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Scellan/Sketchbook (English: /bɪˈneɪkiən/) is a southern Talmic language descended from Thensarian. The phonology is inspired by Ashkenazi Hebrew and Portuguese.

Historical phonology

  • p t c > b d g (like Spanish)
  • -φ- vanishes
  • b d g often lenites to v z Ø
  • str > sr
  • Stress shift: non-initial stressed vowels are marked with acute accent
  • How does Benocian borrow Windermere words?
  • 1: cêƞ /kɛ̃/
  • 2: têxôr‚ têx /tes/
  • 3: nâge
  • 4: lov
  • 5: orv
  • 6: cuv
  • 7: xol
  • 8: zic
  • 9: ad
  • 10: gar
  • 11: vem
  • 12: clut
  • nis = not
  • a = and



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n~l/ n [ŋ]
Plosive voiceless p /p/ t /t/
tx /ts/
ŧ /t͡ʃ/ c /k/ (ȝ /ʔ/)1
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /g/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ x, ss /s/ s /ʃ/ ch /x/
voiced v /v/ z /z/ j /ʒ/ l, ħ /ʁ~h/
Approximant r /r/
1 Silent in everyday speech.

In addition, the letter h is used as a silent letter.

Borrowing Windermere consonants

  • m n ng → m n n
  • b d g → b d g
  • p t c ' → p t c ȝ
  • ts tł → tx ŧ
  • f th ch → f~v x~z ch
  • s ł ș h → x s s ħ
  • w r y l → v r j l


Bênôcian has 7 basic vowels: /i u e ø o ɛ a/.

Scellan/Sketchbook vowels (oral)
Front Central Back
unrounded rounded
Close i /i/ u /u/
Near-close [ɪ] [ʏ] [ə]
Mid ê /e/ ô /ø/ â, o /o/
Open e /ɛ/ [ɞ] a /a/

Scellan/Sketchbook vowels (nasal)
Front Central Back
unrounded rounded
Near-close /ɪ̃/ /ʊ̃/
Mid êƞ /ɛ̃/ ôƞ /œ̃/ [ə̃] âƞ, oƞ /ɔ̃/
Open aƞ, eƞ /ɐ̃/

Vowel reduction

Vowels are reduced in unstressed syllables.

Phoneme Reduced
/i/ [ɪ]
/u/ [ʊ]
/e/ [ɪ]
/ø/ [ʏ]
/a/ [ə]
/ɔ/ [ə]
/ɐ̃/, /œ̃/ [ə̃]
/ɛ̃/ [ɪ̃]

Borrowing Windermere vowels

Windermere vowels

a e i o u y 〈a e i o u ü〉 → a e i o u i

iə eə uə oə yə 〈ie ea ua oa üe〉 → ia ea ua oa ia

ə 〈ă〉 (in unstressed syllables → a


In this article, stress is marked with an acute accent; stress marking follows the same rules as in Portuguese.


Scellan/Sketchbook orthography is fairly conservative compared to its pronunciation.



The masculine and feminine genders in Thensarian has collapsed into the common gender.

The definite article is .

Declension paradigms

A common noun:

mâro 'tree'
Singulative Plurative
Absolute mâro mấrois
Construct mâroz mấrous
o-stem common
i-stem common
u-stem common
C-stem common
ā-stem common
ē-stem common
ū-stem common
o-stem neuter
i-stem neuter
veles 'name'
Singulative Plurative
Absolute veles veliƞ
Construct velez velius
u-stem neuter
Consonant-stem neuter
stus 'fire'
Singulative Plurative
Absolute stus stuƞ
Construct stuz stuus

Neuter: stus, stur = fire

Neuter: teŧas, teŧar = child

Gender of borrowed nouns

Foreign nouns are assigned gender according to animacy: animates become common nouns, and inanimates become neuter nouns.

Declension of borrowed nouns

Loans ending in unstressed vowels
ilsa 'eagle' (common)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute ilsa ílsais
Construct ilsaz ílsaus

acla 'sugar' (common)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute acla aclaη
Construct aclaz áclaus
Loans ending in stressed vowels
amré 'demon' (common)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute amré amréis
Construct amréz amréus

xra 'chord' (neuter)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute xrá xrais
Construct xraz xraus
Loans ending in consonants
nuxíad 'doctorate' (common)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute nuxíad nuxíadis
Construct nuxíadiz nuxíadius

tarxíad 'school' (neuter)
Singulative Plurative
Absolute tarxíad tarxíadiƞ
Construct tarxíadiz tarxíadius



Bênôcian verbs are significantly simpler than Thensarian verbs, though the multiple infinitives of Thensarian have survived.

Ablaut patterns for strong verbs

Present indicative

Person tôssânâ "I invoke"
torenâ "I bloom, flourish"
elinâ "I love"
1SG tôssânâ torenâ elinâ
2SG tôssâr torer elir
3SG tôssâ tore el
1PL tôssáƞs toréƞs elíƞs
2PL tôssấc toréc elíc
3PL tôssâ tore el

Past indicative

Person tôssânâ "I invoke"
torenâ "I bloom, flourish"
elinâ "I love"
1SG tôssâz torez eliz
2SG tôssâi torei elii
3SG tôssâso toreso eliso
1PL tôssáƞr toréƞr elíƞr
2PL tôssâcer torecer elicer
3PL tôssâso toreso eliso

Present subjunctive

Person tôssânâ "I invoke"
torenâ "I bloom, flourish"
elinâ "I love"
1SG tôssaj torej elij
2SG tôssare torere elire
3SG tôssor torior elior
1PL tôssante torente elinte
2PL tôssace torece elice
3PL tôssor torior elior

Past subjunctive

Person tôssânâ "I invoke"
torenis "I bloom, flourish"
elinâ "I love"
1SG tôssấzoƞ tórezoƞ elizoƞ
2SG tôssấzor tórezor elizor
3SG tôssấzo tórezo elizo
1PL tôssâzóƞs torezóƞs elizóƞs
2PL tôssâzóc torezóc elizóc
3PL tôssấzo tórezo elizo


The future tense is ergative; it is derived from Thensarian + present participle (cf. German, where zu + active participle is the gerundive).

Li harai haη de tarsíad.
He will go to school.
Li cassis eη glexanos tri nâ.
I will eat the potato.
Future participle of cassiη 'eat'
Singulative Plurative
Common li cassi li cassiƞ
Neuter li cassis li cassir
Construct li cassiz li cassius


The Thensarian -s infinitive has been lost; the present subjunctive is used instead, as in Arabic or Greek.

  • Jozanâ rê êstiaj slâma. = "I want to feel good."
  • Nis joza haη rê haror de tarsuz cresiη. = "He doesn't want to go to school today."

An infinitive: tôssâgos (used in nominalized clauses)

  • Carsajes tôssâgos. = "It is exhausting to cast spells./Invocation is exhausting."

Another infinitive: tôssav (used with prepositions such as gil and de)

  • drếvjor haη gil cássiviz haη = "He avoided eating it."

Derivational morphology

Noun Verb Adjective
or Determiner
To... Noun -veη, -veniη (agentive) -veη, -veniη (agentive)
or Determiner
Adverb -


Bênôcian syntax is VSO.