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Hey, stuff is happening on my end so I'm not able to post much. I've noticed it's kind of quiet though, anything I could do to give it a kick that doesn't invovle a great deal of creative power on my end? Or is there quiet stuff going on that I haven't noticed?

Also, I recall you mentioned something about original literature or some contest for that which I could at least try or help endorse.

-Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 04:51, 6 June 2013 (CEST)

I'm a a bit busy as well until at least mid June, so I'll be a bit quiet as well. Well, you could spread the word ;)
I will look into the library idea later! --  Chrysophylax 00:40, 8 June 2013 (CEST)

We do have literature category for conlangs :) Feel free to add things to it, preferably things that gives a challenge in translation or things you plan on translating yourself.   Emperor Zelos 10:54, 8 June 2013 (CEST)

Yeah, I've already taken advantage of that. I think you, myself and GreatBuddha [who is primarily on wikia due to simpler table interface and more activity] are the only ones using it and I'm the only one with original works in written in my language [though you and GB may have translated it yourselves]. I'd like to see a competition or some sort of stronger incentive for short stories/poems in order to draw people out and encourage them to try and use their languages to their fullest extent and share it with the rest of us, because in the words of Tolkien; "Volapük, Esperanto, Ido, Novial, &c, &c, are dead, far deader than ancient unused languages, because their authors never invented any Esperanto legends".

Even if it would only lead to small things like short stories, myths and rhymes that are only a few paragraphs long, it will help people get a fuller feel for the language and would make it easier for us to pick featured langs in the future.

-Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 03:37, 11 June 2013 (CEST)


Whist I approve of this project of yours, I disapprove of the intermixing of constructed language literature and the natural language texts. Texts in the previously pseudo-namespace "Translation", such as "The Tower of Babel" are in my opinion not to be categorised under the literature banner; they serve a different purpose, since they exist to promote the conlangers' translations of the same texts, for comparison.

People are more inclined to translate non-conlang literature, and many of the texts have become an institution to translate, say "Babel" and "The Lord's Prayer". There is a big chance that the literature category texts will live up to their name and simple be stored in the library for interested people to read. I therefore object to the intermixture of the two namespaces.

Sincerely,   Waahlis 07:54, 12 June 2013 (CEST)

Waahlis is right, red riding hood and such should be under translation or possible something else, literature is for conlang literature.   Emperor Zelos 09:58, 12 June 2013 (CEST)

I understand your concerns, yet I am not so sure creating another namespace is the way to go. I do not think creating 'translation only' and a 'conlang-only texts' would be beneficial, as it would split up text content (intended for translation) unnecessarily with prefixes when a simple category such as Category:Translation exercises would do. I, following on what I perceive to be Fauxlosophe's intent, feel that both texts from natlangs and conlangs should be encouraged to be translated. Thus, separating it into a whole new namespace feels a bit overkill. I mean, it's literature. To assuage fears of conlangers not translating texts, I have started writing a few templates to "single out" the standard texts for translation.
I have also modified a few templates to allow one to add one's language from the get-go as seen on Ishtar spoke to her father. It's not perfect as it currently just preloads the whole page but in a subpage, but it should help encourage people to translate texts. I also intend on adding a large section to Literature:Portal regarding translations, clarifying, and encouraging users to translate.
Currently, I've styled my translation-encouragement-pages on The Lord's Prayer example, not on the Little Red Riding Hood. I would like it if you gave some input on
Do the honourable lord administrators still object? --  Chrysophylax 04:43, 14 June 2013 (CEST)

I still do, yes. However, I cannot be bothered to revert all you changes now. Please see my reply on the matter of individual translated subpages.   Waahlis 13:54, 14 June 2013 (CEST)

I like the feel of the library and can see some definite strengths, but my intent was to find ways to encourage others to write original literature. I have to admit, I do really like the idea of breaking things down into glosses and translating what can be translated between conlangs; it creates a sense of shared community between our conlangs, however it wasn't my intent.
I hoped to encourage con-texts with competitions, discussions in the forum and maybe some sort of mini-featuring on the main page like the audio for Kihammic. Most conlangs I've seen with poems/texts look like the lang was built around the poem and offer little actual info on the lang, while many very detailed languages here have little to no original text. I take a lot of my conlanging philosophy off of Tolkien and I think a conlang without a history and stories feels a little empty to me, so I'd love to see the wiki take steps in this direction. The "library" category elevates original work to an equal level is good for that [better than seeing it crammed in the back recesses anyway] which is what I thought your intent was. I'm a bit impartial towards a redivision but I really want to encourage a bit more exposure towards the original texts that were written, because compared to "translations", the "literature" category was a bit less visible and much less filled.
So a challenge or competition there would be welcome [I'd try to come back and compose something new for it] since it would get people thinking/working outside of the linguist box and into the pretty words box. I'll sketch out something more detailed on the forums. I sort of like the Library tab but I do understand Waahlis' objections and I am content either way, though some nudges encourage people to translate eachother's works [once we have a few featured on here] might be worth a go.

-Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 05:52, 2 July 2013 (CEST)

Thank you

Hey Chrys, thank you very much for having voted me :) I've appreciated your vote and your opinion :) Now I'm studying hard (did I say to you I've done a Swedish exam? Now I'm waiting for results!!!), but I'm thinking to improve and change a little my Aarlaansk ;) You'll see :)   Llyn 14:53, 17 June 2013 (CET)

Re: Cerebro

Ave, senātor.

I have started, an almost finished, a new Main page. The old one broke when zoomed, was already too large for the window in certain browsers, and did not work at all on mobile devices.

I would like your opinion.

Sincerely,   Waahlis 13:09, 30 June 2013 (CEST)

I am cranky that I have to redo my translations but the new version is definitely better about the zooming/size issues.

-Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 05:38, 2 July 2013 (CEST)

Oh, don't worry, I can't recall I changed much of the text!   Waahlis 11:44, 2 July 2013 (CEST)

Salve, o augustissime artifex!
I must say, it looks very, very, cool. The only thing I would seek to comment is the "header" or "banner". It seems a tad lifeless/colourless compared to the previous page. I also miss the distinctiveness of the "Languages"-tab which is now just a common button. I think it looked a little better being a tad more prominent before. Easy to find for the user. But yes, I agree with Faux, no longer will I get weird overlays when zooming! --  Chrysophylax 23:24, 5 July 2013 (CEST)

I know, I'll take a look at the banner yet again. And I too miss the big, big link to all languages, but some sacrifices had to be made. On the other hand, the buttons do make the other links a bit more prominent; less i skymundan.   Waahlis 11:36, 11 July 2013 (CEST)

I've made a smaller change, changing it's colour, and I tried to alter the location of the welcome text as much as possible. Shall I implement it? Any other parts in need of improvement?   Waahlis 11:52, 11 July 2013 (CEST)



I noticed two relays kicking around. What's happening with those?

-Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 02:52, 4 July 2013 (CEST)

What do you mean; relays? :S The wiki isn't officially participating or documenting the relays, but I suppose Chrys could've done a few!   Waahlis 20:29, 5 July 2013 (CEST)
I am sorry if the relays caused confusion, I simply meant to add them (the source) as translatable texts. They are often quite interesting and one has the chance to compare with other conlangs if one is into such things. We are not participating in any relays as Waahlis pointed out, that is for each individual and his conlang to decide. :P   Chrysophylax 23:10, 5 July 2013 (CEST)
I was just curious and I'd highly recommend promoting and doing stuff like that. It's competitions and stuff like this that helps bring a web-community together [which is the main point of putting it up on a wiki if you ask me], so I got sort of excited seeing it kicking around. If you want to throw one together for the wiki, you can definitely count me as interested.
Cheers, Fauxlosophe (talk) 01:50, 11 July 2013 (CEST)

Sounds like a interesting idea. Since it's the summer, we've got a bit fewer users around, but if we manage to recruit some more people, I would gladly partake. I fear I don't know how it works, but Chrys can probably help out with that.   Waahlis 12:42, 24 July 2013 (CEST)