First Linguifex Relay/Comparison

The First Linguifex Relay was a game of conlang relay starting with a Valian text called Saola peadid, and lasted from Wednesday, 4th of September, 1:20 AM CEST, until Tuesday, 10th of September, 7:30 PM CEST. There were seven rounds, although one forfeited, and thus seven contestants.

The original text was provided by User:Chrysophylax and dealt with the passing of time and changing of seasons.

Saola Peadid – The Lovebirds' Song

Below are all of the conlang translations of the song and their English translation.

Saola Peadid

Original Valian English

iIlmana riigin vaevannain1
saolana saolain elennain2
saolana viihma tarvasin
(äryanänna peadid3)
lumalle aega4
täsarma hiiva
västamma aura
(äryanänna peadid)
neesta Vastaa
ruunann' pahaa!5

He wanders the lands of the dreaming
He sings the songs of the unliving
He sings the death of trees
(The lovebirds have left)
Prick of frost
Icing of water
Passing of time
(The lovebirds have left)
And he is Father Winter

Ashâff nGec'hŷr

Cwengâr English

Negw lho shŷc'hâmonaff nâr,
Cwec'hŷrh lho hatâr c'hec'hŷraff,
Cwec'hŷrh lho c'harhôn sogwôran,
Tepâle rynŷnaff ffa hashâff
Cwemar tegw nug'hôn
Cwemacwen c'han.
Negw fôffan
Tepâle rynŷnaff ffa hashâff
Temerhôlh C'hetŷl
Cwâm lho henâm hâtaff.

He drifts [through the] dreaming lands,
He sings songs of stillness
He sings songs of dying oak,
Fly Lovers with [the] Birds
[The] gentle prick of forst,
Frozen water,
Drifting time,
Fly Lovers with [the] Birds
Silent Cwetŷl,
He knows what is hidden.

I must confess that the aggulnative nature of Valian made me miss prepositions, the final version [recorded in literature] shows some minor changes that lend to a more smooth translation.

Katoha avechao

Rigwayavo English

Rabohari teraa homochaosunyo
hochari kaao thakyovane
ho ka motücha,
amohado voroa averhao
ichoha marechamore
maage magero.
Tepoha morecha
amo vo ave
minoha rokwehane
savehari rereaoobüsükuro.

Insert Rigwayavo to English translation.

Kāni petāhen

Harākti* English

Derhat epi degōnan sūprauente,
kānet ar nān hagrān,
kānet hambi mērī,
leubōdei lektan petāhpi,
pūsmanā skamprehmanā maru,
merhtā maru, ēhtā maru.
Kēse skampen,
leubōdei lektan petāhpi,
Lahvihi ne dēket,
vādet krahumnīn.

He drifted across the land[s] dreaming,
He sang for nothing to happen,
He sang about death,
Two lovers flew with birds,
A blowing, changing sea,
a cold sea, a frozen sea.
The time of change,
Two lovers flew with birds,
The goddess of the underworld didn't say,
(S)he knew secrets.

Note: a few endings may have changed in the language since the translation.

Kanāti hikaukaʻinā

Kiwi English

 Ōnatahāʻi wakaʻi, ma keʻeli,
kanāti me telēaheʻ,
kanāti maʻorīnā,
kilāʻ wewiʻakānia nuhuʻ kikaukaʻime,
ʻūluna tāʻingīne wetāʻitelā,
ʻūluna tāʻipīriʻ, ūluna tāʻiwuʻe.
Katā yilāʻ yititelāʻinā
kilāʻ wewiʻakānia nuhuʻ kikaukaʻime,
ʻĀlunu ana me naʻi,
ʻālunu ana taʻahumei taʻ hikōloʻi.

Drifting over the lands, dreaming,
singing for no one reason,
singing about death
two lovers fly with the birds,
the gusty sea, the changing sea,
the cold sea, the icy sea.
time of the two changes
two lovers fly with the birds,
The abyss did not speak,
the abyss saw the secrets.

Ga̋lnàu horáš (Singing of a Songbird)

Themsaran English

Šánokrátnaver lúavâ, i̋egèr,
Ga̋lèv ašt snamíge,
Ránga̋ltnev prâiš,
Luajǎžetnevi títhâr banéžach horašách,
Fǒnìe dánefra̋tē ħanárvē,
Fǒnìe thnǎŧȅ, fǒnìe rīvédrē,
Títhâr kýndêlker ħárvènir,
Luajǎžetnevi títhâr banéžach horašách,
Hébāŋkêv Cholšîe,
Tósasáŧ Cholšîe ŋírámbétȅ.

There is wandering on the earth - a dream,
There is singing without purpose,
There is singing like murder,
Two lovers fly with songbirds,
The raging and changing sea,
The freezing sea, the icy sea,
Two seasons of change,
Two lovers fly with songbirds,
The great ocean was in silence,
The great ocean saw what was hidden.

Saolamma saulava

Valian English

Saolamma saulava
Ilmasse riik vaaba
Saolasse liiva anna
Saolasse üho neagi
(Pirinn valhanän nii saulavain)
Kaasa hauha kaunëiha
Kaasa lumaha täättava
Kehta sooviin muuna
(Pirinn valhanän nii saulavain)
Sule eselatta
Sule ruunnama keelta

The singing of songbirds
A dreamland is wandered
Without purpose it is sung
Of untimely death it is sung
(The lovers fly away with the songbirds)
The sea is wroth and ever changing
The ice-capped sea is freezing
Two seasons of change
(The lovers fly away with the songbirds)
The deep has become silent
The deep has seen what is hidden.