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Clotricin (Clofabosin: clo·tricin 'AUG-world'; Wiebian: Hussmauch) is a conworld where Clofabosin is the international lingua franca.

Star system

G-type star: actin in Clofabosin, Unde in Wiebian

Planet names in Phormatolidin: Sphytin, Alathoin, Phycodin, Chlorotricin (Hussmauch), Sterocythin, Tharofudin, Clypharin, Xantheromin

Planetary characteristics

1 HM year = 381.3668618 Earth days/357.0806527870906 HM days

1 HM day = 25.6323176 hours


357 days = 51 7-day weeks

leap day every 12.3988275678 years

months: 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 29 30 30 30 29(30)

every 12 except: when the year is divisible by 372

perfect for clofabians

so the years 270, 520, 790, X40, 10E0, 1360, 1610, 1880, ... are not leap years

actually if the year is divisible by 130944=352*372 it's a leap year



  • Humans on Clotricin came from an extra-Actin planet.
  • Long period of glaciation like in our world.



  • Etalocin
  • Wiebosphere (known as Shijin in Reber Wiebian and Aem-Zrâtt in Trây)
  • Naquosphere
  • Bhadhagha Island (Literally read Irish gibs)
  • Doreusigeul

Talma (Northwestern Etalocin)

Main article: Verse:Talma

Loanwords tend to come from:

  • Science, law and administration: Old Netagin
  • Music: Koine Netagin (esp. in music directions)
  • Fashion and other arts: Koine Netagin, Tíogall, Nurian
  • Cuisine: Nurian
  • (Modern) philosophy and literature: Nurian, Tíogall

Earlier lingua franca: Old Netagin

Later lingua franca: Tíogall (in fact it remained the lingua franca until quite recently, before the Internet after which Clofab took over), perhaps also Koiné Netagin

Minority languages: Xaetjeon, Andarin

Eastern Etalocin

Loanwords tend to come from:

Southwestern Etalocin

Loanwords tend to come from:


Loanwords tend to come from:


Loanwords tend to come from:

Language families of Modern Hussmauch

Programming languages

  • Verbose language with Clofabosin keywords (Java + Python hybrid)

"if X": X sartan (sartan = "case, condition")

"for i in range(1,10)": (1,10) apidan gaptan i ibat (gloss: "(1,10) range member i DISTRIBUTIVE")

"while X": X otetan (otetan = "period of time")

  • Functional language
  • C analogue

Musical cultures

Logarithmic measure of intervals: exp(1/1728)

Eastern Etalocin


  • spúith (Clofabosin: spiutin)
  • ŋamas (Clofabosin: ingamsin)
  • penicillin = a wind instrument
  • ditoren = a string instrument

(a lot of overlap with Talmic music)

  • organs played with an isomorphic keyboard

Tuning systems

Some "modern" composers experiment with tuning systems such as various EDOs and linear temperaments, especially higher-limit meantone.



  • spúith (pl. spúithe) = plucked string instrument with sympathetic strings
  • ŋamas (pl. ŋamsa) = "Talman violin": a 5-stringed bowed string instrument used for the treble and alto register
  • ŋamsám (pl. ŋamsáma) = a ŋamsaí that's 1 octave lower
  • mifgól (pl. mifgóla) = a slide flute
  • jóghám (pl. jógháma) = a zither
  • tuaim (pl. tuaimear) = a reed instrument
  • fuíse (pl. fuísí) = a drum
  • More recently, seobhoidhre (pl. seobhoidhrí) = an isomorphic keyboard
  • solo voice or choir

Tuning to temperaments is done with reference instruments or monochords

A typical chamber ensemble:

  • 2 ŋamsa
  • 1 ŋamsáma


Various chamber ensembles:

  • "string trio": 2 ŋ + 1 Ŋ;
  • "string quartet": 3 ŋ + 1 Ŋ

Tuning systems

Classical music:

  • Older music uses 5, 7 limit JI scales (a variety of them; or free JI?)
  • Culminates in 11 limit JI and temperaments (mostly as approximations to JI; perhaps also a temperament-temperament like say 22edo).
  • Scúdhainn defined the concept of linear temperaments and used some rank-2 temperaments for the first time in her musical œuvre. (Matrices were known by then! Also linear temperaments arise naturally from equating similar intervals in constant structures)
  • Dekanies and eikosanies

Folk and popular music prefers "simpler" just scales:

  • 6:7:8:9:10:11:12
  • 5-/7-odd limit diamonds
  • 1 3 5 7 hexany

Musical forms

  • Art song settings of poems, with spúith or chamber accompaniment (Tíogall: éanril). Poems may deal with:
    • Nature, idyllic settings
    • Love
    • Mystical themes
    • A short dialogue
  • Opera


How can high-dimensional interval space x time be represented on two-dimensional paper?

  • Grid + accidentals - that's basically our system

Tempo markings and other staff directions are in Koine Netagin


Orchestras with metallophones/marimbas tuned to 15edo

Less emphasis on voice


Religions, mysticism and philosophy

  • Talmic paganism
    • Tíogall an Saichte (singular) for 'the gods' - that's like the opposite of Elohim
  • Wiebian paganism
  • Naquian paganism
  • Clofabian paganism
  • A more universalistic religion (in the same general cluster as Christianity or Mahayana Buddhism)
    • Perhaps the former multiple gods coalesce into one God - instead of elimination of other gods in favor of one of them
    • A person goes to a (potentially infinite?) chain of purgatories after they die - one's karma increases or reduces time served in purgatories
    • Heaven exists, "hell" is when a soul spends indefinite time in purgatories
    • People drawing up graphs/trees of afterlives lol
      • This turns into various board games


Surnames are bolded.

needs more linguists!


  • Quēhtloyoz - ancient Naquian linguist, wrote the first detailed grammar on Hussmauch
  • Huichaltzah - explorer and conlanger, explored the Wiebosphere around 360dd, discovered Old Kurmian and foretold the evolution of Xaetjeon
  • Wañbeeyiʼ - Sjowaazheñ poet


  • Kait lie Neumer "Kait I." - Ancient Wiebian king
    • lie sounds like a Code Geass nobility particle :D
  • Lobsang Zieferstein - Wiebian general
  • Tnehl Wottenstein - Wiebian composer


Any Raamaanujan people???

Needs moar composers

  • pseudo-Rocēdy - Cuadhlabhian (possibly Ladippic) mathematician (or a group of mathematicians), author of the Braochad Manuscript which is the first text to mention negative numbers, complex numbers and algebra
  • Līccot Attiȝanaedā - Ladippic astronomer, developed the heliocentric model of planetary motion
  • Yiššāraħi = Netagin geometer, described geometry and polytopes in 2-, 3-, and 4-dimensional Euclidean space
  • Snȳδiret Aecsārbe - Thensarian mathematician, who first approximated π to 96 base-12 places (~ 104 decimal places)
  • Tōvaomerom - ancient Clofabic orator
  • Báȝáš eth ham-Márótx - Netagin statesman and political theorist
  • Fóšén fat-Tazrír - Netagin chemist, physicist
  • ʔAmmúaħ far-Róthábh - Netagin geometer, physicist and engineer
  • Tungapinnaq - Raamaanujan mathematician

After two centuries of the Talman Dark Age brought about by a series of natural disasters and plagues...

  • Gealta Sŋochtar - Tíogall-speaking existentialist philosopher
  • Yakhef Batzaħ - Netagin physician who verified germ theory of disease
  • Ngeyshi Meȝnof - Netagin physicist and mathematician who invented calculus
  • Šófídh Tsáhóŋ-Tamdí - composer, physicist and music theorist who wrote the first music theory text, which has the first known mention of harmonic series; the just ratios generated by a given set of primes; various chords
  • Early Netagin composers (responsible for staff directions in Koine Netagin)
  • More composers
  • Ġiakkiūrą Uffanasseh - Nurian artist and polymath
  • Yamphotsaphidamchuerai Ativan - Clofabian lexicographer and novelist
  • Arformoterol Ziagen - Clofabian mathematician
  • Mabéas Leachra - Neoibhirian poet and novelist
  • Demash eth ha-Heshtön - Netagin naturalist who discovered evolution
  • Maedh Túil - A philosopher who invented utilitarianism
  • Raichnís Faoinn - Duínidhean naturalist and composer, known for introducing the music of Doreusigeul to Cuadhlabh
  • Aodhàn Càdlàg - Bhadhagha mathematician (real analyst)
  • Cláidhe Aoilinnstéin - Phormatian-Clofabian mathematician; Càdlàg's student
  • Sjameu Panzux - Xaetjeon linguist, reconstructed Proto-Talmic with help of Roshterian
  • Zarbía Scúdhainn ♀ - Duínidhean algebraist, number theorist, tuning theorist and composer
  • Adhál Baeich (Eodhal Baesj) - Xaetjeon mathematician, a student of Scúdhainn
  • Stearras Salmatar - Duínidhean inventor
  • Sabúra Gnaebhán ♀ - Neoibhirian science fiction writer
  • Reocht Miarchuath ♀ - Neoibhirian botanist and crop breeder. Responsible for a handful of popular modern cultivars.
  • Biūtų Kavvara - Nurian economist
