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Principle Sound Changes

Initial Sound Changes

  • Accent system becomes more like English
  • Unstressed vowels undergo reduction
  • /falánxe/ → /fəlanxə/ → /flanx/
  • /leŋgwa/ → /leŋgwə/ → /leŋgʷ/
  • /ɟʝéɾβa/ → /ɟʝeɾβə/ → /ɟʝeɾβ/
  • /gwáɾða/ → /gwaɾðə/ > /gwaɾð/
  • /béɾɣa/ > /beɾɣə/ > /beɾɣ/
  • /estáðo/ > /əstaðə/ > /stað/
  • Consonant clusters are simplified
  • Nasal vowels appear
  • /flanx/ → /flãx/
  • /leŋgʷ/ → /lẽgʷ/
  • Debuccalisation of voiceless fricatives preceding consonants with more closure, and also generally
  • /flãx/ → /hlãx/, eventually resulting in /l̥ʰãx/
  • /stað/ > /htað/
  • Syllable final preconsonantal /ɾ/ and /l/ become /ˡ ʲ ᵟ or ᵨ/ because I lack a decent symbol.
  • /ɟʝeɾβ/ > /ɟʝeᵟβ/
  • /gwaɾð/ > /gwaᵟð/
  • Nasal vowels change quality
  • /hlãx/ → /hlaʷx/ → /hlaxʷ/
  • /leŋgʷ/ → /leᵚgʷ/ → /legʷ/

Secondary Sound Changes

  • /ð/, /β/ and /ɣ/ are weakened, but still written
  • /ɟʝeᵟβ/ > /ɟʝeᵝ/
  • /gwaᵟð/ > /gwaᵟ/
  • /beᵟɣ/ > /beˤ/
  • hC → Cʰ
  • /hlaxʷ/ → /l̥ʰaxʷ/
  • /htað/ > /tʰaᵟ/
  • Palatalisation of /l/ before front vowels
  • /legʷ/ > /jegʷ/
  • Fortition and subsequent delateralisation of /l/ before back vowels
  • xʷ becomes f
  • /hlaxʷ/ → /hlaf/