Hlou-Shum languages

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Hlou-Shum languages/Lexicon

The Hlou-Shum languages (Eevo: bo brits Lloo-Xwm; Hlou: Ntzog Ntzog Schlaub-Xul; Ko: lees yoo ndoigh Hloobh-Xoo) are a small family of languages native to Verse:Tricin/Bjeheond. Most modern Hlou-Shum languages are tonal. The proto-language, Proto-Hlou-Shum (PHS), is about 2500 years old. The family is based on the idea of IE languages recast as Hmong-like languages. Hlou-Shum languages had much more importance in the past, but today Windermere is more dominant in Bjeheond.

Family tree

  • Proto-Hlou-Shum
    • Hlou (Ntzog Schlaub)
    • Shum (llhau syuun)
    • Ko (lees ndoigh Komh)
    • Clooa (Mois de la Crouet)
    • Liai (hmyg Liaid)
    • Tlu (χμωωβ Τλωδ)
    • Vreed


Proto-Hlou-Shum: 2500 years BP

Writing system

Proto-Hlou-Shum was written with a system of logographs. Hlou, Ku and Shumian developed the logographs separately into their own writing systems.


The following presents Schlomo Schngellstein's reconstruction of Proto-Hlou-Shum.


The typical Proto-Hlou-Shum word had the structure

(preinitial) + (C)C(r/l)V(C)(C)tone.

Preinitials were unstressed derivational prefixes.


  • p t ḱ k kw ʔ
  • np nt nḱ nk nkw
  • b d ǵ g gw
  • nb nd nǵ ng ngw
  • f z s x h (z, s, x as in Basque)
  • tz ts tx
  • ntz nts ntx
  • dz ds dx
  • ndz nds ndx
  • m n ń y r l w

s-series > ɬ-series in some descendants

Ku and Clooa gain uvulars through velars + r/l.


a e i o u ə ai au ei ou iə uə - a few more vowels for Liai

Nasal vowels?


Allowed finals: just -ŋ, -k, -h, -ʔ

Cheshirized grammatical particles -> lenition, eclipsis in Ku


3 tones: -0, -H, -X


Proto-Hlou-Shum was head-initial like Vietnamese.


Total reduplication was used for noun plurals, verbal imperatives, and adverbs from adjectives.

Some descendants turned this into partial reduplication.


  • s-: nominalization, "metonymy", adjectivizer
    • louʔ 'spring (season)' > slouʔ 'springlike, where there is spring'
  • : nominalization
    • lou 'to plant' > louʔ 'spring (season)'
  • n- preinitial
  • r- preinitial
    • lenition in Hlou
  • D- preinitial (dentalizes some consonants in Shum)




Initial clusters (not every cluster may be allowed)

  • pl tl ṭl ḱl kl ʔl > pl tl trl kl kl schl
  • npl ntl nṭl nḱl nkl > npl ntl ntr nkl nkl
  • bl dl ḍl ǵl gl > bl dl drl gl gl
  • nbl ndl nḍl nǵl ngl > nbl ndl ndr ngl ngl
  • fl vl sl > fl fl schl
  • tzl tsl txl > tz ts tx
  • ntzl ntsl ntxl > ntz nts ntx
  • dz ds dxl > z s x
  • ndzl ndsl ndxl > nl nl nl
  • ml nl ṇl > ml nl nr
  • pr, br > pf, v
  • kr, gr > sch
  • tr, dr > tr, dr
  • sp, st, sṭ/str, stl, sc, sk > schm, schn, schr, schl, x, sch
  • sm, sn, sṇ, sń > schm, schn, schr, x
  • stz sts stx > tz ts tx

The D-preinitial: some d- series become dz-series

The n-preinitial turns some consonants into prenasalized consonants

The r-preinitial (some koineization)

  • r-p r-t r-ṭ r-ḱ r-k r-ʔ > f t tr sch sch h
  • r-np r-nt r-nṭ r-nḱ r-nk > mpf ntz ntr nk nk
  • r-b r-d r-ḍ r-ǵ r-g > v d dr j g
  • r-nb r-nd r-nḍ r-nǵ r-ng > mpf nd ndr ng ng
  • r-f r-v r-z r-s r-x r-h > f w ntz nts ntx h
  • r-tz r-ts r-tx > z s x
  • r-ntz r-nts r-ntx > ntz nts ntx
  • r-dz r-ds r-dx > j j j
  • r-ndz r-nds r-ndx > ntz nts ntx
  • r-m r-n r-ṇ r-ń r-y r-l r-w > w n nr j j drl r
  • r-Cl > drl, trl, ndrl, ntrl

-k > glottal stop final


s- triggers tone split

b p > bh p

sb sp > b p

np nb > b mh

spr pr > ph p

sbr br > bh bh

nCl, r.Cl > nl or nlh

l > l, D.l > ll

f > h




  • -H > -n
  • -ʔ (unmarked tone), -X > -b


ʔouh ʔak zamX-zamX

The Sheep and the Horses