
Cualuav is, for now, a placeholder for Trician continents that were uninhabited until modern times. Nowadays Cualuav is dominated by speakers of Eevo and a few other major Trician languages such as Windermere. Cualuav is located roughly opposite Etalocin, Talma, Txapoalli and Bjeheond. (This is mostly to isolate Cualuav from every other continent)


Cualuav was discovered by the Skellans, the Windermere, and the Anbirese who quickly populated the coastal area and founded Fyxoom.



todo: more countries

  • Fyxoom is the largest country in Cualuav.
  • multilingual country (Anbirese, Häskä, Nurian)
  • an Anbirese-speaking country
  • Häskä, Anbirese, Qenian, Windermere colonies


Shalian music

After fleeing the Idosians who defeated them in the Shalian Wars and settling in Cualuav, Shalians slowly developed their own musical tradition.

Shalian music employs inharmonic instruments and slendro (approximate 5edo) and mavila (7 or 9 notes out of approximate 16edo) scales.


Calque from British musical terms

  • note length names: breve, semibreve, crotchet, quaver, semiquaver, ...