available.
uhtaefuh /ʌ.te.fʌ/ adj. pleased.
uhtdenhaus /ʌt.dɛn.haʊ̯s/ n. path, road, trail.
uhtuhtagden /ʌ.tʌ.tɑɡ.dɛn/ n. provision, supply.
uhwifling /ʌ.wɪ.flɪŋ/ vi. to puff, to huff.
uhzebir /ʌ.zɛ.bɪr/ vt. to defeat, to overcome.
walder /wɑl.dɛr/ n. sky.
wargaz /wɑr.ɡɑz/ n. lion, Pantera leo.
wae /we/ adj. round, curved.
waeb /web/ n. wabe; the wet side of a hill.
waedran /we.drɑn/ n. side, flank, vertical face.
wawrgil /wɔr.ɡɪl/ n. lifetime, life span.
we- /wɛ/ pfx. a little bit, kind of, barely, mildly.
wen /wɛn/ num. one.
wendeske /wɛn.dɛsk.ɛ/ adj. first.
wendesketleste /wɛn.dɛ.skɛ.tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. at first, first of all.
wentleste /wɛn.tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. once, one time.
werdreg /wɛr.drɛɡ/ n. memory.
Werdreg /wɛr.drɛɡ/ Weredregg.
weeneed /wi.nid/ n. squeal, whine, high-pitched noise.
wired /wɪ.rɛd/ n. age, stage of life.
wis /wɪs/ n. dream.
wizle /wɪz.lɛ/ adj. aged (base word describing the relative age of a person: young:old).
wizled /wɪz.lɛd/ n. level of age (of a person).
wogen /wo.ɡɛn/ n. piece, chunk, hunk, mass.
wogeen /wo.ɡin/ n. stomach, abdomen, torso; girdle, corset.
woodwaa /wud.wæ/ adj. sad, grief-stricken.
wuhzle /wʌz.lɛ/ adj. aged (base word describing the relative age of an object in degrees: new:old).
wuhzled /wʌz.lɛd/ n. level of age (of an object), ancientness.
yawbeth /jɔ.bɛθ/ n. man, male human.
yee /ji/ adj. low.
yeed /jid/ n. lowness, nearness to the ground.
yeema /ji.mɑ/ prp. below.
yeetaw /ji.tɔ/ adj. mere, only, simple.
yeethai /ji.θaɪ̯/ prp. under, underneath.
yi /jɪ/ adv. merely, only, simply, just.
yigrad /jɪ.ɡrɑd/ n. cause, goal.
yooketh /ju.kɛθ/ n. goat.
yuhnee /jʌ.ni/ adj. less, very not.
yuhneebaw /jʌ.ni.bɔ/ adj. malevolent, ill-willed, wicked, evil.
yuhneebawd /jʌ.ni.bɔd/ n. malevolence, ill-will, wickedness, evil.
yuhneebine /jʌ.ni.bɪ.nɛ/ adj. old-fashioned, out-dated, out-moded.
yuhneebined /jʌ.ni.bɪ.nɛd/ n. old-fashionedness, out-datedness.
yuhneebraw /jʌ.ni.brɔ/ adj. mundane, non-noteworthy, dull.
yuhneebrawd /jʌ.ni.brɔd/ n. dullness, non-noteworthiness, mundaneness.
yuhneecheema /jʌ.ni.ʧi.mɑ/ adj. far, distant.
yuhneecheemad /jʌ.ni.ʧi.mɑd/ n. distance.
yuhneedooftee /jʌ.ni.duf.ti/ adj. ill-mannered, ill-bred.
yuhneedoofteed /jʌ.ni.duf.tid/ n. bad upbringing.
yuhneedrada /jʌ.ni.drɑ.dɑ/ adj. cowardly.
yuhneedradad /jʌ.ni.drɑ.dɑd/ n. cowardliness.
yuhneedrooga /jʌ.ni.druɡ.ɑ/ adj. shallow.
yuhneedroogad /jʌ.ni.dru.ɡɑd/ n. shallowness.
yuhneefeedroo /jʌ adj. late, tardy.
yuhneefeedrood /jʌ n. lateness, tardiness.
yuhneegrate /jʌ.ni.ɡrɑ.tɛ/ adj. normal, regular, unremarkable, usual.
yuhneegrated /jʌ.ni.ɡrɑ.tɛd/ n. normality, regularity.
yuhneegrae /jʌ.ni.ɡre/ adj. black.
yuhneegraed /jʌ.ni.ɡred/ n. blackness.
yuhneegraw /jʌ.ni.ɡrɔ/ adj. not bad, well-made, of good quality.
yuhneegrawd /jʌ.ni.ɡrɔd/ n. quality, sturdiness.
yuhneegripli /jʌ.ni.ɡrɪ.plɪ/ adj. dry.
yuhneegriplid /jʌ.ni.ɡrɪ.plɪd/ n. dryness.
yuhneegrootau /jʌ.ni.ɡru.taʊ̯/ adj. unwilling, involuntary, reluctant.
yuhneegrootaud /jʌ.ni.ɡru.taʊ̯d/ n. unwillingness, reluctance.
yuhneekae /jʌ adj. angry, wrathful, raging.
yuhneekaed /jʌ.ni.ked/ n. anger, wrath, rage.
yuhneekeete /jʌɛ/ adj. big, large, non-small.
yuhneekeeted /jʌɛd/ n. bigness, largeness.
yuhneeloogee /jʌɡi/ adj. quiet, faint, silent.
yuhneeloogeed /jʌɡid/ n. silence, quietness.
yuhneeluhmpee /jʌ.ni.lʌm.pi/ adj. regular, in regular intervals, patterned.
yuhneeluhmpeed /jʌ.ni.lʌ n. pattern, regularity.
yuhneema /jʌ.ni.mɑ/ prp. in front of.
yuhneemoolo /jʌ adj. small, tiny, little.
yuhneemoolod /jʌ n. smallness, tininess.
yuhneepeegra /jʌ.ni.pi.ɡrɑ/ adj. rare, infrequent, scarce.
yuhneepeegrad /jʌ.ni.pi.ɡrɑd/ n. rarity, scarcity, infrequency.
yuhneesha /jʌ.ni.ʃɑ/ adj. shoddy, deficient, bad, ramshackle.
yuhneeshad /jʌ.ni.ʃɑd/ n. shoddiness, deficiency, poor quality.
yuhneeshe /jʌ.ni.ʃɛ/ adj. cold.
yuhneeshed /jʌ.ni.ʃɛd/ n. cold.
yuhneespaa /jʌ.ni.spæ/ adj. dim, dark.
yuhneespaad /jʌ.ni.spæd/ n. darkness.
yuhneeta /jʌ.ni.tɑ/ adj. empty, low.
yuhneetad /jʌ.ni.tɑd/ n. emptiness.
yuhneetaefuh /jʌ.ni.te.fʌ/ adj. unhappy.
yuhneetaefuhd /jʌ.ni.te.fʌd/ n. unhappiness.
yuhneetigee /jʌ.ni.tɪ.ɡi/ adj. ugly.
yuhneetigeed /jʌ.ni.tɪ.ɡid/ n. ugliness.
yuhneetooye /jʌ.ni.tu.jɛ/ adj. ill-behaved, naughty.
yuhneetooyed /jʌ.ni.tu.jɛd/ n. bad behavior, naughtiness.
yuhneetlai /jʌ.ni.tlaɪ̯/ prp. before, at an earlier time, previously.
yuhneewizle /jʌ.ni.wɪz.lɛ/ adj. young
yuhneewizled /jʌ.ni.wɪz.lɛd/ n. youth.
yuhneewuhzle /jʌ.ni.wʌz.lɛ/ adj. new.
yuhneewuhzled /jʌ.ni.wʌz.lɛd/ n. newness.
yuhneezee /jʌ.ni.zi/ adj. slow.
yuhneezeed /jʌ.ni.zid/ n. slowness, lethargy.
yuhneezoona /jʌ.ni.zu.nɑ/ adj. far from shore, out to sea.
yuhneezoonad /jʌ.ni.zu.nɑd/ n. distance from shore.
yuhslo /jʌ.slo/ cjt. although.
zakh /zɑx/ n. danger.
zakhee /zɑ.xi/ adj. dangerous.
zaneepdae /zɑ adj. clever, quick, smart, cunning.
zaak /zæk/ n. game.
zaaktonag /zæɑɡ/ n. the ending of a game, death.
zaaktonagee /zæɑ.ɡi/ adj. dead.
zaatheth /zæ.θɛθ/ n. badger.
zaathlish /zæ.θlɪʃ/ n. curse, spell, enchantment.
zaebakh /ze.bɑx/ n. alligator.
zaekat /ze.kɑt/ n. blade.
zaitleel /zaɪ̯.tlil/ n. magic.
zaunool /zaʊ̯.nul/ n. temple, altar, monument.
zawna /zɔ.nɑ/ adj. red.
zeboog /zɛ.buɡ/ n. nose.
zekhspenuh /zɛx.spɛ.nʌ/ adj. sharp.
zee /zi/ adj. paced.
zeed /zid/ n. level of speed, velocity.
zikstik /zɪk.stɪk/ n. thorn, spine, spike.
zikh /zɪx/ n. splinter, sliver.
zing /zɪŋ/ n. cannon.
zoochoong /zu.ʧuŋ/ n. storm.
zoona /zu.nɑ/ adj. coastal, at the shore.
zoonad /zu.nɑd/ n. distance from the shoreline.
zoote /zu.tɛ/ adj. closed.
zr- /zr/ pfx. not, no.
zrachee /zrɑ.ʧi/ prp. without, lacking.
zraskau /zrɑ.skaʊ̯/ prp. against, counter.
zraeram /zre.rɑm/ vi. not to be.
zrai /zraɪ̯/ itj. no.
zraitleste /zraɪ̯.tlɛ.stɛ/ adv. no longer, not anymore.
zrauplen /zraʊ̯.plɛn/ vi. there isn’t, there aren’t.
zraw /zrɔ/ prp. out, not in.
zrege /zrɛ.ɡɛ/ cjt. neither.
zretle /zrɛ.tlɛ/ cjt. unless.
zro /zro/ cjt. nor.
zromed /zro.mɛd/ num. zero.