
< Naeng
Revision as of 00:48, 18 August 2019 by IlL (talk | contribs)
  • tsnăcap = culture
  • tsi'eth = thing, object
  • ǎcnas = high
  • thpey = low
  • săpeath-păchnay = patriotism
  • ro'ărocs = cycle
  • honochs = boundary
  • roschon = (mathematics) homology
  • prăcăbäs = pupil
  • tswäs = glass
  • tba = later
  • cămra = to nickname
  • yut = to shine
  • yic = only
  • tănse = to act
    • bintănse = action
  • roac = time (occurrence)
    • N roac = N times
  • csie = star
  • wălieb = to be stunned
  • wăroaș = valley
  • clisăyfal = harmony
  • ftsüen = live
    • fitsüen = era, epoch
    • sǎftsüen = life
  • păstar = staircase; (musical) scale
  • hăldoan = unity
  • dălisoan = (music) unison
  • tluaf = tone
  • hăsüs = yet, still
    • die hăsüs = not anymore (NOT "not yet")
  • ălcăfol = to change
  • ansongfay = climate
    • bintădadech ansongfay = climate change (lit. climate heating)
    • ălcifol ansongfay = (euphemistic) climate change (lit. climate change)
    • thwang ansongfay = climate emergency/crisis
  • tsmä = now
  • torchmea = rather
  • răfongteaf = variation
  • gac = rabbit
  • lătgic = to chew
  • spănga = feather
  • gow = feather
  • thusăyieng = evil
  • frăcing = sin (violation of religious law)
  • răchim = (biology) male; (grammar) masculine
  • mătsoac = (biology) female; (grammar) feminine
  • fteach = body
  • strath = (poetic) sea
  • șroy = to pay
    • șișămiroy = usury
  • lăhuats = to rebel
    • nulăhuats = rebel
    • osatslăhuats = to rebel
    • binlăhuats = rebellion
  • nudlüey = vegan
  • chteas = vegetable
    • nuchteas = vegetarian
  • tăbiets = to ask
  • thwang = emergency (< thuwang)
  • hăltsăbas = dignity
  • chaneab = infinite, endless
  • că'oang = pulse
  • pdeas = slow
  • tsum = name
    • Chatsum = the Nameless (an epithet for the Second Mover, used especially by Snialites)
    • tsithum = to name
    • tsithum fi Chatsum = to do something foolish, futile, wrongheaded, or nonsensical (lit. to name the Nameless); [an expression popularized by Etsoj Jopah]
    • tsăfongum = to assign (someone as), to nominate
    • tsăreayum = to stigmatize
  • crilath = doubt (from cirea rath "two thoughts")
  • chtif = bee
  • lăhoal = rest, remainder
  • ătsoal = slave
  • łișfo = to meet
  • hăgep = to go out
  • fech = enough
  • mingsäch = week
  • răbam = to advise, to argue
    • rămbam = to formulate (Easter egg)
  • wăha = yes
    • nungil-wăha = yes-man
    • wăhang = well then
  • osatshuats = to rebel
  • nga = complementizer
  • rădäf = alphabet
  • fănaw = true
    • fănaw fănaw = verily, forsooth
    • șän-fănaw = wake-up call
  • ămflü = (literary) wake up
    • ăthămflü = wake up
  • chărea'i = to scorn
  • tieth = no
  • hălăhing = solstice
    • hălăhing srel = winter solstice
    • hălăhing doach = summer solstice
  • păchan = equinox (from Thensarian *bucsanom "middle, intermediate")
    • păchan șer = spring equinox
    • păchan prith = autumn equinox
  • lăde = to need
  • lăfongte = to entail, to imply
  • patsrin = food
  • clăcleng = bullshit, nonsense (onomatopoeia for hollow ringing)
  • ămeay-lămeay = pretentious-sounding nonsense (borrowed from Eevo)
  • thngop Ronea = Ngronaism
  • thngop rith-Mărots = Mărotłism
  • thngop Asra = Clofabian paganism
  • thngop Nutu = Pategian religion
  • thngop wălam = Naquian theaterism
  • thngop Sădew = Tlu religion
  • thngop Crănun = Ko religion
  • thngop Nufüș Hirath = Second Stopperism
  • thngop Umpa-Lumpa = Oompa-Loompaism
  • gling = to take
  • yăfüș = to stop
  • emcă'iguy = ideology
  • iguy = claim, -ism
    • iguy psoam-ișeal = pro-natalism
    • iguy căräng-ișeal = antinatalism
  • cduay = language
  • peth = old
    • pănăreth = senescent, senile
  • wüts = gift, grace, favor
  • chmoap = people, folk
  • thrăbets = enemy
  • clăduang = receive
  • tguay = face
    • clăduang tguay = to welcome
  • ha, hay = vocative particle
  • năłeng = virtue
    • dinăłeng = vice
  • chnărwüng = excellent
  • bü = baby (< *mpuʔ)
  • Wen Lăchua = (poetic) Wen Dămea
  • tge = voice
  • ăyied = (smaller) box
  • lăpüts = chest, larger box
  • tge-ba = person (calque from Eevo vyllwar)
  • lăłof = trombone
  • łădmä = plant
  • lithgow = to act, to play a character (actor)
  • lăgow = to pretend
  • ăntseng = violin
  • yă'ef = very
  • sifa = kantele
  • fithnar = translate
  • hathbur = artificial, manmade
  • sănoc = to multiply, to copy
  • socsănoc = (linguistics) to reduplicate
  • binsocsănoc = (linguistics) reduplication
  • năse = today
  • ngothreach = accent
  • ngăwes = strong
  • năhän = weak
  • cdeal = daring, bold
  • tsăm'oap = to split, to fork
  • slăda = to grind
  • pra = polite 2sg pronoun
    • impra = polite 2pl pronoun
  • hănuł = to encircle
    • sänuł = empire
  • łăduy = again
  • fnüc = hour
  • thăyol = to use
  • thof ăcreng = guppy
  • triem băr'i = rhinoceros -- a neologism from brey 'horn' and cră'i 'nose'
  • thăreng = net
  • ăcrăłüth = colorful
  • binngistoach = network (of people)
  • thăreng tsor sngeaf = WWW
  • sapleach = glory
  • pănărleach = glorious
  • mot = equative copula
  • chmi = to be at
  • ruay = to have; there exists
  • făsor = away from
  • șămar = mile
  • wăthra = "zillion"
  • părtos = pavilion
  • sngan = open
  • călciel = tile
  • pătseal = rage, fury
  • chwăhe = sad
  • hoad = often
  • wăceath = (archaic) to become
  • căfol = to become
  • yeang = dew
  • twas = lamp
  • păthan = stick
    • păthănthan = (Modern) chopstick(s)
  • ăfăyfay = calmly, nonchalantly
  • binpăreatü = violence
  • șăgor = spirit, soul
  • tsoa = morning
  • ărăngeal = terrible
  • stăthed = same
  • lăhal = pen
  • wăyha = death
  • tăgib = frost
  • op = (Classical) voici! here it is!
  • cănga = (Classical) it is obvious, it can be seen
    • placănărnga = obvious
  • tsămüt = paper
  • hădüel = evening
  • łăhea = must
  • lăhüł = to whisper
  • ăguas = hinge
  • tsră'am = to be tired
  • łăhoam = to praise
  • nă'üng = until
  • thuthănggem = to desire
  • sti = to distribute, to spread
  • păhuch = wise, astute
  • łäm = place
  • łämthutălieng = laboratory
  • chnur = song
    • chnărnur = (Modern) art song
  • cda = (Modern) ta-da!
  • hüec trămäy = umbrella
  • ăwieng = to perform, to have an effect
  • thăceas = beard
  • tsăding = lung
  • rătsof Łălad = the galaxy to which Tricin's sun belongs (lit. 'Łălad's path'; Łălad is a mythical figure)
  • pălat = alcoholic drink
    • thwălat = to ferment into ethanol
  • măgän = vinegar
  • răsu = flesh, meat
  • răsu = galaxy (from Tseer raxu)
  • tsăley = joyful
  • călüw căley = triumphantly joyful
  • Tsor ngean to mif fnüd ășeal! = Happy birthday!
  • yămał = element
  • ăläch = task, assignment
  • cădüp = kernel
  • hălcăngeb = heritage
  • fă'oy = to win (a game), to pass (a test)
  • emfă'oy = to acquire
  • făm'oy = to grant
  • măruth = salt
    • mișruth = salty
  • dual = sound, tone
  • dălisual = chord
  • lăblach = to sound
  • thuhămil = to resonate
    • eanăhil = to echo
  • prüen = sour
    • păyrüen = acid
  • oal = bitter
  • chmol = wheat
  • wăgier = tempeh
  • hăcea = rice
  • fă'iel = bread
  • thwäs = tears
  • sraf = forward
  • răbüch = leap
  • srathbüch = antelope (with some random changes)
  • mithbua = prayer
  • tuath = gratitude
  • ngituath (șa-) = to thank
  • thăbew = basis
  • rüe = give
    • thrüe = offer
    • răfongüe = to endow
    • răchemüe = to donate; to give charitably
  • snüe = land
  • moang = for (benefactive)
  • ba = through
  • crea = think
  • șămchats = to endeavor, to give effort
  • swoch = self
  • tsămăchean = to request
  • mitsmăchean = (intj) please
  • cithwił = receive
  • pămrang = be pleased
  • tăthathbur = create by hand
  • thpeaș = dirt
    • yăthpeaș = mediocre
  • șăbac = increase
  • rithuy = rich
  • ămdaw = past
  • cots = whole
  • tănar = home
  • mășua = (genitive)
  • thănge = (Classical) after
  • năbath = to sweat
  • cithfaw = to come forth
  • trămäy = rain
  • hac = passive particle
  • săchemnüch = bless
  • thăbur = work
  • tatsliet = urgent
  • sipoach = harvest
  • tămo = (literary) greatly, very (intensifier for verbs and adjectives)
  • hif = to sell
  • thuhif = to advertise, to market
  • ăgat = to cook
  • ngăpngap = disturbed
  • güf = bread
  • gleaș = to fry
  • fngor = alcoholic drink
  • răbiel = spring (mechanical device)
  • hăwä = pot
  • wădey = stove
  • feats = pan; stir-fry
  • plaw = honey
  • tăloac = die, cube
  • rătsal = to call
    • răytsal = order
    • rămtsal = to invoke
  • ătsuy = farm
    • nu'ătsuy = farmer
  • łălen = to beware
  • măsol = falsehood
    • yămsol = false
  • fnüd se = today
  • fnüd saf = yesterday
  • fnüd nang = tomorrow
  • fnüd łăbie-nang = the day after tomorrow
  • fnüd tăngap-saf = the day before yesterday
  • wăłon = to gather
  • chrăbong = easy (*koHbaŋ + r)
    • chnărăbong = complacent
  • tăngap = before
    • tămngap = to prepare
    • tălisngap = to foretell
  • łăbie = after
    • łăngbie = to delay
    • thułăngbie = to procrastinate
  • roan = to wait
    • nuroan = patient (adj.)
  • thăwä = border
  • thănwä = to border
  • ngiș = dune
  • tăru = a flourish; an ornament
  • ftoał = corner
  • smin = flow
  • chüem = flow
  • hăgea = bundle
    • hișcea = to bind, tie together
    • hăliscea = to associate
  • prăcăbäs = to associate
    • hălprăcăbäs = society
  • tănet = to breed
    • tănnăret = cultivated
  • săngäł = mallet
  • cieng = block
  • mădo = to lose (something)
    • plamăpto = (euphemistic) to pass away
    • endămisto = (Modern) to wander
    • măreado = to abandon
  • fră'es = sick
  • mäw = to hug
  • ăthie = to take out of water; save
  • chrifas = apple
  • reach = to tell
    • preach = messenger
    • prămeach = angel
    • ritheach = news
    • nureach = storyteller
  • pamithlin = (mathematics) complex (relating to complex numbers)
  • săway = to estimate
  • binsăfongway = (mathematics) analysis
  • făndaw = to test
  • binfăndaw = exam
  • panăfongsual = colony
  • tłach = to move, to act
  • thiec = some (less than 1)
  • yoath = to start
    • yămoath = to finish, to conclude
  • ămłua = to study
  • siet = to teach
  • ămie = roof
  • ălu = letter (writing)
  • siet = letter (character)
  • să'äm = flag
  • săfal = friend
  • łă'im = iron
  • păchwa = flea
  • șwet = rose
  • cmath = jaw
  • cmil = to vote
  • drił = stream
  • ngăhuat = example (from a univerbation of "nga hatuay")
    • ngămhuat = to illustrate
    • mongămhuat = illustrative
  • thbam = peace (obsolete; nowadays the Talmic word lăwi is used)
    • yăthbam = peaceful, calm, serene
  • ciem = to combine
  • ăfur = noble
    • nu'ăfur = aristocrat
    • ing'ăfur = to glorify (something mediocre or evil)
  • cătheng = fellow
    • sactheng = fellowship
  • scin = to stay
  • lieb = to place, put; to make something [adjective]
    • to make X Y = "lieb X șa Y"
  • wangpruaș = history
    • yăwangpruaș = historical
  • ămuch = (Modern) full
    • ănărmuch = plentiful
  • clüth = throat
  • gith = to fall (of leaves)
  • săwim = story
    • ingsăwim = to narrate
  • thuwim = to obey (< Old Wdm. wim 'to follow')
    • nuthuwim = obedient
  • binwărim = sequence
  • tăchemrieth = to avenge
  • tithrieth = to take revenge on
  • mădung = dialect
  • wăydüth = (Classical) instruction; (Modern) grammar
  • hămir = milk (noun) (Note: it originally meant "to milk" and was a causative of the obsolete Old Windermere word "hir")
    • hăfongmir = to milk (Classical and Modern Windermere)
  • trun = book
  • thăpeal = laurel
  • ăthaw = (poetic) red
  • mălin = pair
    • hălmălin = duality
  • șămșum = to hesitate
  • eth = correct
    • eth = emphatic particle (connotes 'it does', 'doesn't it?')
    • ingeth = to correct
  • tüth = to hold, to grasp
    • pădüth = meaning, intention
  • iec = line/lineage
  • tsăliet = fast
  • fnüd = day
  • thräf = pair
  • șän = word
  • șän-șän = word for word
  • șänthüech = to apologize; apology
  • șänswach = discourse; language as a reflection of one's character
  • sărach = vehicle
  • sămrach = to ride
  • moșiew = nature
  • șiew = source
  • łă'o = branch
  • năwäth = sine (etymology?)
  • lăchüech = to recite
  • lăchir = to write
  • lătap = to tap?
  • oar = to flow (~ Ksieħ òr 'day')
  • tuach = even
  • psüeth = naked
  • snar = to know (Modern)
    • hălsnar = knowledge
  • hălda = science (from the obsolete Old Windermere word da (know), which also survives in păda "sage")
  • brits = to speak
  • sngiem = to praise
  • neab = end
  • sngeaf = world
  • tłeab = pipe
  • thür = equal
  • wier = beautiful
    • ithwier = to improve
    • hălwier = beauty
    • ingwier = to beautify
  • snoach = learn
  • *chnay = to order, to arrange, to set (not used in Modern Wdm)
    • păchnay = king
    • chrăne = form, ideal
      • hălwier-chrăne = mathematics
  • tar = house
  • Nutłach Hirath = Second Mover
  • sieth = warm
    • tăsasieth = to warm up
  • ngă'ü = to enter
  • ăthüe = to exist
  • piros = ratio
  • sngith = time
  • sngat = tiny
  • łin = law, right, justice
    • păłin = judge
  • hima = law (statute)
    • hithma = to declare
      • binhithma = declaration
  • hi- = -th (ordinal marker)
  • ălie = state, polity
  • fne = to choose
  • chwäp = light
  • ploch = to shine
  • tmea = door
  • slüep = hole
  • sreł = wall
  • ey = side, next to
  • cădä = about
  • cliem = number
  • chneap = to protect
    • chrăneap = fortress (chneap with patientive -r-)
  • ing'ătseap = to leave, to abandon
  • tsă'oam = village
  • tălie = city, town
  • tsnuf = shape
  • ăłüth = color
  • chă'uay = dark
  • chpea = bright
  • mătäng = war
  • fuat = never
  • flał = sweet
  • ieng = to do
  • meang = statement, sentence; verb
  • săfnga = art
  • cmas = (prep.) between
  • mogmas = (noun) interval
  • tsărir = east
  • săcham = west (from a Proto-Tergetic word meaning to drown)
  • meach = north
  • tsăpräng = south (from a Proto-Tergetic word meaning west)
  • tăle = land
  • răsey = picture (noun)
  • ristey = to imagine
  • rithsey = to image (a Modern Windermere neologism)
  • pida = (Ngronaism) religious sage
  • Pda = Dr. (title for doctorates)
  • șer = spring
  • doach = summer
  • prith = autumn
  • srel = winter
  • spey = healthy
    • thuspey = vigorous
    • săwpey = valid
  • glan = straight
    • cănlăngcan = to stand straight; (morally) upright (etymology: FăL- gnomic reduplicant + ăng trigger + *àlkan 'straight')
  • tneam = flat
  • sănop = to touch
  • lăwi = peace (Talmic *lawī)
  • căfis = part
  • hădech = hot
  • rămec = ready
  • răgean = free (Classical Windermere) (from PLak *ʔagHen with patientive r)
    • răfongcean = to liberate
      • binrăfongcean = liberation
  • pluam = free (Modern Windermere)
  • că'üs = love
  • ăscap = crap, heck, damn
    • ăsăfongcap = to hell with it
  • să'il = sex

Function words



  • te = and
  • uy = xor
  • soas = or (either one of two)
  • seam = but
  • chăbec = but
  • łuch șa = in order to
  • yang = although
  • șang = so that
  • moang = relativizer
  • nga = complementizer


  • mi-: locative
  • ya-: comitative
  • șa-: allative
  • ngie: "like"
  • fa-: ablative
  • tsip : without
  • fe: by (passive)
  • ło-: on
  • tăngap: before
  • woach: behind
  • łăbie: after
  • ba: through
  • moang: of

Other particles

  • fnga = potential
  • thăgem = desiderative


  • ăma = mother
  • ep = father
  • ăma șir = grandmother
  • ep șir = grandfather
  • rith = son
  • łäf = daughter
  • flüech = brother
  • eay = sister
  • tăcats = uncle
  • șășul = cousin

TODO: in-laws


  • ngits = 0 (calqued from Proto-Ashanic χam 'empty' through Talmic *ȝits- 'empty')
  • do, doan = 1
  • rath = 2
  • stiw = 3
  • smäch = 4
  • müets = 5
  • tach = 6
  • ithoan = 7
  • chräf = 8
  • chăstie = 9
  • thaf = 10
  • thaf te-stiw = 13
  • thaf te-smäch = 14

multiples of ten: thaf, liew, lidaf, raliew, müethaf, srüch, srüthaf, srüliew, srülidaf, preth

  • preth = 100
  • 'napreth = 1000
  • rath thapreth te-thaf te-chlos = 2018

Ordinals: "First" is irregular: tăche. The other ordinal numbers use hi-: hirath, histiw, hismäch, .... "Last" is ămoach.


  • wang = matter, affair
  • făhew = help
  • twi = harm
  • yang = although
  • ămoach = last


  • sim = red
  • leth = green
  • cwie = yellow
  • feas = white
  • cdos = black
  • ăłüth = color
  • ăcrăłüth = colorful


  • Seth ya Pra = Hello (polite, to one person)
  • Seth ya Impra = Hello (polite, to >1 people)
    • Seth ya łen = Hello (familiar, to one male)
    • Seth ya łes = Hello (familiar, to one female)
    • Seth ya łănam = Hello (familiar, to >1 people)
  • Yu! = Bye! (very slangy; borrowed from Eevo)
  • Tuath = Thank you
  • Ra seaf? = How's it going? (informal)
  • Ra seaf șa Pra? = How are you doing? (polite)
  • Litra lăwi Pra/Impra? = How do you do? (formal/posh)
  • Wăha. = Yes.
  • Tieth. = No.
  • Fid cǎnwies ngie cduay Tsear/Clăfap = That is Tseer/Clofabosin to me.